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on the cosmological scale according to my dark energy mechanics which again is much different than mainstream sciences dark energy. my theory says that orbital dark energy can cause an orbital gravitational bond or antigravity forces. so if a star has alot of objects orbiting it then its peripheral orbital dark energy is being used more to make these bonds than it is being used to cause antigravity forces. so less objects orbiting a star results in more antigravity forces lightyears away from that star compared to a star with much more objects orbiting it. because if all of the peripheral orbital dark energy of a star was used to form orbital gravity bonds then none of this dark energy arround the star would be causing antigravity forces. also more about defus... they are used to measure the crushing dark energy forces that occur on the atomic, and cosmological scale. i think its better to measure the size and intensity of these forces too.
this is my equation so i determine how it works and this strategy is successful.
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according to my hypothesis dark energy forces cause gravity and universal expansion so if you had read anything ude know that im refering to dark energy saying it does more than what mainstream physicists say. and i think thats true about the earth for obvious reasons. and by field i mean the areas of space arround/in/on earth where objects fall down. so what do you all think about my new way to measure forces in the universe?
i wanna talk more about d.e.f.u.s(dark energy force units) and calculating dark energy forces so theres no confusion about it. basically all of earths dark energy forces are one defu and so this is a measurement of dark energy forces that cause gravity. and the way to calculate how many defus the sun has is one starts by measuring the size of the suns gravity field that makes objects fall. and then however many times larger this is than earths gravity field = x. and earths field here is slightly larger than the planet because if you go too far away from earth something will not fall to the ground. next you take x and multiply it by y which is how many times more intense gravitys strength is at the center of the sun compared to earth. lets say y = 20 and x = 1000000. xy = z and z is how powerful the suns dark energy forces are in d.e.f.u.s if these were accurate numbers which theyre not then the sun would have 20000000 defus worth of dark energy forces. so an objects defu value is dependent on how large and intense its gravity field is. my plan is to determine how strong all of the universes dark energy forces are in defus this way. then i take this value x and divide it by y which represents how many times larger the universe is compared to a neutron and the answer is z. and lets say z = .0000000001 defus. this will = w and w is how many defus one neutron has. and w also = the strong force except its measured in defus because my hypothesis is that dark energy forces hold a neutron together. the reason z = w is because symetry exists between neutrons and the universe. of course my theory is that neutrons are exactly symetrical to the universe except y times as small. this will test my theory. i could also calculate a neutrons defu value by measuring its gravity field size compared to the earths (d) and then multiply this by h which is the intensity of gravity at the center of a neutron compared to earths to get g. and g is how many defus a neutron has. so lets say d = 1/10000000 and h = 10000 the answer would be that a neutron has 0.001 defus using these innacurate numbers but u get the idea. i dont think itll be a coincidence when all of the defus in the universe divided by how many times larger the universe is compared to a neutron equals how many defus a neutron has. this is all like saying that dark energy in a neutron is symetrical to dark energy in the universe in how it is on average through time.
ill do what i can to learn important stuff.
i have a much different oppinion about dark energy as everyone can tell. so i come across as stupid because of this difference.
i think dark energy can orbit arround anything but the ammount is different depending on the size of the object too. so my ideas arent wrong. yet lol
note - 1 d.e.f.u. = all of earths dark energy forces im going to make a prediction that the average force in joules of explosions that cause the weak force (x) multiplied by how large the universe is (at its peak size through time) compared to the size of a neutron (y) is equal to how many joules the bigbang was. (z) xy = z this is because bigbangs in neutrons are y times as weak as the bigbang i think and i also predict that the total ammount of gravity force in the universe in dark energy force units (x) divided by how many times larger the universe is at its max size through time compared to the size of a neutron (y) equals how many dark energy force units the strong force is (z) xy = z this is because neutrons are miniature universes i think. i will say though that since our universe could be just an electron in a symetrical universe to ours that i may have to switch the word neutron in these equations with electron. to be accurate. but this can only be done to the second equation because electrons dont measurably do weak force explosions.
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look i realize how without complete math equations my ideas should be rejected which is whats happening. but dont think i cant make these just because i havent yet. so somebody please show me how the mechanics of my ideas are flawed. instead of claiming theyre flawed because they dont yet have math too back them up. i need to learn some data which proves the mechanics of my ideas are wrong and this just hasnt happened yet. i do applaud you smart ones here who demand mathematics. because math is the backbone of science and what gives it superiority over all other subjects. so besides me lacking this very critical piece to the puzzle at the moment please explain why the mechanics and logic im using is flawed. i hope this isnt asking too much but its the reason im debating. to be constructive and to gain even more understanding of the elligant universe.
so what do you all think about my equation e = mc2 = £ ? this communicates what i mean better.
i can connect the dots just not so much mathematically yet because i havent learned stuff in the box since all i do is think outside the box. but i really dunno what those equations mean. so those equations describe how matter and energy evolved since the bigbang correct? and all the variables and numbers are like the programmed code that matter and energy goes by since the bigbang. is this basically correct? what i wanna do is make a cpu simulation which has one equation with one theory thatll accurately show how matter and energy evolved since the bigbang. so what im really trying to develope is the most simple mathematical program possible like this and coded universal laws(dark energy forces) will be variables in a single math equation which encompasses all known physical processes. for example the part of the program which simulates dark energy forces could = j and time dilation = t and the speed of light = c and the ammount of fusion and cumlative attraction that adds to dark energy forces = i matter = m energy = e then the first step is to program all of these kinds of things into the system. like walls + gravity in a first person shooter are programmed in. ill also include innertia which = k and then after all of these variables are there ill connect all of the dots with one simple math equation which says "this is what matter and energy do after a bigbang" and all variables other than m and e and b(the bigbang) will be over time like this. m + e + b over time (following j laws) over time = b and since j is dark energy forces which ultimatelty are everything according to my theory (physics and matter and their behavior) this may be the only laws and forces ill need to program in. i also think that e = mc2 = dark energy forces. because the repulsive dark energy forces in particles(miniature universes) determines particles shape and properties i hypothesize. so energy is dark energy which means mass is dark energy since particles(energy and mass) are all miniature universes just as complex as the main universe we live in. to sum it up dark energy forces are everything. energy, matter, and forces(in the universe and in particles) even why mass has shape is due to dark energy forces of the particles in the mass. and the reason particles have dark energy forces is because theyre miniature universes with universal expansion forces in them that give particles shape. in other words im hypothesizing that the reason i cant walk through a wall is due to dark energy forces in the particles of the wall which are there because particles are miniature universes that contain universal expansion(a repulsive force) this repulsive force in particles gives objects shape and hardness. and this means im saying e = mc2 = £ £ represents dark energy.
heres the thing k... newtons equations on gravity make sense to me so much that i use them in my model of the universe im working so tiredlessly on. the problem is that these equations only explain some observations mathematically... so i have studied for a great ammount of time very digilently on how to incorperate more observations in science into theories and equations. which has brought me to believing dark energy forces cause gravity and universal expansion simultaneously via growing configurations of orbital dark energy which growth is driven by fusion reactions... the equations im working on xe = d and xe = f are made to expain how configurations of energy can cause gravity (d) and antigravity (f) which causes accelerating universal expansion to happen because x accelerates over time. since more gravity power = more compression which = more heat in stars which = more fusion which = more heat and so on... more dark energy is released faster + faster over time via this cycle and so stars cores are shrinking as time goes on due to dark energy forces which also causes universal expansion to increase in ammount as time goes on since universal expansion and gravity are both caused by e (dark energy configurations.) and personally i think the best theories and maths explain the most observations accurately. which is what my goal is to do. and i just feel like people arent listening to what i say and if thats because i come across as disrespectful then im sorry. thinking outside of the box makes one come across as if theyre ignoring the box because theyre ignorant when really the point of thinking outside the box is to be more advanced.
what im claiming is that newtons equations are caused by dark energy forces so the math is the same as if i was claiming spacetime curvature causes gravity. the difference between my math and newtons is that my equations account for antigravity also to account for universal expansion and gravity all at once refered to as dark energy forces.
if e represents the dark energy forces near the core itll be a different value such as is the case with xe = d and if xe = f the dark energy forces lightyears away from the core will be different again so e is also determined by if you use f or d at the end of the equation. something just came to my attention and it is that alot think high speed particle collision experiments prove my ideas about particles are incorrect. and this is not the case because i think that energy at these collision sites is so high that miniature universes(matter) is forming there. in other words energy is converting into mass making many types of particles according to me. it sucks that science has assumed all the particles come from inside of the collided particles. and please mention any evidence that my ideas are wrong so i can explain why they arent. thanks
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because e is a flexible variable that represents a configuration of dark energy.
excellent question the answer is that f represents the antigravity part of dark energy forces thats causing universal expansion and d represents the gravitational part of dark energy forces that shrink a stars core so much over time as more dark energy accumulates in configurations.
my equation is in its infancy and it describes the mathematical relationship between fusion ammounts in the universe(joules) and dark energy forces(newtons). so i meant m^3 because im talking about how the volume/size of a dark energy configuration relates to f and d which are dark energy forces. and i think its better to say xe = d and xe = f because of how dark energy is configurated to cause forces.
joules are quanta arent they. quanta or joules. and the reason i have newtons and joules in one equation is because dark energy which causes forces in newtons = x = ed = f and x is measured in joules while f and d are measured in newtons and e is a formula measured in cubic lightyears(the volume of space a dark energy configuration occupies) and e is the relationship between d and f also expressed in newtons.
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quanta of energy released via fusion since the bigbang.
e is measured in the same units newtons gravity equations use. anyway the answer to your question is that im using a combo of newtons math and mine so the answer is yes the math works. even though im new to doing this kind of math i can tell you the gravity equations work the same as newtons gravity equations with some extra dark energy forces added to this math. it is the quantity of mass thats converted into energy after the big bang too because this value is corellated to the ammount of dark energy forces in the universe plus the ammount of dark energy forces in the universe as a result of cumulative attraction(like what causes earths dark energy forces aka gravity.)
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i will do a dimensional analysis after ive learned how.
the same ones newton used for his gravity equations to represent force and distances yeah pretty simple. im really trying to not confuse anyone so if something seems dumb be sure you logically explain why this is clearly because ive noticed miscommunications taking place and misinterpretations.
i dont have numbers which are equal to x for example because that requires new data thats not been collected yet. but i do use alot of the same math used by mainstream physicists except this math represents different stuff such as newtons equations accounting for orbital dark energy forces. so if i use math thats been proven to work already im not wrong. so x = ed = f is like saying what causes gravity also causes antigravity with a specific mathematical correlation between gravity and antigravity in the universe where dark energy laws = newtons gravity laws and more. i find it imperative that i explain myself mathematically like this to avoid any coonfusions and to solve universe puzzles better.
im demonstrating correlations in the universe mathematically and i use the same formulas that work now except i just say dark energy forces + orbital energies cause these forces so mathematical equations will be very similiar with newtons gravity formulas (d) multiplied by e which represents a value. then theres f which represents universal expansion ed = f so e is a value which represents the relationship between gravity and antigravity so e is a formula(dark energy forces) so you take the gravity force of a galaxy (d) and multiply it by e to get f because of dark energy forces. and the antigravity aspect of dark energy forces cause universal expansion. and this all works as long as its understood that newtons equations calculate dark energy forces that are gravity and antigravity. today it is understood by science that newtons equations calculate mass bending spacetime but i dont think thats whats happening because of how x = ed = f. where x = total ammount of fusion thats taken place in a variable plus the dark energy forces thatre caused by cumulative attraction and this gets rid of the need for darkmatter to be present in the universe.
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total ammount of fusion thats taken place in the universe plus cumulative attraction dark energy forces that cause gravity too = x total ammount of universal expansion thats taken place in the universe = y total ammount of gravity in the universe = z x = y and x = z also equations for gravity are newtons except dark energy causes the gravity....with the addition of his gravity formula being = to universal expansion forces(multiplied by a variable which represents dark energy antigravity forces) note the force of universal expansion is related to the force of gravity which = a. this relationship is a so a is a formula... and a = b + c and b is the ammount of fusion a star has done (how much mass has converted to energy over that star/blackholes life span from start to present) c represents the ammount of dark energy forces in a star/blackhole/planet/object that exist due to cumulative attraction. which is what causes gravity on planets. this causes gravity in stars too along so a = y and a = z and a = b + c and b + c = x i hope this all clarifies what im saying better and most of my equations are contain the same math thats being used in current universe models with the addition of some dark energy forces that cause universal expansion and the galaxy rotational curve. so when ppl say my math wont work thats confuing to me because i use alot of math thats being used in current universal models. also thanks for the critcism because it was constructive just like greek philosophers arguments about the earth being round or flat were too. im really trying to have a constructive debate and hopefully thisll continue so try and prove me wrong as best u can k.
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