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  1. d amino acid oxidase does, as does fatty acid oxidase... and that isn't true, because there's a video on youtube showing hydrogen peroxide causing leather to catch fire Youtube: 99% hydrogen peroxide on leather h2o2 is a very strong oxidant and this reactivity is used as an advantage in spacecraft propellant There's an enzyme which does break down hydrogen peroxide, called catalase
  2. lets say I have a powder of an enzyme which converts fatty acids into hydrogen peroxide. i fill a cup full of a concentrated solution of fatty acids and drop the enzyme into the cup. hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizer so im wondering if this could make an explosive (concentrated enzyme + concentrated fatty acid solution = fiery explosion?) Note: purely hypothetical guys, I'm wondering what enzymes are capable of
  3. Yes but I don't know anyone who has been outside in temperatures below -2F for longer than a few minutes. The article said he went to do chores so it must've been like half hour or something.
  4. Then why did the man die? The article blatantly states he had problems breathing then died shortly after in front of his wife.
  5. http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=2202&dat=19260114&id=F9MlAAAAIBAJ&sjid=B_wFAAAAIBAJ&pg=5410,1795860 Man Suffocates to Death in Cold York, Jan. 14 -- Swelling of the thymus gland in his throat due to the extreme cold Monday morning caused the death of George C. Young, a farmer of New Freedom, this county. He was suffocated when the swelling cut off his breathing. At 5 o'clock Monday morning the mercury stood at 2 degrees below zero in that locality. Young went to his barn to do his chores and, on feeling his breath being shut off, rushed back to the house, told his wife he was choking and died in a few minutes. Physicians said the cold cause the swelling. Last week a 17-year-old girl in Worcester, Massachusetts, choked to death when the thymus gland in her throat swell as a result of fright. Looks like I'll be calling in sick every day during the winter.
  6. List 5 reasons why it is, as you say,'' impossible.''
  7. Perhaps but in this case he wasn't asking for money and he seems normal otherwise.
  8. I wonder what you guys think of this guy who said on another forum that his Aunt survived SHC He says he saw it for himself, and his aunt did not smoke. So just a few minutes ago, the guy who mentioned his aunt spontaneously combusted posted about it a second time on this social website and I tried to get him to admit he lied and there was no case of an aunt spontaneously combusting and there was no doctor to confirm she'd burnt from the inside out Didn't go well, I got cussed at in ALL CAPS and he seemed very defensive, telling me to leave his aunt alone, I politely asked him to admit his lies, but he never did. He just got more and more defensive. Is this normal behavior for a person who is lying about the whole thing? If he was lying about this wouldn't he have just said he was lying instead of arguing and being defensive? I got the screenshots. Here's where it first began: http://oi60.tinypic.com/35kicn6.jpg (be sure to click on the image to enlarge it) ''Leave my aunt alone'' http://oi62.tinypic.com/9fzd42.jpg Here's where he got really angry when I straight up called him out: http://oi58.tinypic.com/23wu3jt.jpg When I straight up called him a liar, you can see he acts much more aggressive than in the 1st screenshot.
  9. The Narrator on the later version of the show admitted Frank and his friend Willey both refused a polygraph test. However I actually found Frank's Facebook account. All he ever posted about was how this has happened to him4 times and he needs money to get tested, pay for hospital bills and fund for a cure. He sold his house on November 27th His gofundme page received no donations so that does add some credance to his story
  10. Yeah so do you think he tells the truth?
  11. From the Huffingtonpost: ''Frank Baker faced death while earning two Purple Hearts in Vietnam, but the scariest moment of his life came in June 1995. Baker was in his home in Vermont, when he suddenly burst into flames, an experience he discusses for the first time on "The Unexplained Files," airing Oct. 2 on the Science Channel. "We were getting ready for fishing and sitting on the couch," Baker said on the episode. "Everything was great. [Friend] Pete [Willey] was sitting next to me [and] we were having a helluva time." That is, until things started heating up -- literally -- when flames appeared on Baker's body. "It was the damndest thing I've ever seen," Willey remembered. "Frank was freaking out and making me freak out." Baker started panicking and tried everything to stop his body from being burned. "I had no idea what was taking place on my body -- none," he said. Baker and Willey somehow put out the flames and got to a doctor. But the diagnosis was as shocking as the sudden flames that engulfed his body. "The doctor called, and said, 'Frank, this burned from the inside out,'" Baker said. Frank Baker discussed his alleged case on Oct. 2, on the Unexplained Files on the Science Channel. No skeptical input whatsoever is offered in the news source (which did irk me) so I'm wondering what you guys think. He was then diagnosed with partial spontaneous combustion. He says on his Facebook he wants donations because he's having testing done and for finding a cure. He recently sold his home so there must be truth to this story because he seems really desperate he says this has happened to him 3 times so far and that there may not be a fourth. What do you think? Is he telling the truth? Frank states he spontaneously combusted and his doctor even told him ''Frank, this burnt from the inside out'' [Edit, I saw the latest version of the documentary that deals with his alleged physics-defying experience, the narrator ADMITTED both Frank and his witness-friend REFUSED a polygraph test]
  12. I would assume that these people were constantly observed. if they had been scratching I'm sure they wouldve mentioned that. I dont know how come those allergic to the ivy did not have a reaction when told they were being exposed to a harmless plant. when in fact they had poison ivy rubbed on their arm. are mast cells linked to the brain?
  13. I'm just wondering if it's possible. I know some people get hives when stressed but it isn't localized to a specific part of the body How does the nocebo effect even work anyway? people say it's due to expectation/suggestion but that doesn't explain the mechanism.
  14. but couldnt the brain compensate by releasing histamine to that specific arm?
  15. what do you think? how is it possible that those allergic to the ivy did not react when told it was a harmless plant instead? How does the mind somehow prevent the antigens from binding to the mast cell receptors?
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