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Ant Sinclair

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Everything posted by Ant Sinclair

  1. Any intelligent person reading this thread can perceive the fairly obvious deduction that YOU ARE TRYING TO DISCREDIT Paul Hellyers Statements On Aliens Present Here On Earth! !!!
  2. How did religion come into this? Ask MigL, maybe He was dreaming of a different thread! (Apart from the fact that Ant believes in aliens among us with no evidence, which therefore seems similar to a religious belief.) Your deduction not Mine! ps Strange - Paul Hellyer FORMER CANADIAN DEFENCE MINISTER BELIEVES THERE ARE ALIENS ON EARTH!!! ! I was stating with all the bad things happening in the world that it would probably fit in with these bad things happening if these beings were malevolent! !!! So who gave Me a -1 Rep point for this post?, in the words of Slim-Shady - please stand-up!!! !Depleting Oxygen levels do seem to worrying some scientists!!! ! See the link below Strange. And so if Fukushima radiation is damaging phytoplankton it can't help things can it!!! ! http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2008/aug/13/carbonemissions.climatechange And another -1 Rep point for this post, when Strange is saying that it is more probable that A LIE is being spoken than Aliens actually existing, does this not imply that Strange thinks Paul Hellyer is lieing considering We were discussing the video/news paper article of Paul Hellyer (Former Canadian Defence Minister) speaking about Aliens on Earth? ???
  3. So MigL are You saying Paul Hellyer is a wing-nut? Do You believe Paul Hellyer thought it was a good idea unifying the Canadian Defence Forces? And what exactly gives religion a bad name? ???
  4. The thread is about "Are We Being Observed", when I logically look at what Paul Hellyer has said, it seems that the answer to that is Yes and from what is happening in the World today We are being observed through malevolent EYES! !!! I also like chocolate ice-cream and gospel music (often at the same time). Like I said before; Strange in name and in nature!
  5. If the phytoplankton die is Man-Kind in trouble Strange? ???
  6. So Strange do You Believe All is "Hunky-Dory" in the Middle East, Africa and the Ukraine then? ??? You probably Believe that the radio-active fall out oozing into the pacific(and killing it) from Fukushima is just "BLISS" then??? ? Did You know Strange that a lot of Earths O2 (the stuff We breathe) is generated by phytoplankton on the Pacifics surface, if You do know this Strange then if that phytoplankton dies would Man-kind be in trouble??? ?
  7. All I can read from His statement in the video was that He seemed(to Me) to being totally Sincere and would probably have had access to "insider" knowledge because of the position He held. Towards the end when Paul Hellyer's talking about shadow goverment/alien allegiance etc would it not seem to You that this would "fit" in to whats happening in the World today with all the misery taking place on nearly every continent? ???
  8. Although, deliberately lying is infinitely more likely than aliens. So why all the word-play then Strange? ???
  9. Your words in Your posts seemed to Me You were implying Paul Hellyer was lying. So in plain english Strange in Your opinion is Paul Hellyer a lier??? ?
  10. It's in plain enough english! !!!
  11. Although, deliberately lying is infinitely more likely than aliens. Can YOU show the math for this??? ?
  12. I comprehend Strange perfectly well and understand to no Man. Also I didn't say the saying "ignorance is bliss" originated in Yorkshire nor was the care of Richard Feynman - can You read??? ? This is YOUR statement NOT Mine!!! !
  13. So Strange, Your admitting naivety as well as ignorance tonight in believing that this one small rock is the only place in the entire Universe to harbour life!!! !
  14. It's a saying from old here in Yorkshire where Richard Feynman used to come to think!
  15. So basically Your accusing The Former Canadian Defence Minister of being a liar!
  16. Ignorance is Bliss so they say!!! !
  17. Your assumptions not mine! I realised that too when You said neutrinos didn't have magnetic properties!!! !
  18. How are You qualified to doubt the accuaracy of His statements Strange? ???
  19. Strange with Your flippance in Your posts it's coming across to Me that YOU revere YOURSELF more than Max Planck or Sir Isaac Newton in the intelligence stakes!!! !
  20. I don't know the workings of governments at cabinet minister level, but presume if He presented classified material would be in trouble!, sounds like You're doubting His sincerity!
  21. If You'd have READ post No.132 You'd have seen He was The Former Canadian Minister Of Defence! As far as evidence I haven't spoken to Him personally but with Him being in the position He once was would have a lot more "insider" information as to such matters than You or I!
  22. With lots of Books/Religious Texts "allegedly" being "doctored" over the years I believe it's safer to call Him The Creator. I read once that God is Dog in reverse relating to the Egyptian "God" Anubis - the "Dog God".
  23. Is it? If the Gentleman is correct I would say it is profound! Alien conspiracy theories? Or Alien Conspiracy Fact! On Russia Today? Daily Mail? Does it Matter what outlet as it's still Paul Hellyer speaking!
  24. This is Probably The Most Profound Statement Ever Addressed To The Whole Of Man-Kind And Not One Response So Far! !!!
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