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Ant Sinclair

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Everything posted by Ant Sinclair

  1. I wonder if it would be possible to devise an experiment to detect a theoretical super-luminal wave traveling between 360e6 km/s & 363e6 km/s at a frequency of 204.56 GHz with the wave pattern as shown in the attached drawing??
  2. Mike Smith and a few others have mailed me as to how I was coming along with this thread and after a long spring and summer at work have been able recently to start looking at it again. The Quark/Gluon speculation has led me to a "take" on the Universe(please see attached drawing). Iam working on this at the moment and will post more details later.
  3. After looking at the 1st couple of molecules it seems the hexa-quark resembles somthing, please see attachment.
  4. After getting "held" up with Cu I decided to look at H2 & He, I had a niggle with Fe but thats now gone. Please see attachment.
  5. There are seven field density values in total that I'm interested in, the Suns, Earths, Jupiters, Milkyways, the local-cluster to which the Milkyway belongs to, the super clusters that our local cluster belongs to and finally the Universal Cores.
  6. Mordred and ajb than you both for the links and direction. As far as QFT is concerned ajb I've been searching for information on flux densities and their values, the ones in particular Iam interested in are the ones generated by the Universe, our local galaxy cluster(33 galaxies), the super cluster we are in and the Milkyways, are there any resources on this material ?
  7. Having progessed into the model studiot I'm beginning to think the closest tag I would now give it would be a Multi-Symmetry Theory I recieved a mail concerning the energy constant as regards the speed of light so as follows as todays accepted speed of light the constant would be C x Lambda = h Therefore 299792458 x 693964.02 = 208.045x10.12
  8. A member of the forum sent me a message earlier so this is for him/all, the last post on Iron should be visualised in 3d. Hopefully this will help you and others.
  9. Iwonderaboutthings the Q meant Quarks and Gn Gluons. One more drawing to let you visualise the model a little better. I'm struggling for time due to work commitments so again sorry for the late reply.
  10. Iwonderaboutthings you say you don't comprehend the math all I have given is numbers - maybe this will clarify the "numbers". Typo 2 Gns/Q = 48 Gns
  11. Iwonderaboutthings, you mention strong nuclear forces again and attached is how I see the Quark-Gluon Bonds (strong nuclear forces). These are not all the Bond forces as the 126 & 150 Bonds have more than one configuration. Again I hope this helps you visualise what I do as regards the model.
  12. Bill Angel; "It's an interesting issue. I would surmise that the pressures of fashion and social conformity can overshadow issues related to productivity. For example, a woman might wear a short skirt to work, and then seemingly be preoccupied with preventing men from looking up it. If a part of her mind is concerned with who can see what parts of her undergarments when she is sitting at her desk, her mind can't be fully focussed on the job she is being paid to do" It's long been tradition on this planet that most human males quite enjoy photons bouncing off the said female form into our eyes specially where mini-skirts are in the equation! As for the "preoccupation with prevention" I would say the fidgeting, pulling the skirt up etc is a signal she wants you to try an sneek-peek and as they say in England - Who Stares Wins!
  13. Hopefully this will help Iwonderaboutthings as regards the model. I'm very busy at work so sorry for the delay in replying. Also Iwonderaboutthings F4 is the 208.33ghz (4th frequency in the Frequency Table). Also Iwonderaboutthings; Minkowski Space time and Special Relativity in one sense, but then you talk about CMB Spectrum from what I see relates to Cosmology??? The 'CMB' as mentioned by Planck I believe is the 208.33ghz background generated by Quark-Gluon inter-action and that is everywhere.
  14. Ant Sinclair, on 08 Apr 2014 - 01:43 AM, said: If billions are gigas then this looks like F4! The attached gif is Plancks' CMB Spectrum. Your Post; What do you know about: frequencies and period cycles? can you show a "simple" numerical example? Why is this pertinent to my thread? Iwonderaboutthings Atom Senior Members220 posts Posted 17 April 2014 - 09:17 AM Ant Sinclair, on 13 Apr 2014 - 3:18 PM, said: Quarks, Gluons and the tables attached. Your Post; can you show a "simple" numerical example? A numerical example of ?
  15. You should send these lyrics to Bryan Ferry of Roxy Music fame - right up his-street!
  16. For those who don't see it, see attachment.
  17. The Crystal Clear Picture That's In My Mind The Crazy Things That Happen Time After Time The Circle Continues And Will Never End The Same Things Happening Over Again I Comprehend Nirvana And Have Seen The Light But My Mad Mixed-Up World Never Goes Right Up And Down And Side To Side, I Feel It Coming But Never Hide Head-On Or Nothing At All, Here I Am For Another Fall But Up I'll Bounce For Another Try With Smile On My Face And A Glint In My Eye
  18. Thank you Sensei and Acme, thats one less little niggle in my mind erased. The problem with physics I have found is that there's just too much interesting material to read and get ones head round, the dynamo effect you linked-me Acme is another subject that just draws you in.
  19. I quote Sensei "Magnetic field is decreasing very slowly, but as a result of cooling down core of Earth. This process will be taking billions of years", I've often thought - is this process accelerating due to carbon removal from the earths crust and are these carbon 'veins' part of the earths windings? Have you considered this?
  20. My honest answer studiot is I don't know of what format you would call this work, I've had a quick look at string-theory this morning and at my level of comprehension at present and with limited time looking at it seem to think string-theory is clever people making clever but inaccurate guesses! My goal with all this is to keep my eyes open.
  21. Suspicious Observers and BPEarthwatch (youtube channels) have been giving geo-seismic activity predictions based on sun activity for ages now. SuspiciousObservers is my favourite Space/Earth weather channel.
  22. Quarks, Gluons and the tables attached.
  23. One of mine The substance was strong as powerful as the mind Reality and time had no bind Were these visions fictitious or real All I do know is the terror I did feel John the Baptist spent sixteen years in barren lands To achieve his legendary healing hands Did he need to suffer such great pain For the enlightenment he was destined to gain I'm on the edge and looking over I have no choice I'm a dimension mover When your on the ladder and ready to ascend There's only one thing on which to depend Faith is the key, without it we'll never get there Neither you nor me.
  24. If billions are gigas then this looks like F4! The attached gif is Plancks' CMB Spectrum.
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