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Everything posted by beny748

  1. Appreciate the response. I agree with that strategy, however the professor is an elderly gentlemen and not good at communication so I could not find the book used currently. From what I have heard about the professor, his class mainly focuses through his lecture notes. But I will see if I can find a textbook used.
  2. I'm currently a Bio major and I am doing student research in Immunology. Most of what I do is only on the surface in terms of understanding Immunology. Most of what I do that in lab work doesn't usually involve as much Biology knowledge, the Post Doc fellows I work with use their knowledge to aid me. I would like to take an Immunology course, however my school offers it as a high upper level Undergrad/Grad level course mostly taught at the Graduate level. It has been maybe 4 years since I've taken a general Bio course, and I am taking Genetics and Cell over the summer. Is this class possible for someone with my knowledge? I haven't taken Biochemistry yet (I have taken Organic chem). Obviously getting a good grade is important, but regardless of that I want to understand the material and not constantly feel lost. Could someone who has taken this course advice me on certain topics that I should either know or be familiar with before I take this course? Here is the information provided about the course: The course will cover all concepts and mechanisms having to do with the biology of the immune response. There will be an extensive discussion of the basic physiological defense mechanisms in mammals, with special attention to humans. This will include non-specific or innate immune mechanisms, and an in-depth discussion of the specific immune response at the anatomical, physiologic, and molecular levels. Appreciate any and all advice.
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