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Everything posted by vampares`

  1. Is "trowelable" for appearances sake or are you gensuing with the stuff? It's not trowelable because of the fact that it foams. If you have an enclosed space, you can inject that stuff and it will fill that space up. If your thinking of using it for general construction remember that it bounces. So like noise is not attenuated at all. What you would ordinarily use is painters caulk. It's internal type stuff. If it is your thing, slice it with a razor and take a plastering knife and some painters caulk to it. It should stick. Forever. The nontoxic stuff is easier to work with.
  2. In highschool I had the geo-thermal idea myself. Same proposition: drill deep enough till you hit lava. The retractors are that you would sort of want two holes. One for water, one for steam out. How do you connect these holes especially in the presence of lava? So the bore hole thing doesn't play out. If it did, I am told that the effluent would contain a lot of sulfuric compound and be rather acidic and dirty. You would have to take that into account. If you wanted to line the bore hole with aluminum it would need some degree of insulation. If and when there is an exposed geothermal, the heat energy can be utilized. You could heat an entire city, very far north of course, with simple hot water pipes. It would melt the snow all year long. Heat for building would also be provided. Beyond this, the total extraction would not be quite enough to drive a turbine, IMO. The best bet would be reverse pistons in cold weather. The overhead is rather steep. Heating is an efficient usage. Maybe washing dishes or clothing. You could bath in it. Hot water and steam heating is sort of Old World, if you don't mind me saying so. These days utility connections are highly driven by oligopoly rather than industrialization and civil development.
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