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Everything posted by Mordred

  1. Please post an example of Lepton number violation seeing as you specified that conservation rule. To the OP. No the Higgs is not like God lol it was a pop media term that kind of stuck. Pop media is like that sometimes. Thankfully now that the Higgs has been found its rarely referenced in those terms now. Reading this I see Sensei point. Didn't catch it at first read
  2. Ah I see, despite being told there is no such thing as time particles you choose to ignore studying where your understanding was in error. Gotcha Why don't you start your own thread and post the predictive power of your metrics. I'd be curious to see how intelligent and comprehensive your mathematics work with your idea. How ever I suppose you don't have any do you? Too bad really, that's your loss I supplied you the material to correct your misunderstandings. There no TIME PARTICLE. Time is not a material of any form. Time is the observer measured rate of change or duration of a system being measured. I already explained your misconceptions of space time fabric in your other thread. Again you showed a lack of desire in learning why your understanding of space time is in error. I already explained your misconceptions of space time fabric in your other thread. Again you showed a lack of desire in learning why your understanding of space time is in error.
  3. GR is extensively tested in more tests than I care to link to. You really should study it in greater detail in many ways its one of the more tested theories we have today. Particularly since its tested everyday in particle accelerators. With every single proton sent. It always amazes me how some people argue theories they don't understand nor realize how common its applied in our everyday applications. Simply because it defies their beliefs or personal ideas. Of course they always think they are smarter than the thousands of professional physicists in the last century. Yet they never show any mathematical proof nor repeatable experiments.
  4. Yes Schrodinger includes the quantum harmonic oscillator. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger_equation
  5. Looks good bang on the money in this post
  6. What you need to do it look at valence bond theories. Wiki links a couple of variations. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valence_bond_theory http://chemwiki.ucdavis.edu/Theoretical_Chemistry/Chemical_Bonding/Valence_Bond_Theory/Overview_of_Valence_Bond_Theory Then look at Bohr's model http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohr_model How the quarks combine to combine to form a neutron or proton follows the conservation of color rules. The net color charge must result in no net charge. (Colorless) you need to examine the conservation of spin and isospin rules. Each quarks has a spin and collectively form the resulting spin of the particle itself However each quark also has an electromagnetic charge so you need to add up their contributions. This gives the electromagnetic charge of the particle itself. so for example proton is 2/3+2/3+-1/3=+1 (2 up one down) Another arena to look into is valence bonding in coordinate chemistry. And molecular orbital theory Chemistry isn't my strong suit lol However that being said here is a key QM explaination http://users.aber.ac.uk/ruw/teach/237/hatom.php Schrodinger equation involvement with the hydrogen atom
  7. The Higgs was called the God particle because it was a critical piece of evidence to validate the standard model. As well as explaining much on how quarks and gluons gain mass. To truly understand why certain terms are used, in particle physics and electrodynamics one has to study the math. There is numerous conservation rules that must be obeyed. Most people aren't aware of many of them. Conservation of energy/momentum, color,charge,Lepton number,baryon,flavor,isospin. These rules govern what reactions can occur and how particles decay into lower energy particles. Decays that don't follow these rules do not occur. Part of the problem of posters trying to learn physics without the math, is it is extremely difficult to explain concepts to them without the proper terminology. More often than not attempts to simplify explainations to the layman leads to greater misconceptions and confusion. The properties of particles is charge,spin,energy ,mass and momentum. Volume is indeterminant, the term dimensionless or pointlike describe this. Energy is a property of particles, it does not exist on its own. As far as the term dimensions, this is a differential geometry term. A dimension can be assigned to a specific interaction. Examples is electric charge, color charge, or specific symmetry groups used in particle physics. These groups have specific symmetries and transformations. Without going into Lie algebra this is difficult to describe. Introductory to particle physics by Griffith is a good introduction book. However arxiv has one available for free http://arxiv.org/abs/0810.3328 A Simple Introduction to Particle Physics Part 2 is here http://arxiv.org/abs/0908.1395 Both articles cover extensively the required lie algebra and differential Geometry terms used in particle physics. One could literally spend a full year studying those two articles, However it's extremely rewarding as you will be able to pick up and understand the most technical articles posted on the internet, such as arxiv Including relativity. Second link goes into detail in that arena
  8. Yet there is still an infinite density mass lol. Gotta love BHs they can give ya a headache at times. Lol
  9. Lol The double slit doesn't involve antimatter. It's probability is due to a particles spin. There has been numerous attempts to consider antimatter involved in the cosmological constant. So its not unheard of. Google zero energy universe. http://arxiv.org/pdf/gr-qc/0605063 read this you will see the Casimiir effect involved. This was about the strongest matter/antimatter process models until the 120 orders of magnitude too large a value was discovered.
  10. Good example the antimatter particle that falls in annihilated with tma matter particle already in the BH resulting in loss of mass. So I would say it has physical meaning, but the term negative matter is misleading of that process
  11. Well considering how involved QM is involved in QFT, it's almost like describing the FLRW metric without relativity. QFT is QM +relativity at its core, QM does an excellent job describing single probability interactions. One example I can think of Is the double slit experiment. I for one don't recall ever seeing a QFT treatment to explain that. There probably is one. Just can't think of ever reading it lol By the way this is an excellent fields resource book. http://arxiv.org/abs/hepth/9912205: "Fields" - A free lengthy technical training manual on classical and quantum fields
  12. The Higgs doesn't exclude a matter antimatter universe in and of itself. However that model used a time reversal process to work. At one time antimatter was misconstrued as moving backward in time. This was a consequence of a math technique to explain its opposite charge. Today we know antimatter works the same as matter the only difference is it is opposite charge to its matter opposite. The other details is the big bang model doesn't describe how the universe began. Only covers our observable portion after 10^-43 sec We don't know if it is finite or infinite. Matter/antimatter universe assumes finite.(cannot work in infinite universe without time reversal) The other details is the big bang model doesn't describe how the universe began. Only covers our observable portion after 10^-43 sec One of the earlier papers on SO(10) covers baryogenesis.
  13. The seesaw mechanism is a mexican hat potential descriptive. In the TeV energy range the Higgs has a metastability and its influence changes, the result is that it's influence on quarks etc also changes. Those articles cover it in better detail. The metastability if I recall is roughly 10^19 GeV This also coincides with the temperature in the inflation era
  14. Quintessence was a once model to explain the cosmological constant. It was found not to be a valid theory. Though I cannot recall the reason why it was shown invalid. Current literature on quintessence is few and far between. You will also learn that the Cosmological constant was at one time due to quantum mechanics Heisenberg uncertainty principle in the form of the quantum harmonic oscillator, however this form produces 120 orders of magnitude too much energy. This is a process of virtual particle/anti particle annihilations. Currently the latest hope also lies with the Higgs seesaw mechanism. http://arxiv.org/abs/1402.3738 http://arxiv.org/abs/0710.3755 http://arxiv.org/abs/1006.2801 This may also explain inflation, Currently there is still 70+ valid to observation inflation models. As far as expansion the acceleration equation of the FLRW metric is used [latex]d_2=-c^2dt^2+\frac{a^2dr^2}{1-kr^2}[/latex] K is the curvature constant a is the scale factor which represents expansion at a point in time. The cosmological constant is represented with [latex]\Lambda[/latex]
  15. No prob enjoy, feel free to ask questions on the material
  16. Roughly correct however you have to account for the Earths 23 degree tilt. With that tilt the moon can be 23 north or south at times See inclination path this page http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbit_of_the_Moon
  17. You might look at the equivalent mass contribution of the cosmological constant. From the critical density formula it derives as roughly [latex] 10^{-29} [/latex] grams/cubic meter The Higgs field energy density should also be considered. I ran across an article at one time with its energy density. I'll try and see if I can track it down.
  18. Fair enough, treat the universe with all its particles as an ideal gas or perfect fluid. Each particle contributor has an equation of state Which correlates its energy density to pressure. [latex]w=\frac{\rho}{p}[/latex] http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equation_of_state_(cosmology) collectively the different w's combine to give the curvature constant k. http://cosmology101.wikidot.com/universe-geometry page 2 http://cosmology101.wikidot.com/geometry-flrw-metric/ The other material will detail these links in greater detail
  19. Go right on ahead.. I for one understand quite well what the differences between antiparticles and particles are including what their corresponding degrees of freedom does in terms of thermodynamics. Prior to leptogenesis and baryogenesis the antiparticles contributions can be accounted for. No one knows for sure what caused the two the SO(10) MSM and MSSM has some metrics that may explain it. Still waiting for further details on the Highs metastability. In particular the seesaw mechanism. Considering the majority of the top particle physicists are working on what I just stated. I'll take that opinion over the article you posted in a heartbeat. Particularly since that article had zero metrics. Particle physics and cosmology is my two favorite fields of study. If you want read.. http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0004188v1.pdf:"ASTROPHYSICS AND COSMOLOGY"- A compilation of cosmology by Juan Garcıa-Bellido http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0409426An overview of Cosmology Julien Lesgourgues http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-th/0503203.pdf"Particle Physics and Inflationary Cosmology" by Andrei Linde http://www.wiese.itp.unibe.ch/lectures/universe.pdf:"Particle Physics of the Early universe" by Uwe-Jens Wiese Thermodynamics, Big bang Nucleosynthesis these will give you the tools to properly approach your conjecture. Here is the SO(10) approach http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0509190
  20. I think you better read the paper again. By the way I have read this material before. " by Trevor Pitts Abstract: If space, time and mass-energy expand outward from the Big Bang along the time axis equally in the (+) and (-) directions, then time is symmetric by Weyl's definition. In the Feynman-Stueckelberg Interpretation, antimatter is identical to matter but moves backward in time. This paper argues that this interpretation is physically real, leading to the universe containing dark matter with mass accumulations similar to ordinary matte. As time expands, in both directions away from the origin, quantum uncertainty allows a brief, decreasing leakage of mass between (+) and (-) universes. Matter leaking from (-) to (+) time moves forward in time, producing preponderance of matter in (+) time. Antimatter leakage from (+) time to (-) time in the same way produces antimatter preponderance in the (-) time universe" The first three sentences should clue you in lol. Now read pages 74 to 76 of this article. http://arxiv.org/abs/0810.3328 A Simple Introduction to Particle Physics
  21. Let's stop right here GUT is not restricted to quarks and how they combine. Quarks describe the strong force. Photons is the electromagnet force. W and Z bosons is the weak force. GUT specifically covers how these three forces become indistinguishable from one another as you increase the temperature. This is a state of thermodynamics equilibrium. To reach this you must calculate the coupling constants of each force. This is often termed Running of the coupling constants. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coupling_constant A coupling constant Is the strength of a force (interaction part) compared to its kinetic energy part or another interaction part. Now lets look at the makeup of photons. Note on this page photons is an elementary particle, it is not made up of quarks. The color of each quark has nothing to do with how it interacts with light. a quarks color represents its charge. As there is Three color charges. The allowable combinations must follow the conservation of color rules. Which how they combine must be white or colorless. This however is how the color charges add up and has to do with charge conservation not the photon interactions. Color charge isn't electromagnetic. Electromagnetic charge positive and negative is carried by photons particle to particle. The color charge is carried by quarks and gluons. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_charge Google the eightfold wayen for more details. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eightfold_Way_(physics) as far as GUT here is a few good guides http://arxiv.org/pdf/0904.1556.pdf The Algebra of Grand Unified Theories John Baez and John Huerta http://pdg.lbl.gov/2011/reviews/rpp2011-rev-guts.pdf GRAND UNIFIED THEORIES For high energy particle physics in terms of thermodynamics http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-th/0503203.pdf "Particle Physics and Inflationary Cosmology" by Andrei Linde http://www.wiese.itp.unibe.ch/lectures/universe.pdf:" Particle Physics of the Early universe" by Uwe-Jens Wiese Thermodynamics, Big bang Nucleosynthesis The first is a full length textbook. as far as particle physics textbooks Introductory to particle physics by Griffith is a good introduction book. However arxiv has one available for free http://arxiv.org/abs/0810.3328 A Simple Introduction to Particle Physics Part 2 is here http://arxiv.org/abs/0908.1395
  22. This paper is highly misleading on the nature of antimatter and time reversal symmetry. The only difference between antimatter and matter is the charge. In the metrics ONLY antimatter charge can be formulated as time reversal symmetry. This However does not mean antimatter moves backwards in time.
  23. The metrics of expansion and cosmology is an ideal gas gravity contributes to the positive pressure, while the cosmological attributes to the negative pressure. Gravity is an attraction only, there is no anti gravity. http://cosmology101.wikidot.com/redshift-and-expansion http://cosmology101.wikidot.com/universe-geometry every contributor particles,radiation matter etc has an equation of state that correlates its energy density to pressure contribution. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equation_of_state_(cosmology) This includes particles/antiparticles The only difference between the two is the charge. Their EoS is identical.
  24. If the impact comes in at an angle from east to west. The west side is deeper. Not all impacts are perpendicular to the surface Here is some material on the erosion patterns Hellas crater is also included. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noachian I wait for the math, take your time
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