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Everything posted by Peron

  1. Peron

    Thread Theory

    Science is explanation. Explain a phenomena in nature. All science needs you to be is logical.
  2. Facts?? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_energy As you can see, my "idea" explains where this energy is coming from.
  3. Peron

    Thread Theory

    Science a tool to EXPLAIN nature, all we see around us. My explanation differs form yours. Proof has nothing to do with science. When we smash particles, we see what the theory predicts. We see EM ropes being unwound and scattered in all directions. Proof, and the theory explains far more things. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged What do you mean? When electrons move they produce electrcity, same with the threads they spin producing electrcity. Like a ecletric motor.
  4. Peron

    Thread Theory

    http://www.freewebs.com/iondynamics/Beam-Beam%20Collision.jpg http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/mvigeant/univ_270_03/Jaime/atom-smasher-gold-collision2.jpg If only TWO gold Ions collide they would only release 1400 quarks and gluons. We see tens of thousands. Where are the extra particales coming from, simple anwser those are not particales but EM ropes.
  5. Peron

    Thread Theory

    I myself have many problems with the theory, but I like the idea of EM ropes connecting atoms. Because it explains how magnets work. And thread theory explains Entanglement, better then relativity.
  6. Peron

    Thread Theory

    Science is about explanation, and that picture does prove that atoms do have threads. Notice how we dont see particles, but long thin lines. But I do have a question, can EM radiation turn into a thread/rope?
  7. The thread theory, I was surfing the net, and stumbled upon this. http://www.thunderbolts.info/forum/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1106&st=0&sk=t&sd=a Proof of these ropes can be seen, here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:First_Gold_Beam-Beam_Collision_Events_at_RHIC_at_100_100_GeV_c_per_beam_recorded_by_STAR.jpg Those lines are, EM ropes!! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedElectrons would be made of EM ropes, entangled like a ball of yarn. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedThis is not my Idea, nor my posts. I just agree with them. http://www.thunderbolts.info/forum/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1259&st=0&sk=t&sd=a
  8. Actually I was wondering if anyone could explain what this guy is talking about? He says matter is a wave in aether. http://glafreniere.com/matter.htm " The material Universe is solely made out of Aether "
  9. hmm, so you can use bacteria as a factory. What if you inject the DNA strained to make haemoglobin into bacteria, will the bacteria make haemoglobin?? Thanks.
  10. Hello, I am writting a report for my teacher and need to know a simple question. When the virus penetrates the cell and releases its RNA or DNA, does the cells ribosome's then build new protien parts, using the cells machinery. Or does the virus inject its own molecular machines? thanks a bunch:-)
  11. One gram of the particle. When I say space, I mean the particle. Sorry for not making that clear. But the theory is not useless, using this theory, I have come up with ways of instant communication, faster then light travel, and harnessing energy from the particle. Their are many more things that can be extracted from the "theory". Your right it's not a theory, it's a logical explanation of the universe, and where it came from. Of course, proof and evidence remains to be gathered, but if someone looks closer they will find what their looking for. I know why their is so much hostility, you guys think I'm challenging your ideas about the universe, but I am not, I am simply pointing out what others are missing.
  12. Peron

    Equality is king

    Well, I believe thecnology and science can fix everything. A few hundred years ago, if you wanted to eat you had to gather the food, gather the fire wood, etc. etc. A few hundred years ago humans had to work for there survival. Now to make food you flick a switch. To heta your house another switch. Eventually thecnology will be so good, that there will be no need for money. Everything will be free. Yes I am talking about utopia.
  13. Well, no one on earth has the technology to actually see this particle I am predicting. So there really is no way to prove its existence. But about the gram of space, when I said space i was talking about the particle. One gram of this particle can vapourize the earths oceans in one second. The Planck's constant, the massively powerful frequency's at which space (the particle) vibrates at. The casmir effect proves its existence. If you match the same frequency, you can couple with the particle and poof the world is destroyed. And this idea explains Quantum tunnelling. Actually the first time I ever heard of Quantum tunnelling was when I was in middle school. That's when my theory took shape, and this is exactly what Quantum tunnelling is, the particle borrows like he said, from the universe, this is the universe is the particle. Then it moves through the universe like a wave. And this is exactly what we have observed. Now of course you canmake better space travel with this idea. You create a superpowerful EM sheild, it has to be at a certian frequancy, then give it at least 14 exawatts of power, and poof, you could in theory quentum tunnel.
  14. Yeah that is confusing. But ever wonder where the photon gets it's energy to quentum tunnel? The space particale! Well, it's complete and utter bull unless someone tests for it. But the Planck's Constant proves space is made out of a particale. There is more stuff, but I cant find it right now.
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck%27s_constant Empty space is full of energy one gram would be enough to vaparize the Earths oceans in a second. Whoa. Hope that never happens. Tender Blue, explains why there is so much energy in space. Without atoms there would be no energy. We would not exist. So, we can't just be floating around in empty space. Empty space, is just that, it's empty! So space cannot be empty it has to have a structure just like everything else. Just like our atoms, this particale which is everywhere, keeps everything toghter. And this particale has enough energy to power the entire planet with clean electrical power for billions of years. This could be sub-space, but not the sub-space in the movies, the reason i call it subspace, is because of how small it is. Anyway we float around like bugs in water, in this particale. He he, The particale is the structure of space. And for tests, we need to study quentum tunneling and then we will find that space in fact is made of this particale.
  16. Peron

    Equality is king

    There should be no below average. Everyone should be equal.
  17. Capitalism: "Imagine. Can you imagine what would be the result of a society where the initiation of force is banned from all relationships? It would not make every man moral, nor would it prevent every injustice. But, think what it could do? It would result in: a society of good will and benevolence, where each man sees his neighbor not as part of a gang ready to rob him, but as a potential trader, from which he can gain immense values. A society where each man is prepared to judge and be judged -- not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character. A society where each man can worship his own god, in his own way -- even if that god is the greatest of all gods: "I". A society of free-thinking and free- acting individuals, and not a society of one muddy collective, ruled by a despot who has monopolized the title of the "voice of the people." A society where each man is free to pursue his own happiness, wherever it may take him." The problems with capitalism is here: Value is nothing. Because humans don't want money or diamonds, they want food, water and shelter. Commodity is nothing in mans eyes, its just blinding humans form what they can achieve. Everyone has a opinion. But why judge, judging leads to violence and anger. Human character is built on rules if someone steps out of line he is judged to the point where he cannot take the pressure. Kindness is what is needed in society, not ones free thinking self. Because man has the capacity to change how he or she behaves. Man worships god. This leads to a idea that some how you are gods chosen people. You see yourself as Superior. A society that can think anything and do anything, will pervert reality and make people drift apart. Capitalists see themselves as individuals and heroes. They believe in one man and themselves. But this goes against everything science has found over the years, humans are not freethinking, we are slaves to our emotions and nature. Humans are social creatures. Humans are evolving. Humans don't need money for survival. Equality is the key to a society. Humans have traits, and instincts. Humans are all part of nature, they live depending on nature as nature depends on them. We must accept this and move on. We cannot toss natural law aside and invent new rules that contradict reality. Socialism and capitalism will not work because it goes against how the human mind works. All humans don't think alike, and all humans don't want money.\ In other words we need everything to be equal.
  18. Peron

    this is great

    I might not have proof, but they do...http://www.holoscience.com/news.php?article=2m1r5m3b [The Electric Galaxy The scandalous truth is that there is a model of spiral galaxy formation that has long been demonstrated by laboratory experiment and "particle in cell” (PIC) simulations on a supercomputer. But instead of using stars, gas and dust as the particles, subject to Newton’s laws, the particles are charged and respond to the laws of electromagnetism. This seems like an obvious approach when we know that more than 99.9 percent of the visible universe is in the form of plasma. Plasma is a gas influenced by the presence of charged atoms and electrons. Plasma responds to electromagnetic forces that exceed the strength of gravity to the extent that gravity can usually be safely ignored. This simple fact alone suggests why gravitational models of galaxies must fail. ] Heres more... [We see the signs of electrical influences everywhere in the Cosmos, but astronomers remain impervious to these telltale clues. Consider the image above of the Radio Galaxy 3C31 (also called NGC 383). This galaxy is a MINUSCULE object, little more than a dust mote, when seen against an immense display of highly energetic charged particles. Electrons in twin polar jets, accelerated to near the speed of light are the witnesses to the most intense electrical discharge activity known to science. Our instruments detect this activity through its synchrotron radiation and through the twin lobes of high-energy radio signals. So how is this huge region of electrical activity to be interpreted? In standard models, an electrically-neutral galaxy is asked to generate electrical activity across volumes of space THOUSANDS of times greater than the volume of the galaxy. But simple electrodynamics says this is impossible! How does a galactic-size, neutral object produce a vast domain of electrical activity around it? A plasma cosmologist looking at this image will see electric currents incomparably larger than the galaxy, being focused down by a plasma "pinch," at energy levels capable of lighting and organizing stars into the ubiquitous galactic spiral structure. But mainstream astronomers who see this picture can only imagine that a "supermassive black hole" - a nearly infinite compression of matter which they assure us exists in the heart of every galaxy - is devouring material and "spitting it out" to produce X-ray energies. But it's imperative that we understand what astronomers actually mean when they claim to "see" a black hole. Long before scientists began speculating about "dark matter" and "dark energy" (invisible and undetectable entities which we are told make up 96% of the Universe) astrophysicists observed that galactic cores exhibit vastly more concentrated energetic activity than could be achieved by gravity alone, unless something hugely massive (yet incredibly small) were present. So they effectively "divided by zero." They employed the near zero force of gravity to explain a nearly "infinite" compression of matter -- the only thing they could imagine under their theoretical assumptions. It's no longer physics; it is a bizarre mathematical conjecture. They called these speculative, monstrous concentrations of matter "black holes," imagining that they "consume everything around them." ] http://www.thunderbolts.info/thunderblogs/archives/goodspeed08/042208_is_the_universe_electric.htm I can bring up all sorts of proof. About how the sun discharges thousands of amps into our earth, cause earthquakes, storms, and other phenomena.
  19. I mean, can the body genticaly engineer itself? With out intervention from humans? For example, like computer software that changes itself, to become better. Can the body do that?
  20. I am also writting a report, and have a question, can the body engineer itself?
  21. Peron

    this is great

    I was talking about birkeland currents, spiral galaxies can form when only a birkeland current forms. Like here, http://www.seds.org/messier/m/m082.html http://www.jennifermarohasy.com/blog/archives/Louis_peratt01.jpg notice the fifth image. Coincedence? http://plasmascience.net/tpu/graphics.simulations/cicumBgal2.jpg Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Electricity plays in the forming of galaxies and we can observe that, i provided many evidence. My idea only applys to spiral galaxies.
  22. Peron

    this is great

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synchrotron_radiation#Synchrotron_radiation_in_astronomy Maybe, the irregular galaxies are the death of spiral galaxies. The galaxy has fed on the gas and matter, forming stars that are dieing, at least thats my idea.
  23. Peron

    this is great

    Magnetic fields and electric fields are all over the galaxy. Huge currents constantly move from the center and out thruogh the spirals. http://images.nrao.edu/Galaxy/Spiral/336 Notice the red areas more electrical activity there. The more stars the more electrical activity.
  24. Peron

    this is great

    It is a fact that plasma is easier to manipulate with magnetic fields, then with any other force. The suns surface is drive by magnetic fields. Most of the nebulas we see are driven by mag fields. Its not a giant leap to say that huge currents (which have been detected) have been shaping the galaxies. Not all galaxies are spiral, but dont forget that magnetic and electric fields can take any shape. Plus, gravity conflicts with magnetic fields all the time. http://www.plasma-universe.com/index.php/Texts:On_Possible_Electric_Phenomena_in_Solar_Systems_and_Nebulae Most of the stuff i should was prooven science. but my biggest question to the universe is can stars form by a huge z pinch? Like so, http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0506/m2-9b_hst_big.jpg Could a huge electric current pinch a pocket of gas, causeing fusion? Could a star actuelly form like this?
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