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Everything posted by Mordred

  1. ! Moderator Note Roger do not answer mainstream questions and threads with your personal misconceptions. If you don't know the scientific accepted answer do not not respond. Energy is best left defined as "the ability to perform work" it is a property
  2. Yes your correct the particle spin does follow the left hand/right rules
  3. https://www.google.ca/search?client=ms-android-samsung&source=android-browser&ei=734MWfyjDI20jwOgk6OABg&q=Higgs+boson+imaged&oq=Higgs+boson+imaged&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.3..0i13k1j0i22i30k1j0i13i5i30k1j0i8i13i30k1.96038.111951.0.113614. There is your images find the right set of excitations that represent the Higgs in there. (requires tremendous computing time on highly advanced computers)
  4. Good luck you define real.
  5. You asked for proof like Everyone has access to a facility like CERN. We provided the research papers as we cannot hand you a Higgs Boson. Can you draw a picture of a photon? of course not. Why would you expect a picture of the Higgs? Would you even know how to seperate individual particles from a scattering diagram? Do you know how to calculate the mass of a particle and its spin from its trail left after a collision?
  6. To add a bit of detail on the Feyman diagrams. The solid external lines are observable real particles. The internal lines (virtual particles) are represented by squiggly lines. Just a side note to make reading them easier
  7. Do you understand the difference? I did provide the answer to what distinquishes a VP from a real particle. The Higgs boson is a real particle not virtual
  8. Spoken by someone with no concept of what science states about a given subject. Sorry but your opinion means little compared to the available body of evidence
  9. There is literally hundreds of papers on the Higgs boson and Higgs field. Two locations are able to readily and repeatably produce them. The LHC and CERN. They were predicted long before they were detected. Thats because your still thinking particles are little billiard balls. Its easy to divide a field excitation. Particles can decay into other particles this occurs all the time
  10. Ah but there is always other readers involved 😉 edit: besides I'm keeping it as simple and rudimentary as possible. Its far more complex than I've described thus far
  11. Yes massless particles follow null geodesics. A null geodesic is not an inertial. Inertial frames are your spacelike geodesics.
  12. Now here is where we kill your illusion of matter. All particles are field excitations. A good eite https://profmattstrassler.com/about/about-this-site-and-how-to-use-it/ "There are no particles, there are only fields". https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://arxiv.org/pdf/1204.4616&ved=0ahUKEwiA5YS11NbTAhUY4mMKHZ7CC3AQFggcMAA&usg=AFQjCNEqAKaDGcbyMG2ax22sA9BakBSaTQ&sig2=YJHyjM8bb7Mbm-l7RHNlEg A real particle requires a quanta of energy this is also the minimal value for effective action. However a proton is a tightly packed bundle of fluctuations (virtual gluons etc) the 2 up and 1 down quark being just the excess color charge. The Prof Strass site has a good article covering this. However under confined regions these fluctuation waveforms will cause constructive or destructive interferance patterns. When you constructively interfere the wavelength and amplitude can combine to greater than a quanta of energy becoming a real particle whose identity will depend on other quantum number waveforms. These different waveforms overlap in the same finite region. So with constructive and destructive interferences having a wavefunction for uncertainty principle is only natural. A quantum fluctuation is "off shell" it has insufficient energy to have all the quantum number wavefunctions of the real particle. So it can exhibit some but not all the characteristics. The pointlike characteristics apply when you measure a quanta in a pointlike volume. Its fuzzy for this boundary on part due to the Heisenburg uncertainty. Other boundary confinement rules are under S Matrix in QFT there are numerous boundary confinement rules. Your balloon skin is nothing more than a tightly packed region of overlappping fields. Held together by primarily the electromagnetic force field. The individual particles are tightly packed excitations. (in essence field spikes in excess a quanta). Now just like the electromagnetic field you can have charge, a charged field is a vector field. An uncharged field a scalar field is typically used. Mass under these conditions has similarities to electromagnetic propogation delay. Indeed we are delaying all information exchange by the field charge interaction (attractive field force). The binding energy of all overlapping fields form your spacetime dynamics of kinematic action. [latex]\stackrel{Action}{\overbrace{\mathcal{L}}} \sim \stackrel{relativity}{\overbrace{\mathbb{R}}}- \stackrel{Maxwell}{\overbrace{1/4F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu}}}+\stackrel{Dirac}{\overbrace{i \overline{\psi}\gamma_\mu\psi}}+\stackrel{Higg's}{\overbrace{\mid D_\mu h\mid-V\mid h\mid}} +\stackrel{Yugawa-coupling}{\overbrace{h\overline{\psi}\psi}}[/latex] For further details on action Particularly under GR where I have relativity apply the Poisson/Lorentz symmetry groups using Principle of least action. Here is the Feyman lecture on it. https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/II_19.html&ved=0ahUKEwjwoq7Z3NbTAhUHx2MKHa9aB4sQFgg3MAQ&usg=AFQjCNHMXx3zfd6VtHs2XB9Tq1zL91gsXQ&sig2=QqaMDZ_iSafyK-KpFFWUNg Mass is literally "resistance to inertia change" This resistance is due to the binding energies mentioned above. Remember fields can and do overlap just like electromagnetic signals can ride other wavefunctions. Quite frankly under the actions formula above we have covered all sources of mass. via their respective field interactions or rather though you can readily expand the above to include any fields missing. THe Dirac section covers particle/antiparticle pairs, the Yukawa couplings is your respective field coupling constants. The Higgs field and electromagnetic are self explanatory. The strong force is involved but as its so short range you only need to model it in tight regions ie inside the infividual atoms. Photons for example has no binding field interactions. Hence it has no rest mass. It still has the ability to perform work a quanta of energy can cause action.. So it has inertial mass due to its energy momentum. It isn't being restricted in its movements so travels at c.
  13. The substrate he is referring to is a low energy density field referred to as zero point energy based off the Heisenburg uncertainty principle. It does not describe space itself "though he may even state such" it takes too long to describe something like zero point energy field in a short time for a video. Zero point energy is in essence your uncertainty principle applied. It is a sea of fluctuations in a specific map of interactions. (depending upon virtual particle make up) A field is a collection of objects/events/coordinates. Space itself is still the volume. Virtual particles/fluctuations is your particle soup residing in the volume of space right along with your real particles (greater than a quanta)
  14. Don't pay attention to pop media videos to learn physics. They will mislead you everytime.
  15. Now what curves under the FLRW metric. [latex]{s^2}=-{c^2}d{t^2}+a{t^2}[d{r^2}+{S,k}{r^2}d\Omega^2][/latex] [latex]S\kappa.r= \begin{cases} R sin.r/R &k=+1\\ r &k=0\\ R sin r/R &k=-1 \end {cases}[/latex] Again we are plotting the parallel paths of light. null geodesics/worldlines. However in this instance the density varies over time. This equates to your expansion history over time and how it affects the worldlines of light. You don't create volume nor volume change. Yes but GR does more than plot the path to an object. Your also plotting how mass affects time.
  16. Use the raisin bread for a better 3d analogy though no analogy is perfect. Exactly
  17. What is curved is the Kronecker delta function. This is your tidal force due to a point mass source. (center of gravity). Try this take a piece of paper, a compass and a pencil. Start with coordinate for center of gravity. Draw a line at every degree from that point. You just plotted the freefall path of falling objects to a center of gravity. In other words you just mapped gravity. In non curved space ie Flat space there is no center of gravity so no deviation in the distance between the freefall paths of two or more falling objects. Kronecker delta stays constant (linear)
  18. You need the math and coordinates to predict where the moon will be and shorten your flight time. The universe doesn't care how we measure it.
  19. Lets detail GR version of curvature a bit further with two thought experiments. take 2 balls drop them from a height. Plot the rate of fall and direction of fall. Keep track of the distance between the two balls. (assign a variable here called the Kronecker delta function). If there is no gravity or curvature the Kronecker delta will be constant. The distance between the two balls do not change. If you have mass then just as in Newton gravity the balls will fall towards the center of gravity. This will alter our previous parallel freefall paths affecting the Kronecker delta. The two balls will get closer together as they fall. We can now use this to plot spacetime curvature. (using the freefall paths of two or more objects in parallel. The kronecker delta gives us our devitations from the parallel paths (intrinsic curvature due to mass )
  20. Its more accurate to treat space itself as just the volume. However the standard model of particles reside in this volume of space. Expansion is a graviational and thermodynamic system. Though when you study enough you learn that GR also contains thermodynamics. Each particle species has a thermodynamic equation of state. This equates its potential energy (energy density/mass density/potential energy) to its pressure influence/kinetic energy. Details here. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equation_of_state_(cosmology) In cosmology we treat everything we see as an ideal gas. Expansion follows all the rules of a homogeneous and isotropic adiabatic fluid. Universe geometry ie curvature is a relation between critical density to actual density. Details here. http://cosmology101.wikidot.com/universe-geometry page 2 http://cosmology101.wikidot.com/geometry-flrw-metric/ In GR curvature follows a different math relation. That of a vector map of kinematic freefall motion. Both forms of curvature are differential geometry relationships. In one case its a history of expansion density change in the latter case its a vector field mapping worldlines. (though density is intrinsic to GR as well). The FLRW metric also maps wordlines. Both treat space as simply the volume, we apply a set of coordinates to this volume, we add the time component to this coordinate map as this allows us to map how the density relations affect the wordline paths of light (null geodesics, freefall path of light). Universe geometry also affects light paths just as GR does. Both are affected by density gradient relations. (If you put together the above "What curves in spacetime is the density gradients influence upon the worldline paths of light) it is those paths that are curved. (through thermodynamic and gravity relations).
  21. Thats actually not too bad an article just from a first glance. You obviously put a lot of work into it. Will have to spend some more time reading it.
  22. The only displacement is available volume inside and outside the balloon. Volume change displaces nothing else. That is all a change in space is. Volume change. space =volume. Nothing else.
  23. Why would that be an issue when space is simply volume. You keep trying to apply some substance requirement to something that is only volume. Now before you jump into spacetime curvature keep in mind GR is a freefall motion coordinate map, that also applies the thermodynamic laws. Spacetime curvature is a mathematical descripive of specific relations not a fabric of any sort.
  24. Did you apply the ideal gas laws to the air inside of the balloon. Other than volume change it is simply the air inside the baloon becoming less dense. The volume can change if a) the balloon material becomes weaker b) atmospheric pressure outside the balloon being less dense. Space is just volume not a substance. Air does not need to enter the balloon or exit for a volume change.
  25. So how did gravity work before there were atoms ? or fermionic matter? Not all the history of our universe was matter available. Or better yet this lab experiment that uses lasers to generate a gravitational field? http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1367-2630/18/2/023009 Same article but published at arxiv for those that prefer arxiv. https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://arxiv.org/pdf/1511.01023&ved=0ahUKEwi8-Lyz4dTTAhXpv1QKHYwOBbAQFggcMAA&usg=AFQjCNFV4HS0tqUmytAUIleAh6o9Sm_2vg&sig2=lnR3ot4f5VwB0k7zBMpXkg Here is the more popularly known Tolman tests on lasers generating gravity. https://redirect.viglink.com/?format=go&jsonp=vglnk_149385056757712&key=6afc78eea2339e9c047ab6748b0d37e7&libId=j29k06cn010009we000MAjvoizlu8&loc=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.physicsforums.com%2Fthreads%2Feffect-of-photon-gravity-on-another-photon-traveling-in-the-opposite-d.764878%2F&v=1&out=http%3A%2F%2Fauthors.library.caltech.edu%2F1544%2F1%2FTOLpr31a.pdf&ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.ca%2F&title=Effect%20of%20photon%20gravity%20on%20another%20photon%20traveling%20in%20the%20opposite%20d%20%7C%20Physics%20Forums%20-%20The%20Fusion%20of%20Science%20and%20Community&txt=http%3A%2F%2Fauthors.library.caltech.edu%2F1544%2F1%2FTOLpr31a.pdf By the way that was done back in 1931... Why we even have laser driven sails. How is that possible if only matter can generate force? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_propulsion I call that sufficient proof your wrong. Better study Roger
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