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Everything posted by Hellbender

  1. All main members should play a bigger part; all trolls will be throwaway villains. (like a Halo grunt or something...)
  2. I speak 2 languages; english and bad english (lame quote from some movie I can't remember)
  3. My main complain with school now is my inability to get a hold of a @#%@^&ing academic advisor. My other complaints are: dorms suck, college kids are idiots for the most part, you get ripped off with books, teachers that grade on a curve, 2-credit classes, windy campuses, no pet snake policy in dorms, required classes unrelated to main major, and communal bathrooms. My memory runs out at this point, but you just gotta love college life.....
  4. Red states? Do you mean states that predominantly voted for Bush vs. states that didn't (blue, apparently). I really don't watch the news anymore, but this seems ridiculous. But I agree, it is a business now, they report on what will get them the best ratings, so it is no suprise that running shows on Jesus is a smart business move for them.
  5. Simply repeating yourself doesn't constitute evidence in my book. The statement about "scientifical proof" was stupid, not just for the reason that "scientifical" is not a term, but also you are a creationist saying that evolution has no evidence. Riiight. Doesn't it strike you as odd that creationism would be the only scientific theory (provided it even qualifies as such) that requires belief in the christian god and bible? I don't think it was. And you even failed to address Dak and I's point that the world's human populations aren't, and never have been, in some state of stasis that would be required for your extrapolations to have any validity. There are lots of population limiting factors. Have you ever heard of a fun little thing called the "black plague", for example? You know, wiped most of Europe's population a while ago? Willow is an embarassment to anyone who is a member of an online message board. Maybe its just me, but the pyramid argument made no sense. Besides that, Memory pretty much refuted that whole farce in 2 posts. Its silly that willowtree isn't content to just have faith in his religion; he has to resort to numerology b.s. to try and support it
  6. Agreed. He really needs to just stop already. And stop using so much damn CGI, too!
  7. *sigh* a much better candidate for the organ that connects the soul would be your limbic system, dontchathink?. Provided that souls exist of course....
  8. Ohh Ohh I wanna be a villain!
  9. Buddy, the visions don't seem to be working for you. I humbly suggest not putting any more faith in them (or the lotto).
  10. I can't imagine this happening. Intact DNA would be nigh impossible to obtain, as outlined by members above. Granted, cloning a dinosaur might answer a lot of questions, but I just don't think its worth it.
  11. Mules are generally sterile, but there have been extremely rare cases (I think only 1 known) where they are not. Interesting, huh?
  12. I was pertaining to the "they" in the article, and that it was correct for them to label the early evolutionary theory that incorporates gradual natural selection "Darwinism", as this is what Darwin's original theory consisted of. Darwin didn't think of evolution, the fact that populations of organisms change over time was known; the mechanisms behind it were not, and Darwin happened to successfully test the first one. Darwinism is dead because we refined his original theory so much, and it is inaccurate to give only him credit for it anymore.
  13. Daphnia, or water fleas are a good example.
  14. ah ok I see now. Another creationist misrepresentation *shakes head*
  15. I agree, but I think he means a biologist that is qualified to at least speculate as to what life on another planet may be like.
  16. I agree. You can't compare anyone to Willowtree, I can safely say he's nuts. OMG! this is good. His posting style always drove me nuts.
  17. Because the bible is exclusive to Christians, a group of which In My Memory and I are not a part of. Our evidence comes from real world studies, and we expect yours to as well, not from some book. Simply stating what you said before doesn't make for a strong argument. You told me the same thing twice and I am still not convinced. Come up with some evidence. Even if deserts do grow somehow, you are deliberately ignoring what I said about the Sahara not always being a desert. There is no evidence (other than your bible stories) that a global flood even happened, let alone possible. Most christians don't even think about the reality of this tale, its an obvious allegory. As for the carbon dating thing, scientists do their best, no they are not 100% accurate, but they come close enough, and when you are talking billions of years, a couple thousand off is chump change. Of course its biased! Why do you think I asked you for your school's website? I suspected that you conveniently left out that you go went to a private bible school, no other place will teach creationism as a part of it curriculum. So in other words, you want us to think your being a creationist has nothing to do with you going to a bible school, because you have heard "our side" before.
  18. There is going to be a "walking with dinosaurs" style show in discovery called "Alien Planet" soon, about just this topic. Might be interesting.
  19. Life began from amino acids, then to the first self-replicating molecule. I don't know who the first organism was, nor do I think, if it was the first organism, it would be derived from any species, being a progenitor of sorts, correct? Its ancestors would be more primitive molecules, I suppose.
  20. Thats why they labeled it "Darwinism".
  21. I like to think that everyone here who is not a troll is respected in some way, by some members. I would say somewhere in between Chrst Slave and Sayo, leaning more towards Sayo . But seriously, we respect Phi and Sayo (at least I do) and the other Mods/Admins because they are the law around here and got where they are because they are worthy of respect. And Christ Slave? Christ Slave, Christ Slave, Christ Slave.....I don't know what to say about my buddy Christ Slave
  22. Its really not though. Both have lots of evidence to support them. Creationists just like to point out that macro hasn't been directly observed. This is impossible, because by definition, macro takes a very long time. But there is still more than enough evidence to show that this happens.
  23. Yeah, and it also had a bent neck. Weird. Part of the fun of studying dinosaurs is trying to figure out just what some of the stranger adaptations are for. I think in the first movie, the velos are actually bigger compared to JP3, where they are closer to Deinonychus. I will have to check. But we can agree they are much too big to be velociraptors.
  24. Paleonologists not sure whether or not Spinosaurus was definitely a piscivore, but its jaws certainly seem to point in that direction. Mokele probably knows better than me. The phone thing added a cool element to the film, but I agree, it annoyed the crap out of me too. I can't watch it with my girlfriend anymore becuase all I do is complain about how unbelievable it is. You'll be lucky if you can hear some phones if you put a pillow over it; I want a phone that can be heard through layers of dinosaur stomach lining, muscle, fat and skin, I don't know about you guys...
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