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Posts posted by Blablabliam

  1. I agree that climate change is real- the proof is there. But I do not have any reason to believe that CO2 will cause large problems. The concept that man-made CO2 will make it nigh impossible to grow plants is inherently flawed. Consider the following: The majority of man-made carbon is from coal and oil. Also, coal and oil is simply plants and animals, 10,000 years down the road. Finally, plants and animals will store carbon within themselves, which is responsible for carbon dating. In addition, it is safe to assume that the earth is a closed system to matter, so the earth is not gaining or losing carbon to outside sources.


    Now, take those those things, and you can draw the conclusion that biological life was around when this CO2 was in the atmosphere. It is pretty easy to conclude that this CO2 will not cause a massive problem, as it is released slowly over the next 300 years.

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