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Everything posted by Hellbender

  1. Exactly. Real science does not require belief, so please clear this up.
  2. Which isn't true science, but pseudoscience Which is true science, but I fail to see how it relates to humanism. (BTW, biological evolution and big bang theory are both seperate theories)
  3. Not completely true. Simply put, natural selection plays into which organism will pass on its DNA and whether or not its offspring will be able to do the same.
  4. Does gravity have a purpose? Tectonic plate theory? They, like evolution, simply happen.
  5. Great. Anything "green" is good by me, but simply don't tell us about it, patent it.
  6. Yop. I've got a textbook entitled just that in front of me. My own career of wildlife biology is mentioned in my textbook (its more like applied conservation zoology), but their are lots of sub-disciplines as well, mostly conservation-based.
  7. I like Metallica, Nine Inch Nails and the Doors the most, but I will listen to anything that I think sounds good.
  8. *Sigh* conspiracy theories are often used to justify the worst ad hoc excuses I have heard. Like blike said, the "evolutionist conspiracy" is my favorite, along with the government extraterrestrial coverup thing.
  9. I just heard about this, and I hope all is well with the English members and their families here.
  10. X-Files. Much better than all the low-budget scifi channel junk options, although Andromeda is bearable.
  11. You know what? I was going to take the time to reply to this, but this nonsense is simply not worth my time. I would advise other members to not post serious replys too. Only way you're gonna learn.....
  12. Its pretty easy to find a job here, as long as you don't mind working hard at crap jobs for a pittance. (Like I do to pay fro schoolbooks ) I think you could pull it off, but you would be very close and you actually have to work out whether or not you will turn any sort of profit. You can live off 200 a month (since you will want to use 400 for rent, save 200 or so and use the remainder for living expenses), but if you do so, try to get a job in a restaurant where you can get some meals for free. As you said you have some experience with IT so that may mean you might be able to make more than $800 a month and not have to live so close to the brink.
  13. What type of frogs are they? I'm guessing you are talking about a more terrestrial type of true frog like a green, pig or bullfrog. At any rate my advice would be to release them into a pond not deliberately stocked with an abundance of fish such as bass. Some may get eaten no matter what, but my advice would be to find a shallow swamp or stagnant pond and put them in there. As an aside, your grandson sounds like a very good kid going through the trouble doing this.
  14. On a more serious note, I love how they call intelligent design "a competing theory" or an "alternate viewpoint to evolution", as if scientific theories are just dreamt up ideas that have no degree of surety behind them. Although I would rather learn flying spagetti monster theory than intelligent design anyday.
  15. AFAIK, heritable variation is the essence of mutation, but mutation can result from a number of things, most commonly as DNA "copying errors".
  16. I personally hate CGI, it looks fake. I liked how they used minimal CGI in these movies. Puppets and guys in suits still look a lot more believable than glorified cartoons. I kinda like the director of these movies becuase he doesn't use so much CGI and take the easy way out like too many other filmakers these days. A little creativity and elbow grease makes special effects much better than simply rendering them all on a computer if you ask me. I noticed in Apocalypse Alice was a lot like the enhanced Wesker you see in Code: Veronica. I haven't yet played RE4 much, although I really want to. Anyone can see I am a huge fan of the series. I haven't played RE4 yet because it still costs $50. But I think the villagers are a good break from zombies. I have to admit, I like the gory aspect or the games (i'm a big fan of zombie movies as well), but yeah, the atmosphere and music appeal to me as well as the stuff you mentioned. If you ask me, REmake is the best title and CVX is the worst so far. But CVX does have some of the best music, as does RE2. I very rarely get scared anymore playing these games, but the atmosphere is creepy. I think a lot of people get scared by the fact that there is a big feeling of being alone and not knowing what might be coming at you next and whether or not you are prepared for it.
  17. Because of the incredible graphics, yes. In the pixellated and cartoony PS1 and PS2 graphics, they look like giant naked blue guys. With the GC's enhanced graphics, they still look like big nekkid blue guys, but the detail of their face, muscles and claws are made much more frightening. Plus their movements are much more fluid and believable, and you can honestly believe they are real enhanced killing machines. I've never seen this, but it sounds interesting. They don't look like robots at all. To me they look more like the vaguely humanoid, genetically enhanced bioweapons that they are. I think he was having the favorable reaction to the T-virus that turns humans into tyrants instead of zombies. After this, I believe Umbrella injected him with the G-virus to try and turn him into the Nemesis. Well in the games the Nemesis is a kind of super-tyrant, having possibly been injected with the G-virus, and having further grafts and genetic enhancements. Umbrella scientists may have discovered a way to keep the G-virus' mutations in check (as "G-types" seem to mutate endlessly), and in most of the game (RE3: Nemesis), the Nemesis remains the same, but at the end, after he takes an obscene beating, he starts to mutate like crazy. Oddly enough, Nemesis retains some intelligence, he isn't some killing robot like a typical tyrant. But back on topic, the RE3 movie may have a tyrant, I don't think they are as cool as a Nemesis, but I would like to see one as long as it isn't CGI. I don't think they did a good job with Nemesis in the movie. He was too weak. In the game is is almost indestructable, more than a match for Alice. She may have been faster, but one blow from nemesis could have knocked her head off. And impaling him on a spike and having a helicopter land on him should not have even stunned him. As for the tyrant, I would like to see another enemy besides dogs, lickers and zombies in the series. It might even have hunters or chimeras, I would like to see that. I don't think the movies are all that great, but it is always cool to see what movies do with video game characters and plots.
  18. The resident evil sources I have read and the game never go this much in depth, but i think it might be something like this. The T-virus just has a different effect on some rare individuals. I never played this game, but I have noticed some games copy some of resident evil's monsters. I have to admit, the tyrants in the Gamecube titles are downright scary, so I can't blame them.
  19. I don't think there is a single best area of science per se, as each contributes just as much as the other to our understanding of nature and the universe. As per my favorite area of science, it would have to be biology, specifically evolutionary biology, comparative anatomy and vertebrate zoology.
  20. No, that was the Nemesis, a special kind of tyrant. You are never really told how he is engineered, but I suspect he is a tyrant injected with the "G-virus". In RE3 he begins to mutate rapidly and seems nigh indestructable, which is consistant with the Birkin "G-type" from RE2. One in every 100,000 or more humans will turn into a tyrant instead of a zombie after the T-virus is administered. Its done by simply exposing lots and lots of test subjects to the T-virus and simply saving the ones that mutate into tyrants. Boy do I feel like a nerd....
  21. Most apes have opposable thumbs, so I would say it is the large, complex brain and the bipedalism that really distinguishes us hominids. Complex speech only seemed more important in the later hominids, likely becuase our brains got larger and our social structure, more complex. Of course, we also differ morphologically from our more traditionally apelike ancestors, but that is a given.
  22. Thanks a lot, that was actually a better answer than I expected.
  23. Quick question (although slithly unrelated); Does anyone know the Latin name for the extincttoothed birds?
  24. I think that your arguments are copy and pastes from ICR or something, not reasoning. Scientific theories such as evolution or big-bang are formulated by much more than simple reasoning, a lot of testing and logic goes into them. This is where it differs from creationism.
  25. That the author is a typical full-of-dookie creationist, thats what we think of that.
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