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Everything posted by picolinicacid

  1. Eh, and what if i'd like to go tier lower? I dont think it'll get to org lett, eavch step is not novel, there is one tricky cyclisation but not earth shattering chemistry. I want this paper out for the sake of the guy who did the work, he worked well and he could use a tiny paper in grad school admissions. Synlett me thinks. But maybe there's something simpler still? We dont publish chemistry, so I dont have feel for it.
  2. o folks doing Real Publishable Reputable Science: where would you sent a paper with novel synthesis of small organic compound (not fancy total synthesis, about 6-steps). Compound is relevant to some biological studies, it's commercially available but ridiculously expensive, synthesis was worked out to make it on budget. Assuming the student left the lab and there will be no more experiments or characterization possible. What is something like PlosONE but for synthesis? ;-)
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