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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Excellent.... But any cheaper way?? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedJust curious and need your opinion. If I add excess iron sulfate salt, to make iron to be saturated. Will it be (iron) be precipitate??
  2. By dissolving it in caustic soda, NaOH, it is true that Fe will not soluble. But this Bayer process will take time, energy and cost. I want to be more economic way...
  3. Thanks, but would you please elaborate how to CNS it??
  4. Anyone willing to help??
  5. Hi All, I mixed bauxite (aluminum ore contained 50% Al2O3 and 13% Fe2O3) with strong Sulfuric Acid/H2SO4. We all know both Al2O3 and Fe2O3 soluble in Sulfuric Acid. My question is : how to precipitate Fe2O3 alone, and let Al2O3 be soluble in sulfuric acid?? What to add?? Or how to treat?? Thanks in advance for your kind helps.
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