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Ant Sinclair

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Everything posted by Ant Sinclair

  1. Oh my Strange!!!!!! Attached is a jpeg from a Very Reputable Source. Strange, what is the High-Spectral Radiance being shown approximately equal to?
  2. 'The obvious reason is that there is no coincidence between the "two phis" in other units, so what exactly is the point?" You stated that when I had not even started to offer evidence for My claim that there is a Designed Phi and an As-Built Phi! You PROMISED - Expect no further correspondence with I On this thread. ;-)
  3. Again making false Assumptions, how do you know what relevance I have in using I the way I do? You Kretin, why bother with your posts on this thread when all you've done is make no real contribution and false statements? If you're not going to make a real contribution kindly bugger off!!!
  4. "So you don't want constructive criticism?" "It is numerology" "I am pointing out that your contrived near-coincidence of two values cannot have any meaning" If these don't register in your brain as being insulting to I then either your AI or probably Chinese!
  5. "I'm not. I am pointing out that your contrived near-coincidence of two values cannot have any meaning. It is numerology" Strange, again you're making no contribution, little insults come from little minds, your father not tell you that one? "I would have expected that to be the first thing you said. But go on, tell us. I'm sure it is going to be fascinating." You 'whinge' like like a little......., for I to be more precise......"go on tell us" - tell you what exactly, what exactly would you like to know???
  6. Strange, why are you always shouting out for the minorities, if the Nepalese from the Himalayas don't 'click' let them ask, if a layman doesn't 'click' let them ask and finally if a Reptilian Alien from the Planet with a 50 year orbit around SiriusB doesn't 'click' - Let Them Ask!!! Dr Kretin, I think it's a flipping good job you're not a Police Officer, you've asked nothing as regards as to where the C/π ×C/√π originates, Or in regards the same to why I state there is a connection between the two Phi's! You should never be put on a murder case and that's for S'Ur-e!!!
  7. "The obvious reason is that there is no coincidence between the "two phis" in other units, so what exactly is the point?" I Agree 100%, There is No Coincidence! "This is a science forum, and it might be expected for you to take the trouble to state your reasons." Like The Multi-Verse Doc, I like to roll slow, I thought I would show you Nature's Phi and we would all get round to discussing it. You in a rush?
  8. Maybe I have reasons for using the Units, I, as it seems wrongly, assumed the gentlemen reading would take for granted. Maybe I wouldn't know how the thread would open up, I thought that what I stated would eventually(after the usual Strange interactions) lead to a 'split' from The Golden Ratio to a Scalar Waves Thread!
  9. Dr Kretin, "Try expressing c in units of furlongs per weekend, and see if you can find another fascinating equivalence!", are you about to tell us some story about a race horse?
  10. Again as Strange's post, your post Big Nose has little relevance to what Strange quoted against. Why unless stated would C's Units not be metres per second, and considering the use of π why wouldn't Strange assume it's units to be in metres, I'm beginning to think Strange is AI, a program! One more thing Big Nose, your little red/green stickers bear no relevance either, so you know where you can post them don't you???
  11. Strange your post, it is empty!
  12. Be thou not proud, O man, in thy wisdom. Discourse with the ignorant as well as the wise. If one comes to thee full of knowledge, listen and heed, for wisdom is all. Keep thou not silent when evil is spoken for Truth like the sunlight shines above all. He who over-steppeth the Law shall be punished, for only through Law comes the freedom of men.

  13. Thank you for your interesting and enlightening input
  14. Math Phi (1+√5)/2 = 1.618034.... Natures Phi = C/π × C/√π = 1.614048.... Math Phi = Designed Value of Phi Nature's Phi = As-Built Value of Phi The exponents on C/π × C/√π have been deliberately omitted, it is the mixing of the e-m waves that is the important factor!!!
  15. Thanks for replying Strange, you mention that spirals in nature are in close approximation to the Fibonacci Sequence which again approximately fits to the Golden Ratio, even though nature seems to have it's little blurps when reproducing the spiral. I have read that some Spiral Galaxies including our own Milkyway seem to conform to the Spiral, also even some hurricanes that form on earth. If this is the case the cause of the Spiral isn't biological and it's root must lay somewhere that effects everything in the verse.
  16. I see where you're coming from Daecon but it may just be a case of wedding dresses, it fit her when she was 21, but now at 42....
  17. Thanks for your replies gentlemen, I was wondering if the ratio has always been the same value, ie approximately 1.618, could this value possibly change over say time or some other variable changing? Could it be possible to say check fossil records of shells from creatures just after the Cambrian Extinction, then say 280 million years ago and compare them to today's shells. The change would be small, say 1.614 approximately 540 million years ago, then 1.616 approximately 280 million years back leading to today's value. Does anybody know if any such checks have been carried out or if the values mentioned would be big enough changes to 'see'?
  18. I've read that some believe that Phidias, whose name was given to the Golden Ratio Phi, was the first to use the ratio in his sculptures, others say it goes further back in history to the Summerians. It appears frequently in nature,but, what causes it's existence?
  19. Thanks again Mordred, most useful, I'll be able to adjust some constants now for a few things Iam looking at.
  20. Thanks for replying Mordred, what in light years would that be?
  21. Thanks for replying Outrider, it'll be interesting to find out exactly how far away it is.
  22. Thanks LA
  23. I read the Forbes article on this and the writer said the scale showing it all was 1.5billion light years across, from looking at the diagrams how far away from the Dipole Repeller would we be?
  24. The link below is to the Hebrew University's work on how the Milkyway is not just being pulled by the Shapley Super Cluster, but is also being pushed by what has been named the Dipole Repeller. Any thoughts? http://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-016-0036
  25. http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms10294 Highs Bigger Brother..... mmmmm
    1. Strange


      Note that is only an analogue (in a superfluid, not actual Higgs boson). And it suggests the possibility of a *lighter* Higgs not a "bigger brother".

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