Someone posed this question to me and it has kind of been bothering me because I cannot find a sufficient answer. The basic question is what standard do we use to classify animals? For instance, if you have 2 birds that look very similar and have similar eating habits, but different coloring, are different sizes, what makes us decide it is a different species or not? That is the first question. The second question is if mankind are currently all considered homo sapien, why do we not apply the same tools to classify humans as we do animals? (this is based on the understanding that appearence, habits, diet, etc are things factored into establishing a classification of an animal or new species). The third and last part of this questions is, could or has science come up with a genetic or DNA method of differentiating between animal species and if so is it universally applied to homo sapiens as well?
I realize some of this could be pretty controversial and what not, but I have not located a sufficient answer. Thanks for anyone that could point me to some good source material to review.