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Everything posted by zidzad1

  1. thats why they cant accelerate at the speed of light.. (because the charge gets low) u can only get to 0.999995c Go test in a lab, you are a physicist after all.
  2. He says the UDP is the building block
  3. You cant accelerate an electron the charge gets low... and from the authors view you are not showing respect just because this guy's company isn't on google doesn't mean he is not qualified to do physics. Judge him by the content not by his background.
  4. Do you know any physicist who can explain this, no you refuse to listen to other ideas. You haven't commented about time or the new atomic model and here's the evidence, when any charged particle starts accelerating it's apparent charge becomes less as it approaches the speed of light that's why the quarks charge is higher the mass is less (1/3 and 2/3) you can check.
  5. Well the author is a physicist so we can well say the spacetime model and relativity is wrong
  6. And how do you know? you dont even know my knowledge of physics and you're saying that whats so bad about it ? does it use too much logic?
  7. It was my fault releasing this document on this forum, it appears you have not shown respect or at least attempted to read it, and no it is not my paper I am a high school student and I am obviously not qualified to write such a great paper.
  8. Yes, if you have read the whole paper then you will find out that all these particles such as baryons,mesons,leptons,etc. are all originally an electron however the properties of them (UDP'S) are different but then they convert back to an electron after they decay.
  9. Ok, now i'm no physicist, infact im still going through secondary school but what I can tell you is I think they are saying that you have to accelerate it at 0.94c when actually the speed of light has been modified in the paper so that may have an affect. And he did not conduct this experiment in a lab/accelerator the conclusion of how he got to it is in the paper where he says the quantisation (which I don't think you know what it means) and the particle itself is moving at maxwell's speed of light, therefore the kinetic speed is always equal to Cm or maxwell speed.Accordingly, this result differs from the very famous relation of e=mc2, which is only valid at Planck Condition, where each sphere is in contact with four moving spheres at the Maxwell Speed of Light. again I try to do my best to answer but if I can get the creator to reply to any questions that I am not qualified I will try to my best
  10. If you read how he got to these conclusions then you would understand why these equations are like these. What you are doing is extracting any information you can and criticizing it without knowing how it got there.
  11. I'm not here to debate history, i'm here to propose this scientific paper which i find quite interesting. But i think this might help you : http://www.biography.com/people/nicolaus-copernicus-9256984?page=2 I'm sorry i thought he was referring to that appears near the top right corner: http://gyazo.com/a82468952c03a35b979c03443d930db0
  12. Well unfortunately for you that's science. Things get proven wrong and ideas change, just like back in the days they thought everything orbited the earth and then that was proven false. They also came up with supposed clues which you call evidence that suggests it's true although it may be on the opposite side of the spectrum.
  13. Ok there is no page 304, im assuming you mean 34 and if you would have read the whole paper rather than just searching for errors you would have found out that the golden ratio has been talked about. And YES it contradicts super string theory as i said in my first post it contradicts many theory's and models such as bohrs atomic model or spacetime. And the quotes that you quoted from the paper that you are trying to make look bad I guess is not doing a good job because the quotes are simply the things that were pointed out that are applied and can be found by calculations in the universe. And he says gravity is electromagnetic just how some other people people believed it is that made an earlier attempt at the theory of everything. So please read the paper carefully before u make any criticisms because you must know what these things mean and how they are applied before you judge them.
  14. Its funny you say that although the particle actually has evidence for it and experiments have been conducted that prove it is true.
  15. Hello guys, This paper contradicts everything we've been told about science and physics from the atomic structure to time , relativity , electric current , gravity and it explains every phenomenon including things like dark matter and dark energy. This paper was not created by me and full credit goes to the creator. I believe this paper is very interesting You can view the paper at : http://www.scribd.com/doc/210594145/UDT-By-abdulsalam-Al-mayahi-ToE if you have any questions,feedback or criticisms please comments. Short summary: This groundbreaking theory states that their is a particle that make up what we know as elementary particles; electrons,quarks,etc. and gets its energy from what is called the permeable medium. This theory also describes and explains phenomenons such as gravity, dark matter, dark energy,etc. and it also states that time is a tool created by humans to describe rotation. This theory also describes what an electric current is and changes Bohr's atomic model completely.
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