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Everything posted by Mordred

  1. Stellar atmosphere, or stellar envelope, is the outermost region of a star.
  2. Not so much in everyday applications, in Cosmology and GUT it's essential, good example is causes of expansion and CMB measurements, also Big bang nucleosynthesis
  3. Am star-is a chemically peculiar star belonging to the more general class of A-type stars. The spectrum of the Am stars shows abnormal enhancements and deficiencies of certain metals (PS particle physics is a primary field of science in Cosmology, one thing I learned Cosmology involves all forms of physics and in many applications chemistry) which explains why I studied high energy particle physics
  4. Number density-is the quantity of some specified particle or object class per unit volume
  5. Tidal locking-is a net result of continued tidal braking wherein the satellite orbits with the same face always pointed toward its primary. The Moon is tidally locked with the Earth.
  6. Yohkoh (sunbeam) A Japanese satellite launched in August 1991 designed to study the dynamics, energetics, and morphology of solar flares. (Went through the thread noticed Acme already used the above)
  7. YLEM Ylem (or Yelm) is the name given to the hypothetical primordial matter from which all the elements have formed. George Gamow proposed the existence of ylem. fair enough I originally had this, but editted it as we went off y for various galaxy names.
  8. REFLECTION NEBULA A reflection nebula is a nebula that glows as the dust in it reflects the light of nearby stars. These nebulae are frequently bluish in color because blue light is more efficiently reflected than red light. A reflection nebula surrounds the Pleiades Star Cluster.
  9. ZETA ORIONIS a star at the eastern end of Orion's belt (Lol the letter y is getting challenging)
  10. YERKES OBSERVATORY University of Chicago's Yerkes Observatory is an astronomical observatory located at Williams Bay, Wisconsin, USA.
  11. Omega nebula Also known as the Swan Nebula, M17, NGC 6618, the Horseshoe Nebula, and the Lobster Nebula.
  12. e-Folding is the time interval in which an exponentially growing quantity increases by a factor of e (e = roughly 2.718). Roughly 60 e folds in inflation.
  13. Yang-Mills Theories Also known as gauge theories, also used in GUT theories. Of primary importance in particle physics
  14. Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram- a graph whose horizontal axis plots star color (or temperature) against a vertical axis plotting stellar luminosity (or absolute magnitude)
  15. kirkwood gaps Regions in the asteroid zone which have been swept clear of asteroids by the perturbing effects of Jupiter
  16. Titania fourth satellite of Uranus
  17. Omicron Eridani A triple star that lies 16 light-years away
  18. Hydrostatic equilibrium- A state that occurs when compression due to gravity is balanced by a pressure gradient which creates a pressure gradient force in the opposite direction. Lenticular Galaxy A disk-shaped galaxy that contains no conspicuous structure within the disk. Lenticular galaxies tend to look more like elliptical galaxies than spiral galaxies. Oblateness A measure of flattening at the poles of a planet or other celestial body.
  19. You are aware that electromagnetic frequency is mediated via photons ? The formulas I provided cover what your describing. Those calcs assumed a perfect receiving antenna which of course doesn't exist. Then the other problem is the mean free path of individual photons is too short for your descriptive above. However that's another detail
  20. How would we know what equipment you have? You never provided the manufacturer or make and model. We don't have a crystal ball
  21. On a more serious note are you by chance talking about the Hendo hoverboard? Something like that should have a name brand On it. Granted I certainly won't pay 10 k for a board. It's the only brand I've heard of http://mobile.extremetech.com/latest/222155-for-10000-dollars-you-can-have-the-worlds-first-hoverboard-and-invest-in-earthquake-proof-levitating-homes?origref= ( key note you require superconducting magnets and a special prepared surface)
  22. Roflmao acme Corp is from the Bugs Bunny cartoons
  23. A single photon is pointless. Think of it this way, the typical sensitivity on a two way radio reciever is 2.5 microvolts. This signal is then amplified. That's to accept a broadcast from typically 25 watt antennas at a decent range. A 100 watt antenna gives you better range but not on the scales were talking. No one using a cell phone will want to carry a 12 foot square antenna to gather enough power to run their cell phone. At 100 watt this is the profile you would need to gather 25 mw for a trickle charge. (Though I didn't account for reflective power loss and efficiency)
  24. Unfortunately when you start doing power calcs I can attest Swansort is correct. Even assuming you can deliver 100 watts effective power at the surface. Your receiving antenna would have to be Huge to receive that 100 watts and in perfect attenuation. The effective power would only be sufficient to charge batteries on a trickle charge. We can already do this with far greater practicality with solar power. The problem isn't solar or wind power. The problem is power storage. The technology already exists for renewable power, what's holding it back is power storage sufficient enough and affordable to handle peak hour usage. Using your idea would require a far larger surface area than most efficient solar panels. Better advancements in solar panels haven't hit the common market yet. This includes the transparent solar panels. (Where every windshield or window can be a solar panel). Storage is what's problematic As far as storage is concerned grids across the globe are still upgrading. Some areas generate more power than they can store currently. Here is a related article. http://breakingenergy.com/2015/05/25/new-storage-technologies-open-doors-for-wind-and-solar/ Another example is where I live we have several thousand wind generators. Only a small percentage run at the same time. We haven't got the storage infrastructure yet for the storage. Still under development.
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