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Everything posted by zidzad1

  1. Dont believe me? Read here : link removed
  2. ofcourse not its all propaganda to make you think in a certain way, Miles Mathis explains this perfectly : http://milesmathis.com/guth.pdf
  3. its amazing how much people will go to avoid the truth

    1. Unity+


      It is also amazing how many crackpots exist...but it isn't really that surprising.

    2. physica


      you're the guy who said relativity was wrong even though it works for satellites. It's amazing how many people don't know anything but think that everyone else is wrong.

  4. It seems that you dont understand what time is. Time is not geometry time is just used to describe rotation or motion. And thats why relativity is wrong. just prooved it
  5. Relativity relies on time, and time doesn't exist it is just used to describe motion or rotation as said in the theory.
  6. ignorant

    1. Unity+


      About what?

    2. imatfaal


      but no need to fret - a little study can cure that.

  7. you can only give me links, but none of you can explain anything. Relativity is just perspective.
  8. You have no evidence against it and the mainstream scientific models are fake and have no evidence give me 1 piece of evidence for spacetime.
  9. Ignorant. just because you do not understand physics and don't know the truth.
  10. If i was a troll why would I promote this theory so much, I found this theory and I realized it had potential because it answers all the questions in physics. Thank you for being ignorant mainstream media worshippers.
  11. Tell me one aspect that is wrong this theory is amazing and just because it contradicts what you've been told you're whole life dosent mean its wrong
  12. I think perhaps you need to respect all theories rather than disregarding them just because they are different.
  13. What is your evidence for time? the evidence lies in the paper.
  14. Of course light can fall into a black hole without space time, because you have no evidence for space time and I challenge any person to do so. Because time is simply used to describe motion, Now if you actually read the theory the only measurements are distance and motion so your argument is false, and yes if you have read the theory a vacuum is an area where there is no gravitational (which we now know is electromagnetic) influence.
  15. spot on, but the only thing that u got slightly wrong that time is not used to describe the spheres it is used to describe any motion (or rotation). now do u find this simpler and more reasonable than the other models. And this can answer fundamental questions like the origin of the universe, dark energy,dark matter,electricity,etc.
  16. If you haven't read, the time dilation effect was caused because by the objects velocity when reaches high speed it reaches low frequency (high wavelength) which the atomic clock runs on , the clock appears to have taken more time. But time doesn't even exist if you read the paper.
  17. Which link the pdf or the experiment? I'm assuming you mean the experiment, the time dilation effect was caused because by the objects velocity when reaches high speed it reaches low frequency (high wavelength) which the atomic clock runs on , the clock appears to have taken more time. But time doesn't even exist if you read the paper.
  18. I can send it to you by email , because it works for other people. Try this link : http://www.docdroid.net/9x0v/ejsr-118-3-02-union-dipole-theoryudt-by-abdulsalam-al-mayahi.pdf.html This is the experiment that someone was asking for earlier : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hafele%E2%80%93Keating_experiment
  19. Let me just say that the extract you provided has the words space-time and UDT states that time is a tool created by man to describe motion and clearly it is. and if you read the PAPER you will find how time dosen't exist. The pdf is here : http://www.scribd.com/doc/210594145/UDT-By-abdulsalam-Al-mayahi-ToE what evidence do u need?
  20. Give me one reason why time is relativistic rather than a tool that humans create to describe motion. You clearly aren't a good physicist.
  21. I'm asking for your summary, and yes I have done some research, but it seems you haven't even attempted to read the paper. The theory also talks about relativity and proofs it wrong just like i did above. Relativity is false because it depends on time, and time dosen't exist.
  22. And whats the experiment?
  23. How does relativity make cell phones and radios work? it has something to do with time, now if you have read what the UDT says about time and gravity then einsteins argument is false. You have to understand perspectives and understand that relativity is pure imagination and mathematics and should not be applied in physics.
  24. yes now if you READ the paper you will see the anatomy of the proton neutron and how the up quarks and the down quarks and etc. are composed their is evidence for relativity being wrong and it is in the paper where he talks about the decay that occured in time dilation and is also in his next paper about absolutism which goes into more detail. Can you prove to me why relativity works? The experiment was proved wrong (7 day relativity experiment) because the clock was an atomic clock therefore there was a decay but you perceived it as time dilation when time dosen't even exist it is a tool created by man to describe rotation, not saying its not helpful without it many things would be very difficult but it has nothing to do with physics.
  25. If you have read the theory it states that relativity is false and their is only 2 constants Planck's constant and maxwell's speed of light and also you have not taken into account that electrons are made by UDP'S you have obviously not read the theory.
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