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Everything posted by Peron

  1. The slip string drive i supported mathematically. It's based on the theory of general relativity, which is broadly accepted and confirmed. Through gravitational redshift and lensing. Since mass can bend space, then (theoretically) we could one day use this phenomena to travel faster than light. Using superheavy elements to bend the space around you, isolating your self from the rest of the universe. Really this isn't a hard concept to understand, and even main stream science has been talking about Warp drive. The slip string drive is sort of like the warp drive, but more realistic since it doesn't require negative mass, or huge amounts of energy.
  2. Most of the things sci-fi predicted became a reality. Cellphones, portable computers, robots, supercomputers, A.I, etc. All thecnology starts out as fantasy but can become real. It's called exploratory engineering. By creating hypothetical models and simulation, then we try to fit it into reality. I'm not saying that the Slip string Drive will be built tomorrow, I'm saying that the first experiments can be performed 50 or 60 years from now. Long time indeed.
  3. Their are experiments being done right now, into superheavy isotopes. Transuranium elements have a higher atomic number than Uranium, but they decay rapidly. But according to the island of stability we could make superheavy isotopes decay more slowly, or even stop the decay and make them stable. Maybe in 50-60 years, we could build the slip string drive.
  4. Well, almost everything Einstein predicted using the General theory of relativity has been validated. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tests_of_general_relativity Although, Gravity waves haven't been detected in a direct way I think they will since the General theory of relativity has been so successful in predicting other observable phenomena. Another point about particle synthesis, is that we have made new molecules, to produce exotic material. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muonium We are not that far from creating suer heavy isotopes which, theoretically would produce gravity waves. Using these waves we would isolate ourselves from the rest of the universe, and travel faster than light.
  5. General Relativity has been proven, yet gravity waves haven't, their is no reason why they shouldn't exist. We could one day use them to our advantage. Using super heavy isotopes to create gravity waves, isolating yourself from the rest of the universe. Circumventing the known laws of physics. This isn't, dubious or outlandish, this is base don real science and real research. LIGO is out their right now looking for gravity waves, and everyday we smash atoms creating new particles. So, it's not that outlandish to say I want to explore the universe.
  6. Your statement is nonsense. The slipstring drive is based on actual physics. Although Gravity waves have never been detected, I'm thinking they will be. So if they are, then that opens a new door to possibility.
  7. Yet we can not sit around and do nothing. It's either we start experimenting now, or we never get off the ground. I for one want to explore space. So why not?
  8. This might help; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SlipString_Drive "This method uses gravity waves created by stable superheavy elements to gravitationally isolate a spacecraft in a "bubble" of isolated space-time. This "bubble" is then distorted into an egg shape and the external pressure of spacetime propels it. This doesn't violate relativity because the spacecraft wouldn't pass through the space between the point where it becomes gravitationally isolated and the point where it emerges from its isolated region of space-time."
  9. Well, Special relativity has been proven. I am not saying it hasn't, and if something is sent faster than light does not disprove the theory. Particles in a accelerator come close to the speed of light, but they cannot go faster than light, not matter how much more energy they put into the device. Their must be something happening. And humans have the ability to adapt to nature. Like gravity. IT was impossible one hundred years ago to go into space, not we have hundreds of devices orbiting the earth. I want to believe that one day we will over come the light barrier. The point is that particles can exist in two places at once. We live in a non-local universe. Action can happen at a distance. Particles do disappear here and appear their, all the time in labs. All, I am saying maybe one day we will travel faster than light. I am not trying to disprove anything. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI have a question, why doesn't light experience time dilation? Or does it?
  10. Hmm, did I say anything about disproving SR?? Sorry people shouldnt say things they dont understand. http://www.daviddarling.info/archive/2002/archiveSep02.html#lightbarrier http://www.webscription.net/chapters/0671319531/0671319531.htm
  11. Their have been experiments done to show that their are kinks in special relativity. Like the faster than light part. Anyone heard of Quantum Entanglement? Or the double slit experiment, one photon existing at two places at once. Information has been sent faster than light, already. I think, if mass increases the faster you move, then somehow you could, decrease the mass and go faster than light!
  12. Well, control is a problem. But I think DNA triggers and controlled chemical reactions should give some control. In my first post I talked about DNA triggers and rug delivery, the same DNA triggers can be programmed to sense different kinds of cells. But yeah control is a problem, but thats more of a engineering problem, than a science problem. The science problem is trying to get the proteins to fold.
  13. Free the quarks!!!
  14. A Little note on surgery, we hurt the body to fix the body. Surgery is crude. Small protein robots could do a far better job at fixing scraps and wounds. Lets say someone gets shot. the special protein machines can disassemble the bullet. Then other protein seal the wound. Another way to seal wounds, and this is more down to Earth. Is to use a bright infared beam to melt organic wax. The wax will act as a glue.
  15. I was thinking diamond circuit breakers. Hmm, so a plasma computer wouldn't work then? What about a linear plasma computer, which uses the space between two carbon nano tubes to send electrons.
  16. Computer logic gates are on and off switches. When it's on, the electric signal flows, when off no flow. Simple binary. The Plasma computer works, by constructing a plasma arc. The arc bridges the two small electrodes, allowing the electric signal to flow. The computer would be a cylinder, with billions of electrodes, the small cylinder would be filled will a gas, to allow arcing. The arcs would be tiny, each would be nanometres across. Plasma is a far better conductor than silica. Making the plasma computer, far faster than any computer on this planet. Nikola Tesla, once made a inertia less plasma! The plasma was almost super fluid, it had no friction! The computer would be super fast. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedThe Particular bulb I talked about is describe in his book. http://books.google.com/books?id=Y5bOI0YdWesC&dq=The+Inventions,+Researches+and+Writings+of+Nikola+Tesla&printsec=frontcover&source=bn&hl=en&ei=idINSrOaPKestAPk-MnnAg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4#PPP8,M1 He was a genius. In the true scents. http://www.tfcbooks.com/tesla/1892-02-03.htm#TRANSFORMER Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedHmm no one finds this fascinating. Oh well.
  17. As human civilization, moves forward, we discover new things, we propose new ideas. We expand, not only technologically but also mentally. From Copernicus, to Newton, to Einstein. They brought us closer to understanding our universe. Where they wrong? No, they where right. They changed science. But expansion does not stop, human thirst for knowledge continues. And it will continue for as long as humans are in existence. Have we figured out the entire universe? No, of course not. We still have a lot to learn. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedWe are like cave men trying to figure out what fire is. It's their burning, but what the hell is it! We see all this happening all around us, but we cant even begin to comprehend what all this around us is. We don't even know how space-time looks, let alone know how it works.
  18. DNA is replicated, into RNA. The RNA travels outside of the nucleus, and is read by a ribosomes, this ribosomes then builds a new protein chain. Protein's are built out of Amino acids, their are 20 different amino acids in the human body, when arranged properly they build a specific protein. This long line of protein then folds to form a protein machines, such as a ribosomes. Form is function, instead of software being inside the hardware, the hardware and software is one! The ribosomes reads any RNA given to it, and then it translates that code into protein. By using ribosomes you could construct better machines that make our bodies better. For instance the protein in the muscle can be changed by writing a new set of DNA instructions and injecting it into the cell. The ribosomes then builds the protein, you can make weak muscles or strong, depending on the instructions of the DNA. A protein machine could be designed, then the DNA printed, injected into a bacteria. In hours time you would have billions of these nanomachines. Or a strand of DNA could be added to the fertilized, egg. When the baby would be born, their body's would naturally produce these protein machines. The protein machines would repair the body, and fight off viruses. Engineering living adult humans is more difficult. But no doubt can be done. It will be done by filling nanobubbles with amino acids, and ribosomes. The bubble then would be injected with RNA. These would be tiny nano factory's. These could be injected into a person with a tumour. When the ribosomes would finish building the protein machines, a ultrasonic pulse would burst the bubble releasing the protein machines. The protein machines would destroy the cancer. Another ultrasonic pulse would destroy the protein machines. Is this even possible? Of course what do you think your made out of!? Small protein machines that attack and kill viruses. Even, Viruses use host cells to replicate all the time. By injecting there RNA into the host cell, the host cell replicates it and builds new viruses. Using natural systems that haven't failed us in millions of years, we could build better medical devices* and build better humans. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedFor drug delivery, the protein machine would be a kind of collector. With a DNA trigger in front. When the triger feels, lets say a insulin molecule, it grabs it, taking it to where the drug is needed. http://arstechnica.com/old/content/2008/10/rna-based-logic-gates-compute-inside-cells.ars Another, machine could use a DNA computer to locate, fat cells, that build up in the heart. Removing it. Simple cure for heart attacks.
  19. To cure ageing you can use, stem cells. Some day in the not to distant future, we will be able to regenerate our bodies. Kind of like this, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Body_Electric Silver ions, where able to regrow human fingers, and heal third degree burns. This book was published in 1998, yet no one has tried to redo the tests. And if we had biobeds, that regenerate our bodies, we would be able to live forever. Imagine what we could do then, how smart could humans get if they could live forever? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedHere is another interesting link. http://rexresearch.com/becker/becker1.htm
  20. Peron

    The universe

    The space between two objects in a vacuum, looks empty, it seems empty. Yet it cant be empty, because the objects would not exist. Our atmosphere for instance seems empty yet it is not. Space looks empty but it cannot be empty. Call it whatever you want, space-time, aether, etc. Something is their, and we know its their. Since we can detect all sorts of fluctuations in space. Now, we know that the space between two objects is 3D. That means whatever vacuum/space, is made of is 3D. It has volume, and it can transfer energy. Space is far more complex than we think. So this is my explanation to what the universe is. Here it is in its simple form. Imagine a ball of water, the water is what the space is made out of, and small specks of dust is the matter floating in the water. Water can be a liquid and a solid. So, what I am saying is that matter is made of this space. For instance if I take a round piece of bread and smash it on the ground. People will conclude that the small pieces are what makes the bread this is true, but they will never say that the small pieces where made out of the dough. So, this is the basis of my idea. I'm saying whatever space is, it is made out of something, and that something can turn into matter. Big Bang solved.
  21. Their were many theories that where illogical. Just look at radio astronomy. Just look at Einstein's theory, he had to crawl through swamps to prove his theory. The point is that evidence cannot pile up against my idea when their is no evidence for my theory. You can say whatever you want, you cant disprove it, nor can I prove it. I mean, I cant set up a billion dollar experiment, like the real scientists do. But their is a high probability, of this particle of existing. I mean just look around, their is enough proof for you.
  22. Look, im still in middle school, I dont know complex math.
  23. Look, the idea is a imagination. The point is, that once I read a book about space-time. Space-time at the time made no sense, so I went of trying to explain space, time, gravity. My explanation have no math. they are fantasy, but my fantasy can be proven with one test. A very simple test. You asked why the test would work, well let me tell you why. Imagine it like this, your in a boat on water, paddling. Now instead of water, you are floating right now in this particle. And your paddling with electrons. The electrons grab at the particale and while they flow from one capacitor to another, they pull the entire device forward. Simple test. No equations involved.
  24. I cant predict this with match. I would, but I dont know how. You asked for tests, and here is one test you can do to prove this particle exists. Take a bank of capacitors, charge the first one with electricity, then discharge the energy throughout the entire bank. If you do this in a vacuum chamber and if the system moves, then the particle does exist. For now, the theory is its infancy. But if this test is correct then the particle exists. You all seem to think that some how I believe in my own theories. I dont, no one should believe in their theories. Untill they are tested. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged I made a estimated guess. Energy and space do not exist, these are just words to explain what we see around us. The reason I mention Plancks constant is because the space particle has a very high vibration. I understand what you are saying. I myself wont accept theories with out proof. If this idea, explanation, theory whatever it is is correct. Then new technology will sprout. All is needed is one test. As I explain above.
  25. Peron

    Thread Theory

    So you guys don't think these threads exist? I dont see how QM explains attraction and repulsion. I have never, ever read anything about HOW a magnet atracts another magnet. The thread theory is the only theory that explains this.
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