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Ant Sinclair

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Everything posted by Ant Sinclair

  1. And another -1 for the 1st post on this thread! Could a Moderator please sort this out? Dare the member/s who gave these -1s come forward and explain why they're acting like retards? Thanks for Your honest post Sun!
  2. Endy google Bodmer & Witten! Ps Thanks for Your input - it was almost as enlightening as Dim/Suns' input Regarding Post No.13 - which retard gave Me the -1? This is the lounge where I thought anything could be discussed in a light-hearted way, it was a long time ago that I first looked at Nostradamus (1980s) and I thought that these two Quatrains were somehow linked to CERN and planned high energy collisions of gold. The ending of post No.13 was just a humurous end so I thought, but obviously not to the retard that gave Me the-1!
  3. Is Nostradamus warning of some kind of Positron event? Below is an excerpt and below that the wiki-link. Smaller one off assassination weapons are more economically feasible: A modern MK3 hand grenade contains 227g of TNT.[11]One billionth of a gram of positrons contains as much energy as 37.8 kilograms (83 pounds) of TNT,[9] making the 2004 cost of a 'positron hand grenade' (10 trillionth of a gram of antimatter, 378g TNT equivalent) that could be fitted in a sniper'sbullet for $600,000. This excludes the cost of the micro containment device, if such a thing is possible. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antimatter_weapon Some are also worried about a possible ice-nine event which would make Nostradamus' warning look extremely conservative. Dim/Sun - do everybody a favour will You both and emigrate to Geneva
  4. https://www.google.co.uk/search?redir_esc=&client=ms-android-h3g-gb&hl=en-GB&safe=images&q=population%20of%20switzerland&source=android-browser-type&qsubts=1439652568259 I can't see the point in carrying this on any further as no matter what is discussed here, it will alter nothing CERN will do and hope You're correct about the "mumbo-jumbo", but if I were rich I wouldn't like to think My gold bullion was 'safely' stored in a Swiss vault.
  5. Are You saying that gold ions are being fired into the Earths atmosphere? What difference would CERNs magnetic field make to such reactions being 100 000 times stronger than the Earths' own magnetic field?
  6. Maybe something to consider, to be Honest John - I haven't really looked at CMWs before but I don't like the mention of fireballs! Chiral Magnetic Wave (CMW) is a gapless collective excitation of quark-gluon plasma in the presence of external magnetic field that stems from the interplay of Chiral Magnetic (CME) and Chiral Separation Effects (CSE); it is composed by the waves of the electric and chiral charge densities coupled by the axial anomaly. We consider CMW at finite baryon density and find that it induces the electric quadrupole moment of the quark-gluon plasma produced in heavy ion collisions: the "poles" of the produced fireball (pointing outside of the reaction plane) acquire additional positive electric charge, and the "equator" acquires additional negative charge. We point out that this electric quadrupole deformation lifts the degeneracy between the elliptic flows of positive and negative pions leading to v2(π+)<v2(π−), and estimate the magnitude of the effect. http://arxiv.org/abs/1103.1307
  7. And are these atmospheric collisions happening at 13TeV and above? I Sincerely hope You're correct John! !!!
  8. Below are two screenshots of two of Nostradamus' Quatrains, has He tried warning of a disaster at CERN/Geneva/Switzerland when they collide Gold in the LHC? And does the second Quatrain (second screenshot) indicate the area of destruction to be approximately 200km in radius? Could the CERN team have under estimated what could happen when these Heavy Ions are collided? Is this mumbo-jumbo or could Nostradamus really 'SEE'? 'Father-Time' will tell! Second screenshot
  9. Mordred, David Horgan put Me "in-touch" with L.Edgar Otto, Jaya Ram Bisto and Joseph Kover, I'm at the stage of entering certain discussions with these gentleman and hopefully they will shed light on a couple of concepts regarding this thread and the H-Bonds thread, prior to Me posting again on the H-Bonds thread, again as I said to Mike, please be patient as a lot more will come to Light in those forth-coming posts where this thread will integrate with H-Bonds.
  10. The answer to Your post Mike really belongs on the H-Bonds thread and the next posts on that thread are about a week away so I ask You to please be patient
  11. Once again thanks for replying Mordred, You're correct when You say the CMB is in every direction and every orientation that We Can Observe but, I strongly disagree with that "it doesn't have a certain direction" and I will so bold as to say It Does Have a Certain Direction. Below are three links, the first a paper describing a "Tear-Drop" shape, the second a link to post No.50 on the Energy Constants, Cube & Sphere Formation thread and the third link to the Split from Energy Constants H-Bonds thread. http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0310808 http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/82426-energy-constants-cube-sphere-formation/page-3 http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/86147-split-from-energy-constants-were-massive-clouds-of-h-bonds-responsible-for-the-big-bang/?hl=%2Benergy+%2Bconstants I have no further use of this thread other than to say it will be reappearing in the H-Bonds thread.
  12. Thanks again for replying Mordred, below is an excerpt from nature.com and the link to the same, could a 'singularity' at the far side of Laniakea be this source of CMBR? This is a completely new definition of a supercluster. Scientists previously placed the Milky Way in the Virgo Supercluster, but under Tully and colleagues' definition, this region becomes just an appendage of the much larger Laniakea, which is 160 million parsecs (520 million light years) across and contains the mass of 100 million billion Suns. http://www.nature.com/news/earth-s-new-address-solar-system-milky-way-laniakea-1.15819
  13. Thanks for replying Mordred, when I calculated the 169GHz/162GHz with the Cosmological Red Shift formula You gave earlier in this thread it came out at 596MLY, I then asked a gentleman named David Horgan to check My calc and His reply was "I was quite close depending on the value of h" and his calc made it 565MLY - it seems the origin of this CMBR is Laneakea - The Hawiaan "Immeasurable Heaven", there are several other Red Shifts I've looked at and they seem to show the same distance. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
  14. Mordred with Cosmology being of special interest to You, have You seen a frequency of approximately 162GHz in the results from COBE/Planck Satellite ?
  15. Thanks Strange and JC for Your replies.
  16. If a wave originating in deep space in the vacuum was of a frequency of approximately 169GHz, and it travelled unhindered by the galaxies etc, could the distance this wave travelled alone cause this waves' frequency to drop to 162GHz or would it continue propagating the Universe at 169GHz indefinately? Thanks in advance for any replies.
  17. Attached is a drawing of how the ECM shows how a permanent magnetic structure creates a magnetic field. (Swansont the Iam pushed for time with the children being in the middle of their school hollidays and will post more drawings and explanations later)
  18. Thanks Sensei/swansont for Your reply, having confirmed ambient energy levels are less in deep open space I'll try reword what Iam trying to find out. If then say a small permanent magnets' field of reach was say 1cm to initiate a pull on 1g of iron to its' body on earth, would this range of 1cm to initiate this pull on 1g of iron increase in deep open space due to lower background energy levels or would this reach of attraction be the same in both locations earth/deep inter-galactic space.
  19. Out in deep open space would the ambient/background energy be lower than here on earth? If a simple bar magnets' fields spacings/field of reach were 'x' distance here on earth, would the distance 'x' of these field spacings/fields of reach increase because of a lower ambient/background energy out in deep open space?
  20. The thread swansont-isms was good as lots of swansonts' posts are often humorous but He really has nothing on You when it comes to making Me grin and smile! AmI not wrong on what exactly - Your knowledge on Neutrinos or The Alias or both ;-) ? Sincere regards to You Strange!
  21. Strange the last post was addressed at swansont, are You swansont using another account under the alias strange? I have already encountered Your knowledge on a previous thread regarding Neutrinos and found it lacking!
  22. I'm not trying to lever or utilise anything swansont, In all honesty Iam trying to comprehend magnetism, by trying to 'see' what's happening in the centre of a permanent magnet I was seeking to shed LIGHT on magnetic fields/magnetism. I was advised a while back to follow My own model and to steer clear of the Standard Model as much as possible by members such as Iwonderaboutthings and others as not to 'cloud' this different angle and that's how I've played it so far, with only minimal looks at the SM for comparitive reasons. The two questions You posed in an earlier post swansont, I presume the answers are from the SM and so I'm asking You if You could answer them for Me so maybe I and others can learn from these two questions & answers. Attached are several jpegs of a neodymium magnet taken from inside a pc hard drive and placed under a sheet of A4 paper, fine iron fillings were sparingly sprinkled from a height of about six inches ( 150mm ), the jpegs clearly show that iron filings are building up AROUND a central 'energy' spot. I need to finish some drawings on open office draw and will then explain what I think is happening at the poles with these drawings in the next post I make on this thread. I asked You if You could explain to Me and others the two questions You posed earlier and now ask a question of You; could what Iam seeing from the Energy Constants Model regarding Neutrinos/Magnetism be plausible? I look forward to these answers from such a knowledgeable physicist as Yourself! Jpeg2 Jpeg2 Jpeg3 Jpeg4
  23. SwansonT, I'm trying to get My head around magnetics and Iam beginning to think that the Lepton namely the Neutrino is not an elementary particle but made up of four particles. A large central nucleus and two satellite particles orbiting at opposite poles of this much larger nucleus, the particle orbiting the northern region spinning Anti-Clockwise and the particle orbiting the southern region spinning clockwise. Are not billions of neutrinos passing through us all the time and if a structure namely a permanent magnets' were arranged in such a way that resonant e-m energy waves were being directed 'perfectly' inwards to a 'perfect' central point could this 'sink' these abundant neutrinos into this centre and create its' magnetic fields?, its' central nucleus (two halfs) being compressed/condensed creating energy fields (Dirac Fields). The the southern/northern particles spinning as shown in the attached jpeg. If the neutrino is made up of four particles, could these two halves of the central nucleus of the neutrino be the illusive mono-poles?
  24. Thank You for Your enlightening input strange
  25. Below is from an article on wikipedia; The existence of a neutrino mass strongly suggests the existence of a tiny neutrino magnetic moment[16] of the order of 10−19 μB, allowing the possibility that neutrinos may interact electromagnetically as well. Below is an extract from an assistant professor from the said University; Sudhanwa Patra · Siksha O Anusandhan University Neutrinos can interact with gamma rays through their magnetic moment couplings. Since neutrinos and gamma ray has no charge, there is no interaction between neutrinos with gamma ray at lowest order. However, neutrino being a fermion carries spin and thereby posses magnetic moment. Thus, they have tiny magnetic dipole interaction with gamma rays. Depending upon the nature of neutrinos, there could be direct dipole moment interaction (with Dirac type of neutrinos) and transitional dipole moment interaction (Majorana nature of neutrinos). Do We really have enough knowledge on the two mentioned particles to make such a claim, do We not exist in an Electro-Magnetic Universe?
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