high of triangle same-side around the circle is 3 r, to 2r ( 2 ray of circle )
2 ray of circle to diagonal of square inside the circle is 2 to 2 / sqrt(2)
based on ricle r = 1, course is side of square around of circle, and diagonal from eaual of area of circle, this three values are course of next circle rays
and 2 r / sqrt ( 2 ) = sqrt ( 2 ) for r = 1
is it a dependence between d ( diagonal of square from equal of area of circle ) to r ( ray of this circle ) d / r
pi * r ^ 2, pi * sqrt(2) ^ 2, d = sqrt(2) * d ( for third value ) ....
and this part x ^ 2 also doeasnt matter, bacause the x ^ 2 after set the x = 0 will be 0, so in this function only matter + 1, to find the top of function. and b value must be > 0 , or < 0, its clear
i am trying to find the maximum and minimum of this function. and what else use this equal y = b / x has sense ?
and in equal y = (x-3)^2 + 2, line provide by minimum of this function is y = 3 / 2 x . with equal (x-6)^2 + 1 the line provide by minimum of this function is y = 1/6 x
if we have function like this y = ( x - 2 ) ^ 2 + 1, what we will get if we do : y = - ( ( x - 2) ^ 2 + 1 ) , and more to find the top of function ( highest value ) doesnt matter the ( x - 2) ^ 2 ..... for x-2
beacause theres allways is 0 to find the top of function
about the highest and lowest of function, if we get the lowest value of function like sinus and cosinus ( exmaple ) , od minus them we get the medium of function, but the doing it on back, we maybe get the lowest and hightest of this function
and if we get y = 2x + 1, and change it to 2x - 1, we can do 2x + 1 / 2x - 1, and dont know if it will make something
area of square inside the circle is undimensial, because if we get the side of this square according to ray of circle we will get the undimensial area
am i correct ?
so i remember, logarith is dependence between a to c in a^b = c
so if we have 5 ^ 3 = 125 between 125 and 5 is dependence 125 / 5 = 25, so squart from 2 = 25
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