Yes, some of you may know me as the hyperactive little n00b who posted that thing about the magnet-propelled motor without doing any research. And when I do my research, I will post a revised thread about it. I sincerely don't know why I did: in doing that, I broke the rules of the scientific method: hypothesis, experiment, prove hypothesis wrong/right.
And now, something besides apologizing for spamming: I need help. I have... kicked my ambition down a notch. Yes, I know... That helicopter thing was really stupid. I need s'more schoolin' 'fore I do that, homey! Right now, I'm starting small: I have a chassis for one of those things that you attach to a bike, for carrying little kids, and I think it might do well for a small vehicle. I need some tips for where to put the front wheel, and a few other things I missed on it. with the help of everyone here, I know that I can get it right! I will put a picture later, and some more details, so tune in plz!