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Nicholas Kang

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Everything posted by Nicholas Kang

  1. Don`t ask me this question. if I were you, I will just say: The moderator is going to post a moderator note and moderator warning because I like high reputation. I am scared of moderators like imatfaal. i am being warned once. I don`t like history repeat. It is scary. Look at my signature, and you will know why. If possible, ignoring the moderator`s note, and with deep thinking skills, you can simply vote that post up. It is not wrong to do that. Because you know that that post shouldn`t be down but up or normal. So, it is your decision. I don`t mean to force you or make you do that. Sorry if I irritate a moderator`s note and if possible no moderator`s warning. Dear moderator, Mr. Ophiolite will follow his decision. I have no intention to force him to do so. Thanks.
  2. Thanks. I did learn something new. It seems like I can argue with my school teacher now.
  3. Ryders`s Book? I will find it anyway. Thanks.
  4. Something unknown means we must find evidences for a better theory. Of course, this is crazy. If I say the CMBR is most probably not a trace clue form the Big Bang, will you believe it? Or you will say: "You are crazy, Nicholas. Don`t be a fool and idiot." I think most of you will prefer to the second one. Yet, it is not impossible that the CMBR is not an evidence from the Big Bang. Maybe it can be related to the dark energy and dark matter? Who knows?
  5. Why not just call them blood and CSF? No way because CSF and blood are different entities. While my proposed Blood A and Blood B(if you wish to call it this way) is originated from the same source-Blood. Blood A and Blood B are blood. But the current/present fluid that circulates our brain are 2 different things and not evolved form the same source. They can`t be altered by themselves through metabolic control and combine to become blood in the heart. But in my hypothetical situation, this is possible.
  6. Dear Mr.ajb, may I ask you why did you say "religion is to understand our world and place in it?"
  7. Sorry, Mr. Mordred. I am a bit suspicious. Sorry. I don`t mean to raise that problem. But to me at the first sight when I see your reply, it seems ambiguous. Maybe that is my problem. Sorry, I shall apologize anyway. It is my fault.
  8. Dear Mr. Morderd, Please allow me to ask you one question: Are you welcoming me or Dr. Funkenstein? Or both? Do you mean I am not very experienced in terms of cosmology? I can understand that. Never mind, I won`t get angry. Dear Dr. Funkenstein, Trust is necessary only if somebody doesn't want to learn.
  9. Is there any other possible way to transmit heat apart from conduction convection and radiation? How and Why?
  10. I think the astronomical space and the ordinary space are the same thing. Just it is a bit hard to realize this fact because we live in it. Space have something to do with dimensions. Famous examples include string theory-11 dimensions and Relativity- 4 dimensions.
  11. Is religion created by Science or Science is created by religion?
  12. How are you going to proof that one day robot can`t be almost the same as human including face, body structure and so on. Some robots have video camera on it. So, instead of a nurse to touch you and hug you, your family members will take over their jobs. You see your family members smile is somehow a thousand times warmer than an unfamiliar nurse hug you. In the future, somehow telepathy and telekinesis are all the rage. So, mind can conquer everything. You don`t need a nurse or even family members. You just need your mind.
  13. You mean I am greedy? Or I am stupid? Or you are praising me? How we call it? We can call it Blood A and Blood B or any other systematic taxonomy that is not to be confused with the blood group system. I mean why CSF can exist? Is it evolved form blood? Or it is just naturally formed in the body? If blood and CSF have similarities, why not blood just alter its properties by DNA or gene in its component like cell to have the same configuration with the CSF, then we can just only have blood with different configurations and no such thing as CSF. Why produce more blood to replace CSF? Yes, it would need more blood if CSF don`t exist. But what I mean here is when blood reaches the brain can somehow alter its configuration to suit the brain`s need, thus function as the same as CSF, then we don`t need CSF. Water in sink and toilet originated form the same source, the water reservoir. The water will be directed to sink and toilet. Water have their own functions respectively in 2 different conditions. In the sink, it is used to wash and clean plates, cups and kitchen utensils. In toilet, water is used for personal hygienic purposes. Finally, both of them flow back to the water treatment plant. Analogy: 1. Water reservoir: Heart 2. Sink and toilet: Brain and other parts of the body respectively 3. Water treatment plant: Lungs
  14. Not every time a good explanation must be correct, it can somehow be challenged by new theories. Invoking unknowns mean raising challenge towards the ordinary theory, or falsify the theory itself.
  15. Blood can somehow separate into 2 different places to perform 2 tasks at the same time. The blood will be different but they are still called blood.
  16. Thanks, imatfaal. Thanks and sorry, Now I now why, I know, this time I really know, no kidding. Thanks and sorry. You are right, nothing is wrong with Pluto. Pluto is always there, it is always Pluto, no matter it is a planet or it is a dwarf planet. I hope this reply won`t hurt you anymore, Mr. imatfaal. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
  17. Great and Bingo! So, thanks, imatfaal. You taught me a lesson. I did learn something new today. Finally, what is wrong with the mathematical model? Sorry for irritating you if I keep on asking the same question, imatfaal. I apologize regretfully. Or you mean the mathematical model is just an analogy? Maybe yes? Sorry
  18. You mean the problem is originated from the mathematical model? Not linguistic description.
  19. I still don`t get what you mean???? I am stupid, imatfaal. I am stupid. I guess you mean is we don`t have to argue. If so, why bother this issue in the IAU conference a few years ago?
  20. ??? No problem???. If no problem, you mean we don`t have to argue
  21. So? You don`t agree with my "proposal"?
  22. My English is bad and I am stupid. You mean he don`t bother what what we call it? I think so. But this is impossible. You see, I did read an encyclopedia about space. The author did state that astronomers love to classify things. So, if we classify things, that would include Pluto. Then, the problem will arises. Which category should Pluto be fitted into? Dwarf Planet of Planet? It is not the time to just say I don`t care, never mind. Because there are still millions or/and above of KBO or Kuiper-Belt Objects similar to Pluto awaited to be classified. So, are you just going to wait and say Never mind, who cares? No, no, no. The problem is still there if you just sit and do nothing. The same as guys usually thought of drinking beer and the problem would be solved after you wake up tomorrow. No, the problem is still there, no matter how many bottles of beer or wine you have drunk, the problem is still there. And we are going to solve it.
  23. Why do you need 2 fluids? What you need is one fluid with 2 functions (That is my idea). If you say defense line, I will rather say solid body components to CSF, like bones, hard skull or strong skin structure. What do I exactly think of when I use the word blood? I think of I am getting Nobel Prize very soon. (I am just kidding but it might be true in the future). I think of nothing, actually. Why blood? Because I came across the components of brain during my First Aid lesson in my school, then an idea shook up my mind, why CSF and not blood? The mentor in the course first taught us the function of CSF, then I realized one point: The function of CSF and Blood is nearly the same. Thus, I asked my mentor this question. She said: "I can`t tell you the answer. This is Science, just Science. So follow the rule." I am frustrated by her reply, so I decided to ask expert in this forum.
  24. So, Mr Delta 1212, in short, do you agree with the name Dwarf Planet of Planet or You don`t bother it at all?
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