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Everything posted by ron360

  1. no someone else also told me i should ignore static friction
  2. Perfect ,thank you so much i appreciate it, it is the right answer.
  3. A 1.0-kg ball is attached to the end of a 2.5-m string to form a pendulum. This pendulum is released from rest with the string horizontal. At the lowest point in its swing when it is moving horizontally, the ball collides elastically with a 2.0-kg block initially at rest on a horizontal frictionless surface. v1i = 7 m/s and v2i=0 m/s v1f=-2.33 m/s and v2f=4.66 m/s c) If the coefficient of static and kinetic frictions are 0.3 and 0.23 respectively between the block and the surface, how far does the block travel before coming to rest?
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