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Everything posted by Mordred
There is also studies showing that bipeds are more energy efficient and as a result have higher endurance. You also appear larger and more threatening Lol another question could be asked why did the tyrannosaurus rex walk on two legs it certainly wasn't for innovation reasons or use of its hands.
And yet you simply refuse to accept any other plausible factors.
There is an advantage being able to spot predators early enough to run and flee in the right direction. That is undeniable a predator stalking already knows your location. I have repeated this numerous times now at what point do you listen to other view points ? It is a provable fact that many animals not just human will look to find their enemy. Nature is full of examples where sight is used to spot predators. Higher ground is a key to spotting predators early on as opposed to your eyes being blocked by foliage. That is literally common sense. What you refuse to understand is that there is never any single contributing factor in evolution. It is always a combination of miniscule advantages. Evolution is a slow gradual process
Your personal viewpoints means nothing in science try supplying evidence. I can quarantee if you hear a threatening sound you will try to see the source. It's in our very nature to identify the location of a threat.
The solution of the Cosmological constant problem ?
Mordred replied to stephaneww's topic in Speculations
Correct it's the same value everywhere. So that mean there is no potential difference from one location to another. Now think about gravity on a planet the closer you get to the Centre of mass the greater the potential. So you have a vector quantity that applies a force. However if mass/energy has no potential difference then there is no flow or force involved even with gravity. Another example a copper wire has electrons yet when there is no potential difference there is no current. In this case voltage is just another word describing potential difference. Now you agree that Lambda is uniform in potential difference everywhere. Place a planet in that field. How can there be a force applied in a specific direction if all sides of the planet has equal density ? If every star, galaxy and large scale structure is surrounded by Lambda that has equal density everywhere you cannot have a force in a direction. As every facing has the same density. -
How many experiences in the woods have you had ? I grew up in a small village in Northern Canada in grizzly country. That was one of the reasons I joined the Navy to make enough money to pay for my degrees. I've had numerous encounters with dangerous wildlife in my life. If you think hiding will help your wrong bears can smell you from several km's away and can locate you from scent alone. Your far better off spotting them as soon as possible. If a predator is stalking you he has already located you and getting into position for the kill.
The solution of the Cosmological constant problem ?
Mordred replied to stephaneww's topic in Speculations
time arrow although can be described as a vector does not apply any force. It is simply a rate of change. It doesn't have substance of any form or energy to apply the work performed to apply a force. -
The solution of the Cosmological constant problem ?
Mordred replied to stephaneww's topic in Speculations
No because velocity is a vector. It has a direction. I think the problem your having is how expansion works. There is no Centre of the universe nor does it expand in any direction from the Centre. Also the singularity isn't at any particular direction from us if we were to look into the past. Assuming we can see far enough back in time you would not be able to point at any particular direction and say the BB occurred in that direction. Just like the CMB it surounds us in every direction we look. Use this as an analogy. Draw dots on the surface of a balloon. As the balloon expands (don't think about the interior of the Balloon only the surface) you will notice the angles between the dots do not change as the surface expands. If you have an expansion with a direction then this would not be the case. The angles would change. Now you might think you can use recessive velocity of Hubble's law but this velocity depends on the observers location. You change that location and every value also changes including vector directions. It is not a true velocity but an apparent velocity. Just like a persons observable universe will change depending on location. So will any directional components when measuring stellar objects in terms of its recessive velocity also change. That would not be the case of there was a net flow. Each observer location would be able to measure the net flow. -
The solution of the Cosmological constant problem ?
Mordred replied to stephaneww's topic in Speculations
Ok let's try a simple example. Earlier this thread I posted an article detailing scalar and vector fields. In that paper they gave an example of the atmosphere. So start with an atmosphere that has no motion or wind. It has a temperature value everywhere. That is a scalar field Now add wind currents, you now have an average direction or flow of movement A vector field. A vector field can apply force, it can produce work such as on a windmill. There is an average power in watts that can be applied. -
The solution of the Cosmological constant problem ?
Mordred replied to stephaneww's topic in Speculations
Any attempt to apply force or power to the cosmological constant will be wrong. The field only has magnitude only values. To have a force you require a magnitude and a direction. There is no direction in Lambda. Expansion applies equally in all directions ie no preferred direction (isotropic) and no preferred location (ie centre) homogeneous. The EM field has a preferred direction anisotropic and a preferred location ie the source inhomogeneous. In the case of gravity ie a planet the planet is the source so has a preferred direction and a preferred location. That is not the case with Lambda nor the Planck field -
The solution of the Cosmological constant problem ?
Mordred replied to stephaneww's topic in Speculations
Surface power density isn't applicable in this application. The cosmological constant is a scalar field there is no force involved. A force requires a vector field. The EM field is an example as you have two charges. The cosmological constant doesn't have a charge nor inherent vector direction. -
Good thing your not trying to survive in the woods. The predator most likely already knows your there. They have other senses than just sight ie stong sense of smell. If you don't stand up to spot the predator to know where it is when you catch it's scent or hear it you won't know which direction to run. I believe we already covered this ground difficult doesn't mean impossible. Every mammal or bird lifts their heads from grazing to spot predators why would you decieve yourself this doesn't apply to standing up if possible. Just watch some nature shows you will see this behavior in too many numerous animals to count Example gophers But hey go visit Africa and keep your head below the grass if you honestly believe that will protect you or increase your odds. As for myself it's far more important to see the potential threat at a distance so you can stay clear of the threat. Seeing that threat early on such as grizzly bears is one reason reason I am still alive.
I always like putting in the subscript to make the last equation more obvious. However let's do this [math]E^2 = \underbrace{(mc^2)^2}_{rest:mass} + \underbrace{(pc)^2}_{kinetic:inertial:mass}[/math]
Frictional force is typically negligible in this instance. What you need is the mechanical advantage of the pulley. Calculate the force needed to lift the weight then divide by the mechanical advantage. That will get your effort force the first calc your load resistance force then apply your efficiency equation.
No one ever claimed he was infallible however relativity is incredibly well tested in every conceivable manner. It is literally one of the most rigorously tested theories. Secondly pop media articles are far more hype than actual science. Einstein didn't like the probabilistic nature behind entanglement doesn't mean he didn't understand what was involved.
Entanglement is an entirely different topic that has nothing to do with the discussion in this thread
I need to make a correction with the last The last post in order to keep LQC background independent you must use the QM operators ie position and momentum. QFT operators replaces position with a field operator. This is background dependent and not background independent which LQC follows. Connecting matter fields to LQC has already been done see equations on reference 74 in the following article. https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/research-centres-and-groups/theoretical-physics/msc/dissertations/2012/Suvi-Leena-Lehtinen-Dissertation.pdf You have the Dirac, Higgs and Yang Mills connections in those three equations. In essence you can derive the action integrals for the entire SM model in the LQC formalism with those three relations. They are background independent in accordance with the QM operators and formalism including the QM particle states ie wave functions as it pertains to wave particle duality.
Here is a quick article on tuple vectors to matrix form https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.le.ac.uk/users/dsgp1/COURSES/MESOMET/ECMETXT/07mesmet.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjf_urbmcjkAhV8ITQIHZYqBpcQFjABegQIDhAG&usg=AOvVaw0JGwrIzKa2BqN13IPOnzBT You may find it useful for your tuple usage.
OK I know what your after though your lanquage barrier is limiting your explanations. What your discussing is topological independent Quantum field theories. In essence you have quage symmetries of for example a vector or spinor space example of the former being the Hilbert space or another being phase space. These spaces do not have a specific spacetime coordinate choice but are embedded onto spacetime at need. In the Ponzano-Regge your dealing with the spin sums under SU (2) group of inner products though it is under the set of Real for [math]\mathcal{R}^6 [/math] So before I go too far I need to know how familiar are you with Lie algebra? As every model you mentioned involves this under its group representations. Secondly I hope you have a good calculus background as you will need to deal with inner products and outer products. As all the theories you mentioned use symmetry groups and their relations under translations such as rotation translations for say example the Lorentz boosts and rotations. (A boost involves a rotation of the Minkowskii group)
At the OP I think your work cut out for you to include SM particles in general to LQC. How familiar are you with gauge theory your going to need it ? Ie to go through say SO (10) to LQC.
How does one represent the fourth dimension on a graph?
Mordred replied to thethinkertank's topic in Relativity
Try and represent 4D spacetime In that app. -
How does one represent the fourth dimension on a graph?
Mordred replied to thethinkertank's topic in Relativity
Yeah several layers of 2d graph paper to make a 3d stack that you continously shift layers to simulate time 😨 Lol remind ya of using a book in old animation simulations Ie flipping pages to make cartoon figures appear to move lol. -
You have to be careful here, there are significant differences between how QFT and LQC describes a particle. This actually arises in another significant difference between the two formalisms that is far too often overlooked. QFT is a canonical treatment where LQC is a conformal treatment. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conformal_gravity Now LQC uses three vector one form fields (one form involve the vector inner products of a vector basis) to make up the spin foam. This is then applied to spacetime connections. Canonical treatments is a probability perturbative treatment https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canonical_quantum_gravity So each defines a particle state is different. The former describes the particle through spacetime connections. This is where the holonomy connections between the three vector fields comes into play. While the latter describes the QM QFT probability functions of the particle state via the Euler Langrene. In doing so the effective degrees of freedom of a particle follow two distinct methodologies. Edit I should note LQC also has a canonical treatment but instead of applying it to spin foam it applies the canonical treatment to the Wilson loops. However in both treatments you still have dimensionality. In LQC spacetime has discrete units (quanta of spacetime ) Now as you mentioned number two one must consider localization with particle wave duality. A particle does exhibit both pointlike and wavelike attributes. However what does pointlike really mean well it means that the intrinsic size doesn't really matter good example is the electron with no discernable internal structure. However it's field influence does have a discernible size. That can be determined via scattering experiments.
Unfortunately your not going to find any papers that are in LQC that describes any of your axioms. I don't read a single accurate statement in the above. LQC deals with particle states these states involve both the particle like and wavelike nature of waveparticle duality. LQC follows the tenets of GR. Spacetime isn't created, the volume of spacetime may increase but this does not mean spacetime is created. Mass does influence spacetime curvature, however even under GR curvature really means the geodesic curvature terms of freefall paths such as the worldline (null geodesic) of photons. All advanced theories must be reducible to classical Newton laws this includes LQC and GR. In physics mathematics describe nature we use it to make testable predictions of interactions and other measurable dynamics (observables) under LQC. http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.4598 Here is an introduction to LQC by Abhay Ashtekar However you will find this more useful as it details the principle formulas. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/research-centres-and-groups/theoretical-physics/msc/dissertations/2012/Suvi-Leena-Lehtinen-Dissertation.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiY0KW7ksXkAhWJoJ4KHYa-C384ChAWMAh6BAgEEAE&usg=AOvVaw1qZeQiG6QPxgz5HCAIqDc8 Sorry for the long link on my phone atm.