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Everything posted by catherineandrews

  1. Hi, I have very little micro experience and would like some advice please! I need to do a growth curve by measuring OD600 at 30min intervals. My bacteria is anaerobic and I usually use the anaerocults in a gas jar to produce an anerobic enviroment. However, as these take 20mins to reach anaerobic conditions I am thinking that this will affect the growth of my bacteria if I am opening the jar every 30mins. I could just do the OD every 60mins but every 30mins would be best. I also could use an anaerobic chamber but I think this is around 18% CO2, while the anaerocults are 5% CO2 (maybe incorrect?!). Would the difference in CO2 have an effect on growth or is it ok once the environment is anaerobic whatever the % of CO2? Or what would be the best method? Thanks!
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