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About noxid

  • Birthday 09/15/1995

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  • Favorite Area of Science
    quantum / particle physics
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noxid's Achievements


Quark (2/13)



  1. cubesat, But what want to know is there a non-contact temperature sensor aviailable? That works at a distance of meters at least
  2. Hello. I am working on a project to build a model satelite with some functionality. Communications, Payload Sensors, Attitude sensing, robotic arm, solar panel and a simulated RCS. We are restricted to low budget and i would like to know what types of sensors (arduino, raspberry pi compatible) we could use to measure e.g. prescence of certain chemicals-->spectrograh and magnetic field, eath's surface relief etc.
  3. Can i create a plasma channel using a van de graff generator etc to conductive like a wire? What is the conductivity of plasma in air-> links to previous research appreciated
  4. I have read that xenon reacts
  5. Is radon toxic because it is radioactive or because it is chemically active?
  6. Since gravity can be described as a curvature in spacetime, can other forces like EM, Weak, Strong etc? Be described similarly
  7. http://www.sciencealert.com/new-study-confirms-physicists-might-have-spotted-a-fifth-force-of-nature Heard news of a possible fifth force of nature, seeking more deatailed information on the subject matter
  8. noxid


    Kind of a basic question, but doesnt the fact that it always measures the same make it the perfect datum, please correct my misconception
  9. noxid


    since light speed is a constant why dont we measure velocity relative to it
  10. noxid


    does a velocity of zero exits in the universe, or any velocity apart from the speed of light, since everything is relative to something else, how can i say i am moving faster or slower than another object with confidence?
  11. If they speed increase, wont that translate into a force that pushes them to the tail
  12. Doesnt it become harder and harder to maintain a 1 G acceleration as c is approached assumig we have an intial velocity of 0 (whatever that is), there are 31557600 seconds in a year, multiply that by the acceleration, which is 9.80665m/s^2 and we get 309,264,480 ms-1, so we kept moving at g for 1 year we would be moving faster than light, which it seems regrettably is impossible, so can we really travel at g for 400+
  13. Does this take into account deceleration at midway point?
  14. According to relativity, gravitational fields cause time dilation effects, lets say for instance i have a 'magic' device that can generate gravitational fields Is it possible that this can be used to slow down one's time so as to make the journey seem much shorter
  15. can you explain this a little more
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