This is a question for the professional mathematicians on this board. I want to become a mathematician. My background is in law. I would most likely be able to begin studies in the spring semester of next year. I am 25 years old. From your perspective, am I coming to mathematics too late in life? Do you have any advice to someone wanting to make the transition to math?
A few other questions:
In law, we approach problems using "legal reasoning". Legal reasoning is an approach to problem solving taught in legal schools, and learned with practice. Is there an analogous process of approaching mathematical problems along the lines of "mathematical reasoning"? Can it be learned? (I know I am oversimplifying the process, and mathematics involves a great degree of creativity; as does law, but I'm assuming there are some foundational approaches)
Is there anything I can study between now and next year to get a good foundation in basic mathematical processes?
In your experience, what is the "best" way to "learn math"?
I'm sure my questions come across as naive, but thanks in advance for considering my questions.