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Everything posted by o_Physics_o

  1. 'Timelines' as in well, lines that consist of beginning and end of your lifetime. But in this case, there is no 'end' of the line, just two paths that sprout out of the original one, one in which you die that continues on after the 'split', and one which ends in where you die and the line ends, permanently.
  2. @Atom, I understand what you're saying, but I mean is that there is no afterlife. What I mean is that when you 'almost die' you switch from your death timeline to continue on to live your 'living' timeline.
  3. I have had a theory for some time, and have not yet posted until today. Death, is the subject as seen above. No one really understands it, cause no one comes back from it alive. I was thinking, maybe when you die, there are two different paths created in time. One where you lay dead, one where you live on. Since the one where you die ends (According to you and your brain), I believe you will continue to live the line of time where you live. This wouldn't make sense, you would say at first. But what if it only appeared to you that people died, well, when they died? What if it only appeared that they died. What if they lived on, but only in an alternate timeline? So it would appear to you that you would live forever, and everyone else would experience that too. You would see others die, but never die. This is because you would always continue on the living timeline, not the dead one. So, any questions?
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