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Ant Sinclair

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Everything posted by Ant Sinclair

  1. I've read that some believe that Phidias, whose name was given to the Golden Ratio Phi, was the first to use the ratio in his sculptures, others say it goes further back in history to the Summerians. It appears frequently in nature,but, what causes it's existence?
  2. Thanks again Mordred, most useful, I'll be able to adjust some constants now for a few things Iam looking at.
  3. Thanks for replying Mordred, what in light years would that be?
  4. Thanks for replying Outrider, it'll be interesting to find out exactly how far away it is.
  5. Thanks LA
  6. I read the Forbes article on this and the writer said the scale showing it all was 1.5billion light years across, from looking at the diagrams how far away from the Dipole Repeller would we be?
  7. The link below is to the Hebrew University's work on how the Milkyway is not just being pulled by the Shapley Super Cluster, but is also being pushed by what has been named the Dipole Repeller. Any thoughts? http://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-016-0036
  8. http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms10294 Highs Bigger Brother..... mmmmm
    1. Strange


      Note that is only an analogue (in a superfluid, not actual Higgs boson). And it suggests the possibility of a *lighter* Higgs not a "bigger brother".

  9. Below stranger is jpeg from Summerian translations, at the bottom of the jpeg is "su" meaning vertical but also rising.Do you deny that Jesu isn't a school? Ask swansong, all nuclear scientists have a "spell" at a Je-su-it university!
  10. No strange my translation of Jesu is correct and predates Greek coming from Summerian and Babylon, J=I E=home su=vertically rise. So Jesu means to ascend through Learning!
  11. So B.P Abbot et al of the Ligo Collaboration detected a signal 'sweeping' from 35Hz to 250Hz. More likely 36Hz to 216Hz, maybe the next interferometer built shall be able to pick up all the low frequencies from 3Hz to 729Hz.

  12. Enough, let's get a it straight about Jesu; Je'su means I go up Je'su was an Igyption mystery(science school) A Je'su-it was an initiate of the school A Je'su-g was a graduate A Je'su-s was a superior graduate And a Je'su-S was a Supreme graduate akin to today's Professors. Ahkenaten who first promoted monotheism was a Je'su-S. Nefertiti's tomb was never found in Igypt because it's Roslyn Chapel In Scotland.
  13. There remains one especially unsatisfactory feature of the standard model of particle physics, the observed mass of the particles, m. There is no theory that adequately explains these numbers. We use the numbers in all our theories, but we do not understand them - what they are, or where they come from. I believe that from a fundamental point of view, this is a very interesting and serious problem" Richard Feynman

  14. There remains one especially unsatisfactory feature of the standard model of particle physics, the observed mass of the particles, m. There is no theory that adequately explains these numbers. We use the numbers in all our theories, but we do not understand them - what they are, or where they come from. I believe that from a fundamental point of view, this is a very interesting and serious problem" Richard Feynman

  15. Attached is a jpeg, the jpeg shows in the top left corner eight low frequencies and their equivalent masses that are a product of the toroids geometric centre and what occurs at this centre, why eight low frequencies?, if you look back at one of the earlier posts on this thread there is a jpeg showing the toroids centre that is "zoomed-in", this centre shape is octagonal. If you look down the low frequencies from the 3Hz to the 729Hz and their equivalent masses, you may notice a tale being told! As regards swansons last post; The edited message "Wrong paste" was put there only a very short period of time after the original post was posted in an edit after, obviously I'd seen it did not have the content I'd intended it to have and hence edited it "Wrong paste". It learned I a few of things from this ie the two daughters have mastered copy and paste has I have been showing them lately on word and spreadsheet, not to leave my folders open on the pc and to be more careful when posting from smartphones, specially as only the top few lines can be seen of the text within a message/mail. I find swansons "cheap-shot" above saddening and insulting, and unfortunately for him it shows his true colours, nature, whatever you like to call it. From this moment this thread is closed.
  16. Thanks for the reply SwansonT, in particular for mentioning the Photons Upper Bound Mass of 1e-14eV. The Mass Table shown has a minimum massed particle of 7.0319-43Kg originating directly from the spinning toroids, like you say, is several orders of magnitude larger than the Photons upper bound mass. The frequencies quoted so far included lower frequencies of 27Hz, 216Hz & 729Hz. The 27Hz when entered into Planck's energy formula gives an energy of 1.789-32, dividing this by C^2 gives 1.99-49Kg. Is this product of the spiral wave closer to the Photons upper bound mass of of 1e-14eV ? Strange, as regards to which particle out of a possible three candidates the electron could be, I'd have thought the 7.0319e-31Kg particle as a whole, ie two strings, could the electron having two strings explain the double slit experiment?
  17. Thanks for your replies Strange/SwansonT, as regards the mentioning of the Neutrino from an earlier thread, I remembered that Strange had said Neutrinos had no magnetic moment, but Neutrinos have been found to have magnetic moments, would I be correct in thinking that a Neutrino would need mass to have a magnetic moment? As regards the mass table please find attached a jpeg, some values are slightly rounded. Looking at the MeV range of the particle list I noticed something not quite right to my eYe in that a proton mass is 0.940GeV, dividing this by 0.511MeV I got 1840. Then when I divided 1.246e-27Kg by 7.0319e-31Kg I got 1772 times the mass of the smaller particle, seems a little mixed up to I. Which particle is the electron?
  18. http://www.thegeocentricgnostic.com/?p=3277 What's going on??? C
  19. SwansonT, if you remember back to a previous thread, yourself, Strange and I discussed Neutrinos, to which I was told Neutrinos were massless, which we know is not the case, also it was believed that Photons were massless, again this is not the case.The Proton and Electron are the two most widely studied Particles in Physics and hence the amount of knowledge we have on them. Neutrinos are notoriously hard to study and hence the special facilities built to study them. The Neutrino fits I believe into the -39Kg slot in the table and the photon in the -45Kg slot. We need correct particle mass sizes to be able to see what's what. I haven't really gone into the history of particle detection other than looking at the double slit experiment and Neutrino detection. We know how important experimental physicists are because without experimentation no hypothesis is proved. With the Neutrino being such a dodgy customer can we expect the other particles to be any easier to get to grips with?
  20. You are right Strange, folk probably don't see how much You have helped I along with all of this and how the Mods have been incredibly ptatient with I.I have tried to pick up my game and hope it shows a little lately, so thanks to You and the Mods I have attached a jpeg that may help a little with the particles. I shall continue in trying to improve my works appearance, getting the cold shoulder from someone who has helped I along with this lot was a wake up call to go back over my threads and think about how I should be showing the ideas more clearly.
  21. Numeroligist Trash - Right, if the "big" boys aren't coming out to play I shall close this thread. Strange, either stop being or stop acting naive as to this threads content
  22. The significance is maybe CERN could use this Mass Table as a guide to their work Strange ;-)
  23. Strange you skip between that many threads making comments, that it's like your in some sort of competition to as who makes the most number of posts, so how can I possibly expect you to follow this thread and keep on the ball with it, so; if you look at the jpeg above with "Mass Table" in it's top left corner, then look to the right hand column ending in Kg, these are the particle masses, then look down the right hand column ending in Kg until you get to the particle with a mass of 1.246e-27Kg, then follow the simple steps with that particle mass with the heavier one below it as described above, I hope this helps, really I do
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