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Everything posted by Hellbender

  1. I agree. I never tried to imply that the statement was fallacious only becuase of your choice of words. However, evolution is the accepted scientific explanation, so saying it has to real evidence is the truly fallacious part of your statement. Anyways, if this discussion is going to continue, I would like to ask you a few questions first; Is there any evidence that will change your position? If we suppose evolution is so fatally flawed, or has no evidence to support it, then why do scientists continue putting so much time, energy and money into the theory? Shouldn't the scientific community have learned long ago that it is bunk and scrapped it? On a similar note, how do you explain other unrelated branches of science, such as geology, that independantly have provided support for many aspects of evolution theory? If evolution and an old earth is somehow falsified, in what way does this automatically make biblical creationism the only other viable explanation?
  2. You might be thinking of Lamarck's hypothesis of acquired characteristics being inherited. It was falsified over 100 years ago. They don't need to display the variation, but they must have the genes for it in order for whatever trait to be inherited.
  3. Every time a soemone gets hit, kicked, elbowed, kneed or slammed in the face in movies, they never seem to get knocked out. Maybe if all action movie heroes were professional boxers I could see this, but I have been hit in the face, and it really messes you up. Also, people punching/kicking through safety-glass windshields is kinda hard to believe as well.
  4. If you want to put me in the video thats good, but if you can't fit me in, its no big deal either. I just wanna see this, it might be funny. I am a 5'9 male with medium length brown hair (almost to my ears, not that long) and a short black beard. I have blue eyes and light-colored skin and a thick, muscular build. I wear olive green and brown a lot, so whichever color is preferable is fine. As for weapons, I play a lot of Halo 2, so I guess I could use either of the plasma rifles or the shotgun. If you want pics of these weapons, I could post more links to good pics of them. I don't know if you want the enemies to be trolls that have been banned (or got scared away) in the past few months, but I could compile a list of their names if you want.
  5. Now its obvious that Mokele is right; you really haven't studied evolution enough. Evolution works by modifying existing traits, keeping them working and beneficial to the organism in each stage of development. Irreducable complexity can only carry weight if one is completely ignorant of this fact. (I'm sure Michael Behe isn't, being a biochemist, but his books are selling pretty well, so what does he care)
  6. Okay then, uhh draw me with a Halo plasma rifle or energy sword then. I can really rip stuff up with those. I'm about 5'9, light brown hair, beard, muscular build and I wear green a lot. I don't know if I already gave a physical description, but what the hey. Heres what my weapons look like (whatever is easier to draw/looks cooler) http://library.psyjnir.net/screens/50/plasmarifle_2.jpg http://library.psyjnir.net/screens/57/plasmasword.jpg
  7. I have a short dark beard, medium brown hair and I wear camoflage or green a lot. I guess I will help however I can, Red. You could animate everyone to look like Terrence & Philip on South Park, and like Phi said, make us all just have our names on our shirts like them too.
  8. you completely missed the point. I only mentioned Behe to point out that legit scientists for some reason do sometimes back up pseudoscientific ideas. Maybe a better example would be the late Ivan Sanderson? And then "logically" conclude that a supernatural diety is the only option for explaining what we don't know or imagine. Also, anyone who knows anything about evolution would easily see that there is no such thing as "irreducible complexity". Which is well and good, but you have yet to explain how your "discovery" led you to this conclusion.
  9. Are you serious about doing this, RedAlert? Cuz it might be funny to see a troll looking cartoon character with the name WILLOWTREE or something get slimed by a cartoon me. I always wanted to see that. It might be a long video and I got dial-up () but it would be worth it.
  10. Cuz' Lucas doesn't care enough about maintaining the spirit of the first films to have worried about stuff like this. Thats my take anyways...
  11. AFAIK a legit scientist that is a proponent of a psuedoscientific idea isn't labeled as much. For instance Michael Behe is a Biochemist at Leigh (or is it Berkeley?) university, and he is one of the main proponents of the whole "Intelligent Design" fiasco. I don't know what makes legit scientists their risk their reputations so, but they do it.
  12. We don't arbitrarily make up our own views on what constitutes pseudoscience and science, you know. What think/know is pretty much what the entire scientific community thinks/knows. You have yet to provide us with any evidence of "systems theory" (which I am not currently aware of, but would study if given a good reason).
  13. Our ancestors originated on the African savannah, where having fur like other apes would have been a disadvantage. Other savannah-dwelling mammals have sparse hair fur as well. Our species (and other archiacs before us) began to migrate to more diverse climes, many of them cold. Instead of adapting longer hair again, we simply used our inventive minds and killed other mammals and used their fur. We still wear simpler clothes for lots of reasons, many cultural and many practical, but humans are hooked on clothing and will always be.
  14. Dark greens and browns, mostly. I usually wear both with camoflage.
  15. Me too, but I am still curious as to what it is supposed to mean, if it means anything.
  16. I noticed this a while ago and my curiousity has been killing me. What exactly does this mean? Is it a Monty Python joke or character maybe?
  17. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. I don't think it really matters.
  18. I feel your pain, believe me. I am a wildlife bio concentration and I have to take $%*ing agriculture classes.
  19. One time I shot myself point blank in the hand with a paintball gun, another time I decided it would be fun to canoe down a flooded stream in march (I know this doesn't sound so dumb, but take into consideration it was march in the adirondacks so it was ice cold and it was a little stream, so the canoe promptly flipped). When I was younger, I went over a large jump on a mountain bike and naturally flipped over the handlebars when I landed wrong. I'll think of some more dumb things I have done later on.
  20. Civilization yes, but self-replicating molecules?
  21. Oui. J'mapple Hellbender. Je parlez vous francais.
  22. For a flash game anyway.
  23. OKay heres the story (or part of it) hellbender uses his giant salamader powers to kick some pseudoscientist/creationist ass and........
  24. Sticky this in pseusdoscience & metaphysics. Please. These are all points I have tried to make to Christ Slave and his ilk.
  25. Electable? Pros: White Straight Attractive Cons: Athiest Too smart Green Party supporter Honest (means a lot more than it seems) Anti-fundie Drinks Supprts science too much (most people don't give a damn about science) Yeah my chances are slim to no f-ing way.
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