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Ant Sinclair

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Everything posted by Ant Sinclair

  1. I'll be generous and let you in on a little secret about Magnetism; Length of Verse = 14.65 billion light years Time until our Magnetic Cage fully formed = 78,000 years(Earth Years) 14.65^9 x 9.461^15 = 1.386^26 metres 78,000 x 365.24 x 24 x 60 x 60 = 2.461^12 seconds 1.386^26metres / 2.461^12 seconds = 5.631^13 m/s 5.631^13 m/S / C(speed of light) = approx 187,700C Magnetic fields propagate at over 187,000 times the speed of light Mordred!!! Spooky Action at a Distance' Speed Cry baby, oh dear
  2. Get out of here - is that all you've got - shameful from a Man of "learning". Would you Coyote, like to know where the real physics kick in???
  3. Obviously your logic is lacking to do so with my last post. Would you like to know where some serious physics comes into this(Are you watching from beyond the grave Mr Maxwell)?
  4. Good day Moontannman, this shows us that different places have different day lengths. If one of the Creator's Days is equivalent to 13,000 Earth years, then the Six Days of Creation would have taken 6(Lord's days) multiplied by 13,000 Earth Years equalling 78,000 years. How far back after the "Big Bang" can we see to before what some have called "Hitting the Wall" ie the CMBR - 100,000 years, 90,000 years? Maybe one day our instrumentation shall allow that to be whittled down to around 80,000 years. Some interpretations of Prophecy claim that after Judgement Day The Lord Shall spend 1,000 years on Earth with Man; 1,000(Lord's years) multiplied by 365.24(Lord's days) multiplied by 13,000 Earth years equals 4.74 Billion years - how long until our Star begins to expand and engulf the Inner Solar System???
  5. What day length does Venus have DrP?
  6. Fair dos Dim, I thought DrP or Strange would have asked me to validate The Six Days of Creation by now as I thought your reply might mention.
  7. The Six Days of Creation are totally logical DrP and also provide Scientific knowledge for those that can see. You're talking like I and the Baron are some sort of Tag Team, address my post by all means but don't confuse it with what the Baron is saying.
  8. What if GOD is the Creation not the Creator, what if GOD is the Geometrical Circular Design or Geometrical Ring Design? If GOD is the Creation then everything in our Multiverse would be a part of GOD, this would support that GOD is in everything(inside our reality) including us. Many verses in the Bible that seem illogical on the surface are in fact logical when certain facts are known.
  9. True Pi = 729/232

    "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”  Nikola Tesla

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Strange


      Please don't. Why would you be so keen to publicise your ignorance? Your value for pi is sufficiently wrong that, if it were correct, this would have been noticed in nearly all modern construction projects. For some reason, there isn't a 5m gap in the LHC. Perhaps because they know what the correct value of pi is and don't rely on numerology.


      I posted this for you Strange,  now you've "appeared" I think I'll make a thread on this subject specially for you

      Maybe I should report you for trolling, as well then.

    3. Ant Sinclair

      Ant Sinclair

      Strange you may need to get your calculator "calibrated" as 26659/Pi and 26659/(729/232) has a difference of 1.7m not 5m.

      I'll explain it to you on my forthcoming Scalar Pyramids Thread ;-)

    4. swansont


      Status updates are not to be used for conversations that should be had (or not) on the main forums

  10. Would that be just one wave then, a single pulse being a single wave? a single vibration or short burst of sound, electric current, light, or other wave. "a pulse of gamma rays" synonyms: burst, blast, spurt, eruption, impulse, surge; informalsplurt "a dolphin emits short pulses of ultrasound"
  11. I read it here; http://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/262771/why-does-ligos-second-detection-of-gravitational-waves-and-a-black-hole-merger How was it determined that the final 200ms of energy output from the merger was responsible for the 'pulse', was it a pulse or a wave, or was it a pulse with waves 'riding' on it or was it a wave with ripples riding on it? You're correct there DrP, if the artists by numbers can see the framework correctly a Type4 Civilisation may be within our scope/grasp.
  12. I like the description, it's quaint From reading of Mr Hawkins and his predecessors our thoughts of black holes seem to change with time. Would you agree it's just one proposed mechanism and may or not be correct? I wonder why 0.2S, when I look at the graph of Ligo's first event it looks closer to about 0.17S, speaking of Ligo's first event leads to it's second captured event that looks nothing like the first, the one we've discussed so far.
  13. Wouldn't the actual event last a relatively long time? How does that transpose into 0.2S?
  14. Attached is a graph from Caltech's website showing the 'gravitational wave' event. The article says the frequency cycled from around 35Hz to approximately 250Hz. The second graph from Georgia Tech shows the event to last about 0.2S. What significance does the event duration identify if any?
  15. As far as your last quote from your last post swansont I don't agree, when I'm in meetings/discussions if a particular person is addressed normally folk wait for that particular to respond, you must do things differently in the US. As regards your other quotes thank you, having just looked at your link it shows the 'gravitational' wave lasted approximately 0.45S, with a 'Strain' scale of +1 to -1, what exactly in simple terms is the 'Strain' indicating?
  16. Strange, when I replied to swansont I quoted his post so HE would be notified that I had replied to HIM, is it not considered behaving ignorant 'chipping' like You just Have Again?
  17. I would have approximated just over three seconds if it were travelling at C, but to continue, if I remember correctly hadn't Ligo been 'waiting' for these waves to arrive here at Earth, once the wait was over, ie they arrived, how long were they detected for, and if any, when are more expected?
  18. If, if there were an electromagnetic wave of say 900 million metres in length, and this wave was travelling towards Earth and there were detectors on standby, from the moment it reached us, how long would the detectors detect the wave for?
  19. That's a very confident statement swansont, don't waves 'travel' in a direction, doesn't our Solar System, Galaxy even Super Cluster travel at significant velocities through the 'void'?
  20. A little while back on most news channels there were big announcements as regards Gravitational Waves. The team collaboration that was mentioned being called Ligo. The team used a Laser Interferometer to measure these gravitational waves. Obviously to those with an interest in cosmology many questions arise when contemplating gravitational waves such as; Which direction did they come from, what's their source, what frequencies are they, are the waves pure ie no distortive ripples riding on them and the list goes on, but, one question that popped into my imagination when thinking about the waves and has intrigued the most, was - did the gravitational waves pass through us - Or - did we pass through them??? Not a single I On it's own in there Strange - don't want you getting paranoid now do I
  21. I strongly object to Swanson closing the thread I started in the Mathematics forum by the Title "The Golden Ratio". Strange and cuthber deliberately 'rail-roaded' this thread with meaningless dribble to send the thread on the course it developed. Just as I begin to pose my evidence and reasoning behind My claim that there Is a mathematical Phi and one of nature My thread is closed! Shame on You Cuthber, strange, big nose and You swanson. History shall remember you named as for what you are. Its not the first time neither that cuthber has employed 'dirty' tactics to derail one of my threads, he did the same with my Fukushima thread with 'Overtone' - was Overtone a profile made up by YOU CUTHBER??????, or one of your other stooges???
  22. We'll see if Strange's insult meant nothing!
  23. The bottom quote for I cuthber, the top quote for the ever-bashed Jewish people!!!
  24. "He seems to have all sorts of weird English tics. I think it may be a religious thing (you know, like some Jews writing G*d)." Strange, for the Hebrew speaking folk including the Jewish people, and I, what exactly did you mean in your quote above! Do you insult Muslims or the Pope like this?
  25. "You will not get any of that from me, sory to dissapoint you. All I did is report this thread gets closed." Are you for real Coyote?, why would I be disappointed that you haven't jumped on Strange's bandwagon of insults like cuthber, big nose & co, in fact you can insult as much as you like, it won't hurt my feelings and neither would I give a.....
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