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Everything posted by DreamersRoad

  1. im new to this place but i have fallowed air gears from the begining and i commend all thoes here who have done the research and tests but the thing everyone keeps doing is realying on the battery to do the work but in the show it was the user that affected the speed so here is my theroy on the matter use magnets in the wheeles attach them to a moter to speed them up making more power whitch takes less effort the faster you go yes its a slow start but thats what we are looking for starting small and then inprovising think about it to in the show they had to keep pusshing off to go faster or to just maintain speed so quite thinking your going to need a bateriey to do the work the only rason they didnt push off most times is because they where costing now when is comes to kazu and his runners start well i dont know how that works and for Ikki and his standing start i dont know ether but we are just looking to get blades and skates to move faster at min a avrage joe able to go 15-30 mph let the extreamers start the fad for going 60-100 mph in Krome X Wong video he was using a batterie and not moving himself he was realying on the skates to do all the work for him now his work was indeed awsome but with this age in wireless tecnoligy we should be able to moniter/regulate speed based on one skate vs the other now something to is someone neare the beging of this thread posted the name of a device to moniter the speed between them so no one does the splits also rather then using sleek inline rolerblades we should be looking at boochas roler skates the reason there bigger and allow more room for things to be put in and if i remember right wasent roler skates made first befor rolerblades ? if so then shouldent we do the same ? inclosing we should 1)start with rollerskates 2)start with slow speeds 3)have fun inventing 4)share what we have luearned 5)go to school with our ideas and show our teachers/professers 6)go to skateing events and see what the pros think who knows maybe they would lend the money to get you or a groupe started im sorry that im all over the board its hard for me to organize my thoughts on subjects like this and also the poor spelling
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