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Everything posted by jeffreyfrog

  1. Honestly, it depends on your body. Everyone has cancer cells in them - they are just mutated cells. If your immune system is good and healthy, your body will get rid of them. If it's not for some reason - if you smoke, or eat badly, or don't exercise, or just have a low immune system, they will build up in one place and accumulate and then you will develop tumors. Some people never have cancer and smoke 40 years. Some people never smoke, and get cancer of the lungs - or throat, etc. It all depends on your body.
  2. I have veins all over my legs but they're not those spider (varicose?) veins. They're just simply more exposed normal veins. I'm very thin and I'm guessing this is why they are appearing. It's very, very embarassing. Does anyone know ANYTHING I can possibly do to get rid of them, make them fade away?
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