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Everything posted by Hellbender

  1. ahh that sucks, but I am not surprised in the least. Lucas is all about the special effects and not about plot or characters. I was hoping for something good, for the star wars saga to go out with a bang, but I guess Lucas will fail me again. . (I'm really not that uspet, so don't feel bad about the news, Obnoxious ) Hey its ok, I really can't blame you for being a Trek fan, based on the last 2 Star Wars movies. If not for my appreciation for the older movies, I would "convert" too.
  2. Revenge of the Sith is set for release relatively soon, and, only having seen a preview, it looks pretty good. Having been disappointed by the previous 2 movies, and being a big Star Wars fan, I think it looks promising. Maybe I am just hoping against hope that the presumed last Star Wars film will be more like the first 3 (Episodes 4,5,6,), and George Lucas will turn out his first quality film in years. Any thoughts/opinions?
  3. Me too. And it seems that Bush is doing a fine job attemping to "bridge the gap between church and state" (his own words)
  4. we better not be. I am just wondering why they felt that had to cook the books when statistics show the program really didn't work.
  5. LOL they do!! I never thought of that. P.s Elites are awesome
  6. Alchemy is definitely a pseudoscience, just like astrology, biorythyms, creationism, homeopathy and palmistry. I actually like reading about pseudoscience to improve my critical thinking abilities. I know alchemy is the attempts to try and "make" gold, but is there anything more to it?
  7. True, and we still use more than just vocalization to communicate, it is just our main form of communicating. About that new study, can you give a source? I would love to read anything new about Floresiensis. I definintely think body language is valid. Heck, you can communicate with other species that way. You can tell what your dogs wants very well by it's posture and gestures. Monkeys and apes also have very similar gestures and expressions. For instance I was at a zoo and looking at two macaque monkeys, and it wasn't hard to tell what mood they were in. One was clearly bored (poor guy) and one was acting very annoyed at me and my girlfriend.
  8. Here is an account of one of Bush's faith based initiatives. http://slate.msn.com/id/2086617/ To sum up, it is a program to evangelize prison inmates in the hopes that it will lead to them "straighten out", but it seems the decision is ultimately the prisoner's. A couple questions: What if the prisoners refuse to be indoctrinated? Are their rights on hold becasue they are prisoners? Is this constitutional? If it was found to be inneffective, why were the statistics lied about to seem positive? Isn't the goal to find a program to help prisoners?
  9. I like them, they're pretty stylish.
  10. I would think the first hominid language was whatever neanderthals spoke. Fossils show that they posess a hyoid bone, and a similarly-positioned larynx, indicating they were able to vocalize in way similar to humans.
  11. So to answer biologist's question, it is certain that the phylum chordata, subphylum vertebrata has extant species equipped with cognitive thinking abilities (at least in ways humans can measure).
  12. pretty much what I was thinking. I think it was coquina who said before something that intelligence is a relative term, and I certainly agree. So called "dumb" animals like salamanders may not have cognitive skills of a gorilla, but i'm certain that they are intelligent enough to flourish in their respective environmental niche. Perhaps they are intelligent in ways humans cannot measure. I think the question is cognitive thinking capacity in animals.
  13. Well since humans are vertebrates, i would say that phylum chrodata, but I am not 100% sure what you are asking. Octopi are very smart and they are molluscs.
  14. An manmade biome, as opposed to a naturally occuring one, still deserves the same considerations. Human meddling has undoubtedly caused all sorts of problems, and we cannot ignore, and arbitarirly assing less "value" the change we have wrought in the world. I think that this "value" is purely subjective.
  15. Agreed, but I still hate dancing.
  16. He's right. i can't, and refuse to dance becasue I think its stupid, and I always noticed many young women love guys with that sort of confidence.
  17. I pretty much have a loft room, with a curtain, no door. The cats go in and out as they please. I will tell my mother to get seperate litter boxes, thats a good idea. Thanks.
  18. good post. The evidence never stops piling up, does it? Personally, i don't see how anyone could deny our inclusion into order Primates. You don't even need DNA comparison to see the resembalance in our behaviors and anatomy.
  19. In my opinion, you can't do much better than a dog. After all, they are the oldest domesticated animal. I personally have a very large rat who is very affectionate, kind of like having a small dog. As for dogs, I have an australian shepherd and a shih tzu. Despite appearances, shih tzus are quite smart and affectionate, but they tend to bark. They also don't shed. Australian shepherds are loving, energetic and intelligent, but they are also territorial and get hip problems. Do research on what breed is best for you. Coral is right about cats. While many people stand by them as superior pets, they are usually solitary and nocturnal. Plus they act weird sometimes. My mom's cats like to use my room as a litterbox. The odor of their feces and urine knows no equal. As for reptiles, I have heard that Bearded Dragons are affectionate pets.
  20. Its going to be a prequel, like Resident Evil 0. IDK the games are certainly fun, but I can't wait to get Resident Evil 4, I'll hopefully be playing that for a while.
  21. Thanks. Even though I enjoy occasionaly defending evolution against the relentless onslaught of crappy creationist arguments, it gets old. Time after time, the same tired arguments are copied and pasted, with the poster thinking it is the most original argument against evolution yet. A a side not, I am firm in thinking that creationist arguments should be moved to the religion forum.
  22. True, thanks guys. As for the mRNA, the age has been estabilished, was used, but the question is more of the finer points of how and where we evolved. SKye, you are right, i shouldn't assume people would know the acronyms, I just couldn't think of a better title.
  23. I hope a mod doesn't punish me for writing cliche' too many times.....
  24. LOL! IDK I am sick of cliche' characters like Dante'. Even his name is cliche'. I like DMC, but it is just one big cliche' party to me.
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