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Everything posted by SpacemanJoe

  1. Hello ScienceForum, This is my first post here, so hopefully Im posting this in the right area. Anyway, heres my situation. Currently I'm a third year Double Major in Aerospace Engineering and Comprehensive Mathematics. My goal is to work on theoretical technologies in space travel such as the Alcubierre Drive or Beamed Energy Propulsion. I am pursuing a degree in Aerospace Engineering to reach that goal. My other major in Comprehensive Mathematics is solely for fun. I plan on pursuing a doctorates in both fields. Now here is where my problem starts, as I've been talking more and more to my TA's and Professors and taking trips to local Aerospace Facilities, I feel like what I want to work on seems to become more of a Theoretical Astrophysics field than it is aerospace engineering. As I've done research online and I see that Doctorate level engineering is more research than development. I know my goals are based in research more than they are based in development. The other biggie is finding a job, I know astrophysicists after the doctorates level can barely find a job at that point, as engineers are needed everywhere of every discipline at a bachelor's degree and up. What I do plan on doing is traveling the world for a few years, moving from country to country every few years until I'm ready to settle down. I know an engineering degree is more ideal for that situation, but does that make a physics degree useless? So should I possibly try a Triple Major(im not really overloaded with a double major), should I switch Aerospace Engineering to Astrophysics, or should I just keep down my current path. I know right now is the ideal time to make a change because I still have time to switch majors or expand upon them. Also, what specialty field would this be considered if I was to go into aerospace engineering? I feel it would be Propulsion Systems, but I'm not sure because propulsion needs thrust, and the Alcubierre Drive isnt thrust based but warp based. In the end, Id much rather be happy with what I am doing more so than getting paid well. Money isn't a major concern, but funding for said research and materials is my biggest concern. Thanks guys, I look forward to your answers.
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