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    speed of light

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. THE HIGHLY EDUCATED ALIENS CAME AND WENT AND DID NOT TELL ANYONE HOW TO MAKE A WHEEL...AN ARCH...OR WRITE ...AND BLESS THEIR SOULS...NO MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS !... LETS TAKE THE INCAS...SOME SAY THAT THEY COULD NOT DRAW ON THE DESERT AND STACK HUGE STONES...BUT OF COURSE IF THE ALIENS HAD SHOWED THEM THE WHEEL ...THE ARCH...AND WRITING ....WELL ANY WAY THE INCAS... AZTEC AND NASCAS DID NOT HAVE THESE TOOLS TILL THE EUROPEANS ARRIVED IN THE 15TH AND 16TH CENTURIES... Wonder why the ancient aliens did not tell the INCAS,,,AZTEC...and NASCAS about ...the ARCH...the WHEEL and WRITING....??? The EGYPTIONS piled all them sones up without the ARCH and the WHEEL... I wonder why the ancient aliens forgot to tell the INCAS...NASCAS,,,and te AZTECS...about the ARCH...WHEEL and WRITING ...they did not have these things till the europeans arrived in the 15th and 16th centries...
  2. 1. lets take first things first... there is no real proof the there is such a thing as a black hole. 2. fact...we know from observation that all matter is attracted to all matter... 3. fact...we know that the larger the mass of matter is the greater its pull of gravity... 4. fact...when a mass of matter has a gravitational of pull more than the speed of light...it can not emit any light or reflect any light... 5. fact...it has became a ball of gravitational mass...a black hole... 6. fact...nothing can escape from this condition of matter...nothing means nothing no light no radiation no matter no anything... no one has any idea as to how much pressure that a mass of matter can build up. it may be that there is a limit it may reach and it would explode...if this the is the case...this may be where dark matter comes from...and what generates dark energy...since energy cannot be destroyed it would surely spread an enormous amount of energy into the universe...such an explosion may not be observable...i don't know...it appears that such an explosion has yet to be observed...
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