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In My Memory

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Everything posted by In My Memory

  1. JohnB, Not exactly. In our universe, clothes dryers are constantly eating our socks and sending them a parallel universe. In the parallel universe, its completely normal for lone socks to suddenly show up, but for some reason their coathangers disappear from their closets and wind up in ours. I dont know why people say this (IM)M-theory stuff is hard to get, I understand it perfectly well.
  2. Patcalhoun, And dont confuse theistic evolutionists with ID proponents for the same reason Pangloss, If thats true, someone should tell the authors of ID textbooks to do a better job than using MSWord's find/replace feature to change "God" and "creationism" to "designer" and "Intelligent Design"
  3. Picture
  4. Everytime I have to give someone a gift, and that someone is a guy, I get him tubesocks. I dont know why it works, but guys just LOVE tubesocks. They dont like any other kinds of socks. Not crewcut, not anklecut, and definitely not the no-show socks. Only tubesocks. They love tubesocks almost as much as boxer shorts. I think I can explain it, probably having something to do with evolution. A long time ago, when our ancestors were coming down from the trees, they must have discovered a population of tube socks out on the open plains. So, to protect the tube socks from killing each other off (they are naturally cannibalistic), men started putting them on their feet which felt good to them. And so began the longlasting symbiotic relationship between men and their tubesocks. There is no way that mens love for tubesocks cant be just part of the natural order of the universe, because I've given a lot of men tubesocks and unanimously they've said "oh my god I love you, thank you IMM, how did you know!". Its almost supernatural.
  5. It would mean a world of bad news of Ann Coulter (she used to have such a pretty face) What if it turned out that everything your political party stands for is wrong, and everything the opposing party stands for is right?
  6. Zyncod, In other words, you cant say partial birth abortion is acceptable unless your a non-thinking person. *IMM fishes poison out of the well* I'm not sure if you know this, but I agree with you. A fetus becomes a person (morally valuable) at some point during pregnancy, and I think this occurs when it develops the morally relevant capacity to experience suffering (which I if I remember correctly, occurs shortly before the 26th week). I dont really know what your disagreement with me is, unless you have a more abstract definition of what a person is, or you think a fetus develops morally relevant characteristics sometime earlier.
  7. I would have a real reason for wearing sequenced theatre masks all the time and dancing flamenco in the streets. What if everyone got beautiful love poems from Phi?
  8. She'll be a shoe as the next winner of the 2006 IgNobel. What would happen if you were irresistable to opposite sex?
  9. On this C++ tutorial, it says:
  10. They could if we just shrink SUVs down to 1:256 the normal size. (Environmentalists would love that ) What if people could talk about politics and use critical thinking skills at the same time?
  11. We'd have infinite mass and get instantly crushed by our own gravity. What if men were the ones who wored pretty skirts and shaved their legs and arms and underarms? Not just those statistical few who already do, but all the others too.
  12. Then you could buy a car in whichever--err, hey, you cant answer your own "what if"!! What if there were no answers to any questions?
  13. 1/9 = 0.1111111111111111... 2/9 = 0.2222222222222222... 3/9 = 0.3333333333333333... 4/9 = 0.4444444444444444... 5/9 = 0.5555555555555555... 6/9 = 0.6666666666666666... 7/9 = 0.7777777777777777... 8/9 = 0.8888888888888888... 9/9 = 0.9999999999999999... 0.9999999999... is a rational number just like all the others, and I dont know how else to write its fraction equivalent except as 9/9, which is 1. So .9999999999... = 1. What could be more straightforward than that?
  14. It wouldnt help you at all on those lonely dateless Friday nights, you nerd. What if you had x-ray vision?
  15. Everyones name is BOB in this new cult I've started. And all eunuchs, too. What if trees could scream?
  16. Everyone would complain about the lack of head room. What if creationists *snicker* had it right *snicker* all along? *snickers loudly*
  17. My wallpaper:
  18. Pangloss, Unless it was in his own self-interest to do so, and I cant help but think that no rational egoist would like to go bankrupt everytime they have a major surgery when he has to foot the bill himself I agree with this argument to an extent. It shows that, as much as we'd really love to believe that life is so sacred that it should be protected at all costs, and that there is no price we can put on a life, we almost inevitably find ourselves in a place where we have to put real limits on how much we can spend. But I just dont think it persuasively shows that no one has a right to healthcare. The argument is sufficient to show that people dont have a right to healthcare when there are no rational limits, but without a sweeping generalization that particular principle has nothing to do with the normal circumstances that people need healthcare. Analogously, I can say no one has a right to infinitely many votes in the next presidential election, but by no means am I saying that no one has the right to vote at all.
  19. He'd never know it, because I'm stalking him. Behind the bushes. ( ) What if you had US$1,000,000?
  20. This is probably an American phenomena more than anything, but heres an interesting essay thats been circulating through conservative magazines for quite some time, its called Heath Care is Not a Right by Leonard Peikoff (my comments in green): I'm pretty fiscally conservative for an insanely liberal feminist environmentalist, but saying people dont have a right to healthcare is just mindboggling. Why do some people think others arent entitled to good health when they need it
  21. Then we could build a tower to Heaven, but God would just knock it down What if there were no hypothetical questions?
  22. We'd have no excuse for showing up to work 45 minutes late when we wanted to sleep in. What if you were me?
  23. I had a very Merry Christmas I got: - Lots of incense to burn - A vegetarian cookbook with juicer - My brother-in-law got me a bottle of vanilla tequila, with a book called "Kama Sutra" attached to it, some gorgeous body oils, and a note attached saying "please dont stay single forever". Probably the most interesting gift set I've ever had. - New Shakira CD - US$50 with a note "Merry Xmas" - Jewelry - Bagels I gave: - US$100 in kitty plushies to the Childrens Hospital - Stewie Griffin DVD - Toy trains for my nephews - Potpourri - Homemade cookies - Expensive black fabric with rose embroidiery blanket and bedspread set - Blender and chopper - Watches for my brother-in-laws
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