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High-energy physics, cosmology today are closer to scams than science
Mordred replied to nobox's topic in Speculations
That's only one method used its luminosity to distance relations. Science never relies on one method. There is also various forms of parallax you might want to Google the term cosmic distance ladder. Those relations took years of rigorous testing to develop. They are still being rigorously tested to this day -
As far as posting the math to get assistance etc. You will want to learn latex. Here is this forums guide on that. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/3751-quick-latex-tutorial/#
Is there a size, beyond which a system cannot be considered at once?
Mordred replied to tar's topic in Speculations
To add to Strange's comment. When we use our telescopes we also do a spectrum analysis. This spectrum allows us to identify elements and compounds. One of my fav articles on element absorbtion lines etc is physics of the intergalactic medium http://arxiv.org/abs/0711.3358 You may also want to look at the Hertzprung-Russell diagram. http://www.atlasoftheuniverse.com/hr.html as well as the cosmic distance ladder http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=11&ved=0CEYQFjAK&url=http%3A%2F%2Fterrytao.files.wordpress.com%2F2010%2F10%2Fcosmic-distance-ladder.pdf&rct=j&q=cosmic%20distance%20ladder&ei=X5KzVOXlFYKZyATCy4KABA&usg=AFQjCNGlvPOAHYvvgMKDzr4f8t3KAzw5Mg&sig2=ddvTSQZykycf5uRqs9dB6g This is a handy slide show the later pages has some spectography examples Some areas to look at on spectrography and elements is to look at the Lyman forest and the Rydberg formula This link will get you started. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_spectral_series -
Those mathematics define the stationary limit region where one can have a possible stationary observer speed of light or less. just prior to even the speed of light being caught by frame dragging.
Found this handy reference it does a good job describing the Kerr metric vs the Scwartchild metric. http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=5&ved=0CCoQFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fthep.housing.rug.nl%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Ftheses%2FBachelor%2520thesis_Pieter%2520van%2520der%2520Wijk.pdf&rct=j&q=kerr%20metric%20geodesic%20equations&ei=i_qyVKiZHpO1yATaloDoAw&usg=AFQjCNF21wPuwdhohT3l93JZfLn9nHEPUg&sig2=EiaKPMj7eD3PjCx5jfKSJw&bvm=bv.83339334,d.aWw it's a fairly easy read, however does include the math details.
Big Bang and Ether (split from direction of the big bang)
Mordred replied to DimaMazin's topic in Speculations
A joules is also a unit of measure for energy density per volume. This site has the figure in both energy density and mass density per volume. http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/vacuum.html This isn't where I got the figure from However it is the same figure. Dark energy does exert positive pressure, pressure is energy density per volume with the appropriate equation of state pressure is a measure of force per given volume Your confusion seems to be on the joules unit of measure itself. ,"In physics, energy is a property of objects, transferable among them via fundamental interactions, which can be converted into different forms but not created or destroyed. The joule is the SI unit of energy, based on the amount transferred to an object by the mechanical work of moving it 1 metre against a force of 1 newton.[1]" http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy Please note the link is on the physics definition of energy. -
Not really a rotating BH can lose its rate of rotation via the Hawking Berkenstien radiation. In rotation you must consider all interactions with particles. A feeding BH will most likely increase its angular momentum, however this rate can be reduced by the process I mentioned. A good analysis is done in this article. http://arxiv.org/abs/1104.5499:''Black hole Accretion Disk'' -Handy article on accretion disk measurements provides a technical compilation of measurements involving the disk itself. what a lot of people ignore is the influence the accretion disk can have via gravity A Kerr rotating BH can theoretically become non rotating and vice versa
To add to Strange's comments on spinning think of conservation of angular momentum. If a slow spinning object compresses, it's spin rate increases. Take a spinning skater with arms open,now close the arms rate of spin increases . Open up the arms it decreases Same principle applies to all rotating bodies. Including BH's
What Is The Mechanism of Space Expansion?
Mordred replied to Future JPL Space Engineer's topic in Relativity
Not exactly. The FLRW metric reguires homogeneous and isotropic expansion. However locally the EFE can describe anistrophies in a local region such as a BH. Homogeneity is a term that depends on scale of measurement. Let's look at a lake. If you examine the lake close-up it is inhomogeneous . Waves etc However if you increase the measurement distance these deviations get effectively washed out on an average per volume basis. The metrics of FLRW is the sane. Locally small distances the universe is inhomogeneous , galaxies large scale structures etc. But if you increase the measurement distance to say 100 Mpc. Those deviations get ignorable. It will appear homogeneous. Same can be said on a solid. At a certain macroscopic measurement it appears homogeneous, get close enough it isnt Gravity however is inhomogeneous. For example start with a flat space time. mMinkowskii then add an influence such as mass.. The relation of the original metric to the added mass is inhomogeneous as well as isotropic. Homogeneous=no preferred location Isotropic= no preferred direction. Combined they mean uniformity. The universe is uniform in distribution on average -
Wow I take the day of to spend some quality time with my wife. Then read all that has transpired. I have one question to ask. Did anyone teach you the meaning of humility?. From your opening post how much did your understanding change? Yet you sit there insulting those that spent the time correcting your understanding. How much discussion did it take to get you to see the geometry relations or that space time is a mathematical descriptive? Your last posts were in regards to vectors . However your opening posts was gluons. We corrected a large amount in this thread. Albeit some mistakes were made, however this shouldn't distract you from the fact that every took the time and effort to assist you. I really don't know what to say at this point. I've helped a lot of people online over the years. Yes sometimes I make mistakes however I admit to them. I can't recall any that change the way they discuss a problem, get corrected then claim they were always right. Just my take, I know you won't agree but quite frankly its no sweat off my back as they say. You have the material I provided I truly hope you learn from that material. As for me I have my own studies which involves the Higgs field and the cosmological constant. I fully expect this to take a few years. Ps you can't have energy momentum without something to measure. Neither can you measure spactime without something to measure. You already know I will state you measure particles Might think about that in terms of the test particle YdoaPs used. Remember energy and momentum are both properties. They do not exist on their own. For that you need ? One last question "Why do you choose to self limit yourself, not taking the time to understand the math is self limitation". Imagine what you can do with your ability to visualize coupled with the mathematics.... For example a good mathematician can look at a random sinusoidal wave form and perform a laplace transformation. Aka electromagnetic waveforms. Visualization is only a beginning, mathematics is the tool to describe that visualization Ajb for example is a mathematician. He can probably pick up ANY physics article and see the relations of influence involved. As one that tried to ignore the math then took the time to learn it. I can honestly say I can decipher far more in random physics articles. Even to the point of recognizing math to invalid premise errors. ( in the fields I study,) Makes it easier to recognize pop media or crank articles
Yes but a shrink in volume is also a change in the thermodynamic state. Which I believe is the point Ydoaps is making. My statement of change in mass would be incorrect. The increase in density would increase the mass as the pressure and temperature increases.
Actually I see your point YdoaPs still calculating it through
You backslid into thinking gluons. You can't define mass strictly by gluons. You'll have to expand on that statement. Considering I'm describing an increase in density and by the gas laws an increase in density is also an increase in temperature. An increase in temperature is an increase in kinetic energy.
Here read it for your self The Schwarzschild radius (sometimes historically referred to as the gravitational radius) is the radius of a sphere such that, if all the mass of an object were to be compressed within that sphere, the escape speed from the surface of the sphere would equal the speed of light. An example of an object smaller than its Schwarzschild radius is a black hole. Once a stellar remnant collapses below this radius, light cannot escape and the object is no longer directly visible.[1] It is a characteristic radius associated with every quantity of mass. The Schwarzschild radius was named after the German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild who calculated this exact solution for the theory of general relativity in 1916. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwarzschild_radius
You need to understand what rest Mass and inertial mass. Relativistic mass is the old term. Photons has no rest Mass. It can still have a mass equivalent due to energy level changes
Ok don't add any mass to The Earth keep the system isolated. Shrink its volume below its Schwarzchild metric. You now have a BH. The mass did NOT change and yet the gravity it exerts did. Any particle or body of particles has a Schwartzchild metric. Add enough energy density and it will become a black hole. All particles has a mass equivelent e=mc^2 Mass can increase via momentum or an increase in energy ie kinetic energy. Rest mass is primarily due to the strong force.
You don't need gluons to have mass. Any sufficient energy density can cause gravity. Even fundamental particles with no gluons
It's a well known and tested principle. It's when you introduce new ideas or not well known and wish to present them that the equations become needed. Or when you wish to prove a theory. If you think about it I am. But not necessarily mass. Mass is ambiguous. rest mass inertial mass etc
Lol I'm sure there is one but I can't think of it offhand.
So all your doing is causing kinetic movement of the particles interfering with their polarity average
Now think about the movement of particles within the magnet. Then think of why an electric current induces magnetism. When you hear a material what happens? Remember a magnet is an average of particle polarity
Here is a simple experiment on magnets. Get some iron filings and a sheet of paper. Place magnet under sheet of paper then sprinkle the iron filings onto the sheet. Map the field lines. Then do the same for your heated magnet. ( don't start a fire lol might want some space.) Repeat the experiment.
this is where the term singularity comes into play. Aka infinitely dense of pointlike volume. Careful on the time term and the observer. A theoretical observer wouldn't notice a change in time inside the EH by his own clock
All the forces and the standard model of particles are involved in the thermodynamics of our universe. Each particle species influences temperature and pressure. Each interaction does the same. In the FLRW metric curvature is the relation of positive pressure and the negative pressure contributors to each other. This defines how the universe expands or contracts. It also defines the path of light as it travels to us. A flat universe light is straight. In a curved universe it isn't. Read the two links I wrote for more detail. There is your space time geometry at the universal scale.