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Everything posted by anonymousone

  1. Hi i am going to unite the 4 forces today and im going to start by explaining 3. I think that protons and neutrons are miniature universes which do big bangs and big crunches. Which means that the strong force is gravity and the weak force is caused by the big bangs of these wave particle duality universes. Now, with this said its time to incorperate the electromagnetic force into the theory by postulating a new theory on gravity. It is that gravity is caused by dark energy which is released from stars during nuclear fusion. And after that it makes gravity stronger which is why a core of a star shrinks over time. Also, this explains why universal expansion accelerates over time since this released dark energy also expands the universe when it orbits the star/object as a whole. The theory is that energy forms bonds and proof that energy forms bonds in this universe is that whenever a bond is broken energy is released. So isnt it logical to think gravity is caused by energy too? i think so. So now, how magnetism is related to gravity is that its also caused by energy. And proof for that is that during electromagnetic induction electrons are stolen from a magnet according to my theory. They were orbiting the magnet generating forces and similiarly dark energy orbits stars and causes gravity(a force). Also all somebody has to do is look at iron fillings effected by a magnet and it can be seen how the energy orbits in a pattern which encapsulates the magnet there. These are called force vectors and i think force vectors are caused by orbital electric energy. And so thats it, i chose to publish this theory anonymously because i want to help the planet in a way that doesnt profit me at all. Its all about helping without recieving anything in return for spiritual purposes. I do hope you like my theory here, and if you do, spread it arround to those you know. THANKS
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