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Everything posted by Peron
The universe is 99.9% plasma. We can see, even hear this plasma. There are huge magnetic and electric currents in space, these currents shape the plasma. We can see this happening. Here: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0702/cmesun_soho_big.jpg And here:http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0506/m2-9b_hst_big.jpg Also Birkeland currents have been observed in the labs, and in space. Here are some links to show what a Birkeland current is, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birkeland_current http://www.lucistrust.org/var/storage/images/dev/in_progress/the_electric_bridge/presentation/the_electric_bridge/illustrations/e_gods_d1/143409-1-eng-GB/e_gods_d1_large.jpg Notice the spiral in that picture. It looks like a galaxy, coincedence?? I dont think so. I think galaxies are shaped by not only gravity but also electric and magnetic fields!! Exciting stuff. http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2004/images/040913plasma-galaxy.jpg like so. and here is labetory experiments, http://www.plasma-universe.com/index.php/Image:Fig-262.jpg This is crazy stuff! There is more stuff all over the internets.
Gravity waves have never been detected. Gravity is not a seprate entity, mass is directly tied to gravity. Everyone on this forum when threatend respond the same, "go read a science book" This is of course a bunch of bull, because if you see two galaxies colliding then that goes agianst the big bang. When someone tells you to go read, and you pick up a science journal all you get is a bunch of math.
I do not have time in rewriting everything on the websites. You follow a religion with no evidence supporting it, and when someone brings up evidence you have ignored it. Links are there for people to check and recheck if they like. Because my word holds no merit, unless it can be documented, catologed and easliy refrenced.
LOL So I prove you wrong and I get ignored, so this is how your religion works.
Opps, :doh: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn16605-plasma-experiment-recreates-burping-astrophysical-jets.html
I saw that no one has created a plasma thread yet so i did. First on the agenda, "Plasma experiment recreates 'burping' astrophysical jets" Jets of charged particles have been created in successive bursts for the first time in the laboratory. The work could shed light on the behaviour of astrophysical jets from stars and galaxies. Astrophysical jets are among the largest and most energetic objects in the universe. The matter inside them travels at nearly the speed of light from colossal black holes at the centres of galaxies. Smaller jets spew at lower speeds from young stars surrounded by discs of gas and dust. Theorists don't know exactly how jets form, but they believe the particles inside them are accelerated by magnetic fields, which could be whipped up as matter rotates around a star or black hole. But the magnetic fields that seem to keep jets focused can also form kinks that can destabilise the beams, raising questions about how the jets can remain tightly focused over very long distances.
The Dark Matter over time shapes the universe into filments. This is based on obsevable data. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Long ago, Hannes Alfven predicted that the universe is shaped by magnetic and electric fields. Just like plasma in a lab filaments, the universe seems to be doing the same. http://solarmuri.ssl.berkeley.edu/~welsch/brian/solar/glossary/filament_barb_chiralities.gif Coronal Mass ejections are the cause of a huge magnetic flux, which tears away huge amounts of plasma from the sun. http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/solar-b/solar_005_prt.htm Plasma naturally filaments along lines of magnetic fields, the plasmas produce. http://schools-wikipedia.org/images/228/22849.jpg Now with combined research done by, SLOAN [http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/SDSS/] and PLANCK [http://planck.mpa-garching.mpg.de/] This data that was collected by these two cool satellites, supports the simulations done by a super computer. http://www.virgo.dur.ac.uk/new/index.php?subject=millennium http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/galform/virgo/millennium/ Of course you could say dark matter shapes the universe this way. But to much data points to plasmas.
I did when they asked, its above.
Why should i describe the video, when you can watch it, thats the point i posted the link in the first place, to share information with you.
Its not spam if thats what your asking. This video is about the design of the universe. "At Serious Play 2008, astrophysicist George Smoot shows stunning new images from deep-space surveys, and prods us to ponder how the cosmos -- with its giant webs of dark matter and mysterious gaping voids -- got built this way."
Speak of GPS, At high altitude, where the GPS clocks orbit the Earth, it is known that the clocks run roughly 46,000 nanoseconds (one-billionth of a second) a day faster than at ground level... The orbiting clocks also pass through that field at a rate of three kilometers per second--their orbital speed. For that reason, they tick 7,000 nanoseconds a day slower than stationary clocks. To offset these two effects, the GPS engineers reset the clock rates, slowing them down before launch by 39,000 nanoseconds a day. They then proceed to tick in orbit at the same rate as ground clocks, and the system "works." ... In (Einstein) theory, however, it was expected that... continuously varying relativistic corrections would have to be made to clock rates.... But these corrections were not made. Yet "the system manages to work, even though they use no relativistic corrections after launch... They have basically blown off Einstein
Math, like I said before is a good thing. But and I know this for a fact, that Math, special and general relativity, has given nothing to society. And here is why. Math did not build a building, Science built the buildings. Edison used math to design the light bulb, build the light bulb, but not invent it. He used science. Einstein had no experiments to back his theories, there for how does the scientific community say this is how it is. Einstein also did not believe in black holes, saying they go against science. Relativity has given us nothing, no new technologies have come out of these theories. This is a fact. Not my random thoughts. In fact Einstein was disproven, by observations done by Edwin Hubble. So I stand correct that observation, study, and experiments are useful tools for science. I am not saying science is bad, but it can be misused. This is a fact, not my random thoughts. I have studied this and concluded that science and math are two completely different things.
Like any other hypotheses its under funded. I don't have enough money to test all my experiments I have in my head. And about the math, I don't have that either, to tell you the truth I'm not that good at math. To answer the question on post #17, we have detected, that the Earth does produce a electrical field. I am still working this but, I think that each planet does what I said the sun does. Each planet is like a Van De Graaf Generator. Of course I cant say thats how it is, I have to do more testing. But again I'm under funded. :-)
Hmm, we have detected electrical waves so massive that the break communications between the satellites. The Auroras are caused because of electrical discharge, Jupiter one of the biggest planets in the solar system. Produces it's own radio waves. There is enough electrical energy in space to keep the planets orbiting around the sun. The suns Heliopause is a huge, it;s like a ocean. Now when you drop a ball in the ocean it floats, this is correct. Now imagine if you start to drain the water, in the ocean, this drain would create a swirl giving motion to the ball, the ball goes into orbit around the drain. Now the sun works the same, way, remember the Tesla spinning Egg experiment, this is how our solar system works, the sun spins, making the planets spin, and experiments prove it. How hard is it to see the facts.
Math is a good thing. The word was built on math! The tools scientists use all built with math. There's even things like, genetic algorithm. That help build new groundbreaking devices, to help the world. Math is a good thing. But it can be abused, by people like Hawking, he stated in his book, A Brief History In Time, That a spherical globe in his room, was of course, 2D, then he said that the room is 3D. But of course he is math in his calculations, in physics, there is Height, Width, and Length. For location we have, Altitude, Latitude and longitude. But in math you have known of these so mathematicians don't function on the levels that scientist, do. :-)
He he he, the earth is pulling you down, go head and shield yourself. He he. Earth and the rest of the planets are connected to the sun by a umbilical cord. This umbilical cord is like thread, composed of a electric field and magnetic field. This is what also gives magnets attraction. These threads. Tests have been done, some of the test have been done by me as well, and it works. When you tune the Van De Graaf, you can make things fly fifty feet in the air, or make the object hover, spin, twirl. Like I said the experiments fit. The studies fit. My hypotheses. Instead of arguing and debating we showed try and figure gravity out, instead of throwing evidence at each other. I thought this is what a forum is for.
So when I say, I will reincarnate tomorrow, and have a mathematical formula that shows you I will. You will believe me??? With math you have infinity, in reality infinity doesn't exists. In math you cant define a point. In reality I know what a point is. You don't need math, you need experiments. Making tests observing then forming a hypotheses. And I don't need math to see an atom, you need a power full microscope to see an atom. If I cant measure my shoe, I don't call it size less, I get another measuring tool that is more accurate. Science is done through observation of natural phenomena, and/or through experimentation that tries to simulate natural events under controlled conditions. Case Closed.
Experiments, Experiments, Experiments, if experiments fit the hypotheses. Then your hypotheses is correct. That is how science works. Right now you have no proof to say that gravity is not electrical or magnetic. You have no experiments to prove that it isn't, therefore you cannot say that my hypothesis is incorrect. To debunk something you need credible evidence and experiments. You cannot present mathematical models, and say this is how gravity works.
How can you argue about something that you yourselves don't clearly understand. Gravity is classified as: The natural force of attraction exerted by a celestial body, such as Earth, upon objects at or near its surface, tending to draw them toward the centre of the body. But what is it, I mean there has to be a explanation. the hypotheses I present is how gravity could be working, this isn't that out there, it does work in labs. I tested this my self, and had a whole solar system orbiting my Van De graaf generator. Combine the sun and the already static electricity present in space, well, connect the dots.
Any way my point isn't to disprove black holes, it is to change how astronomy is conducted. I say mathematicians don't belong in science. Because with math you cant even draw a atom correctly, they invent things like a size less electrons. Zero-point energy, with out observing how the universe functions. I mean you don't see evolutionists using math to prove evolution. Darwin went on a ship half way around the world, Studying, and documenting his observation, then forming a hypotheses, he first did not carve out a mathematical formula predicting evolution! He observed, studied, measured, documented, and then formed a hypothesis, this is how science is conducted, this is how they teach you in school to do it, and math is just something that just gets in the way. Math is used as a measurement tool, math cant tell you how my eye works! If you do not agree then my friend you have lost the meaning of science.
Fact: The Event Horizon of a Black Hole has never been observed. Then why do scientists believe in it?
Do you have any links to back your statements. Again I say, if the Even Horizon has never been observed, then why has it been accepted by the scientific community.
No not really, as in my first post, you can clearly see small balls of foil orbiting the Van De Graaf generator. So if everything in space is properly tuned then this idea should be highly looked over. http://www.varchive.org/ce/cosmos.htm
Sorry about that was in a hurry:-) Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Math can be token to the limit, here's example. Everyone including Einstein, believed in Time Travel. Yet, we have never observed it. Another example, Time Dilation, We have never observed it. And another one, The Light Barrier, We have never went that fast to see any "Light Barrier". The list goes on and on. Wouldn't you agree that there is something wrong with science. When everyone has accepted unproven, theories, about our universe, and then these theories are thought to our children in school. I mean there is seriously something wrong.