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Everything posted by marquinhos

  1. Charon and Jorge just talked to the guy from SGS and here is the final result and how it was conducted. In my bamboo piece without any chemical (just the bamboo piece) they placed 25 ml of liquid bacteria which has 10.000 units approximately. they used a film to wrap it and incubation for 24 hours after that, they counted the bacteria left which were less than 10 (<10) so in other words, there was 99.9% reduction as far as i know ^^ anyway, guess thats the final result and exactly what i wanted to know, thanks for the help and i hope u guys have learnt something new about this "Bamboo kun" which kills bacteria and is natural the reason for this test is that i am releasing a new line of bamboo kitchenware and i want to explain to customers that it has a natural anti bacteria. Thanks all Marq.
  2. Thats a reply from the SGS guy in China Average of the number of viable cells of bacteria on the untreated test piece after 24h is 1.9х105 ( B) Average of the number of viable cells of bacteria on the antimicrobial test piece after 24h is <10 © Log value of antimicrobial activity=Log(B/C) = >4.28 Compared B with C, do not Compared Concentration of bacteria with B Marq.
  3. thanks very much for the help Charon, much appreciated for clearing things up. thanks a lot Marcus
  4. oh, I see, so its basically 99.98% efficient, correct? since it killed almost all. thanks for the great help, much appreciated. Marcus
  5. Thanks Charon for the kind reply however, i am awful for maths. see if it is correct (190.000 / 560.000 ) * 100 = Percentage is that correct? Thanks once again Marcus
  6. Dear all, i need help to understand a result and will be very glad if someone could explain to me the result. the test was made in 26 pieces of bamboo coz i wanted to know how good is the bio agent bamboo kun against bacteria. I heard that it can kill off 99% of the bacterias without any treatment thanks to the natural agent bamboo kun. i got the result in logarithm data and the tester can not or is refusing to say how good is the anti bacteria in percentage. All i want to know is in percentage how was the bacteria reduction? like 80% 90%? in some cases i see 99.99%. I did the JIS Z 2801:2000 test, a japanese standard. anyway, the test is below and i hope someone can help me here, and did any of u ever heard of bamboo kun? thanks all Marcus http://s121.photobucket.com/albums/o219/mvardi/?action=view&current=test.jpg
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