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Everything posted by organichelpmepls

  1. i did know that benzaldehyde was an aldehyde.. but i still can't figure out the product of it when treated with MeMgCl and H3O+
  2. so basically benzaldehyde is a aldehyde and MeMgCl is a grignard agent? reading it off this website , http://www.organic-chemistry.org/namedreactions/grignard-reaction.shtm
  3. alright i found for NaBH4, but no luck with MeMgCl and H3O+, anyone know the answer?
  4. I am doing a foundation course which is a mixture of a-levels and 1st year university chemistry, there is no textbook or coursework book, and i feel like I'm struggling with it. i've been googling and googling for hours, with no answers.
  5. Okay, how about this question, draw the structures of the products that you would obtain by treatment of benzaldehyde : a) MeMgCl, followed by H30+ b) NaBH4
  6. Indicated the hybridisation state of all the non-hydrogen atoms in the following molecules, CH3COCH2OCH3 and HCCCN i can't really seem to understand my chemistry teacher, and i really need to pass this coursework to get into university, all help is very much appreciated
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