Thank you all for replying, was not expecting to get any replies on this. Really enjoyed reading your thoughts on it, though at this moment I do not have much time to respond to all of you.
Ahaha, so are the next edits will it cost me money? Because I'm sure you will find some in this post. I really liked that quote from Tyson at the end. "We still argue that science is something important in society". I was having trouble putting my thoughts into words and that quote has shown me the light. That is exactly what I'm talking about. I feel science is something that is NOT important to society. People find snooki (was recently on an episode of supernatural, by far the worst actor I have seen in my entire life) more important to be updated on then anything scientific related. I want science to be something important to people. But I do also feel, in regards to hypervalent, that it is hard for science to be updated because media dumbs it down to the point where the information given is no where near the actual information obtained.
Ha, thank you for being a critic. Critics give insight to things you have yet to ponder. I feel you on not finding updates daily but, again referring to hypervalent, it takes a while to do research and find new information or time to build that new model of a scientific machine. I also agree with just throwing the information out there is irresponsible and misleading, the credibility does falter and dwindle. But that's the problem, people don't actively search for the news in science. why? Because they are being fed this muck called reality TV (some shows are good, don't get me wrong). They make that their perception of the world and totally ignore science, they are ignorant to it. I want there to be a news channel, one run and sponsored by scientists that will give the news on science without having to withdraw information for the greater masses. One that is for the people who enjoy science and will actively follow that said channel.