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Everything posted by Mart

  1. I think 2d objects live in their own 2d space and good luck to them. They never did me any harm. At least I don't think so.
  2. Mart


    So are there degrees of self-awareness? Or is it an all or nothing thing?
  3. Mart


    Is it a fact? Can you cite studies?
  4. Hope he doesn't get into any position of political power.
  5. That was a joke wasn't it?
  6. Might be a small change but should that be "they are objects of space-time"? You used of when you said "Objects are composed of space" My point is that although prepositions are small words they have big effects on how we think about stuff. So to put your statement another way "they are space-time objects". That way we get the idea that objects are inseperable from space-time because they are some aspect of space-time.
  7. Could go this way X = -n2+wn-w+1= w(n-1) + 1 - n2 and 1 - n2= (1-n)(1+n) therefore X = w(n-1) + (1-n)(1+n) = w(n-1) - (n-1)(1+n) = (n-1)(w-n-1) X = (n-1)(w-n-1) Check it. I may have made a mistake. Easy to do.
  8. Way to go dude. Yor the man.
  9. This may need unpacking. A Fourier transform is a mathematical procedure. A rectangle has two noticeable features height and width. Height and width are the names we give to these features. The values of the height and the width can be changed so they're called variables : they can vary. Conjugate variables come in pairs. Conjugate variables depend on each other. In the example of the rectangle: if its area is kept constant then changing the value of its height will involve changing the value of its width.
  10. When I drag a smilie onto this space it doesn't render as an image but just as a link. Do I have to sorround the address with some tags?
  11. How do I get smilies to work?
  12. You know. There's stuff lying around and someone sees flour, sugar, water and suddenly . . . . cakes! Never happened before. Hence unique. A one-off.
  13. What is not known becomes known by the process of consideration. It has to be knowable of course. Consideration is shorthand for a whole host of activities.
  14. It makes me wonder what assumptions Einstein used in developing his relativity theory that made for this incompatibility. Historians of Science say Newton developed his theories using all manner of weird ideas. Einstein didn't believe that god was a gambler but what did that allow him to leave out of or put into his theory. Where is that weak link (if there is one) hiding?
  15. Galileo described a thought experiment with a ship moving at constant velocity. He reasoned that from within the ship there was no way of knowing whether the ship was still or moving. Galileo was reputed to be very clever but arrogant and extremely condescending. I can't get the hang of smilies so Big Grin
  16. Newton didn't invent the idea of relative space. Galileo knew it and it goes back to ancient Greece. Newton used these ideas to fabricate a theory.
  17. True. But we don't want to confuse the simplicity of a name (a label) with the complexity it addresses. The scientific enterprise he was involved in was supported by a whole host of beliefs that he was influenced by. Many of them were very strange. Yes, his name is attached to his theories and we have a Newtonian world-view but Newton didn't create form from nothing. He innovated and was (for other than scientific reasons) granted first prize. It makes fascinating reading as you probably know.
  18. Oh dear. I thought I had made a private post to JaKiri. Seems I didn't. I certainly would not want to get personal in public.
  19. Fruitless? Sounds very digital. You're either a winner or a loser in a certain field.
  20. OK. Ignore them. They're losers.
  21. This is really about the uniqueness of discoveries/inventions. It may well be the case that these can be made by one person. But history shows many examples of at least two people engaged in the same field but not knowing the other person. Leibniz and Newton were both working on a calculus of movement. Darwin and Wallace were working on the ideas of natural selection. Einstein can be credited with his development of GR but I would be surprised if there weren't many others engaged in a similar enterprise.
  22. Try putting more of your talents into communicating cleary. Avoid insults. You can do it.
  23. I'll check out your assertions. If you're absolutely sure of your ground then you won't need to.
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