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Nicholas Kang

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Everything posted by Nicholas Kang

  1. A hypothesis shouldn`t be just a one-word answer.
  2. Type Iax supernovae normally creates zombie stars which survives a cataclysmic supernova. May I know more about them? How does it survive? Is it a white dwarf? Or some other celestial bodies? Recent related news: http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-nasa-hubble-zombie-star-20140806-story.html
  3. Our universe is in a giant unknown structure full of multiverse. They are separated by event horizons, thus we can`t "see" them, but at least they exist theoretically. Another point of view is the universe is located in itself-the universe because Big Bang created time and space-elements of the universe and we don`t know anything that would exist without them, so universe contains everything(if multiverse don`t exist), then where our universe is? Itself, it is where it is.
  4. Great, the answer-gravity assists. Thanks, Strange, it is you who opened up my mind again. Once again, thanks Strange, that website answers everything. No more question.
  5. No, I mean some topics which may be neutral but due to the fact that members give different responses and may eventually leads to your own reputation destruction, what a shame. Objectional topics of course always stay neutral with no objections.
  6. You mean the comet is travelling very slow? I think our space probe should be able to propel the probe at high speed, given the fact that progress in astronomical engineering has been astronomical. And Rosetta has been sleeping and only wake up early in the past few months ago, around New Year, I think it is January, iirc.
  7. So, you mean quanta only exist in moving EM field but not static electric and magnetic field?
  8. Nothing to do with ours because of the event horizon that prevents light from passing through? What about superluminal speed?
  9. Sorry for not being alert before replying, A.B.C.
  10. Recently, ESA space probe Rosetta had finally approach comet 67P. But tracing its history back, Rosetta have been in space since 2004-which means it was launched 10 years ago. My question is why it takes so long to trace just one comet, why not simply launch just years before the comet approach astronomers` desired orbit and then only launch this space probe? Sorry for grammatical errors.
  11. Which mechanics? Never heard of both newtonian(classical) and quantum mechanics stating such law.
  12. Sorry, I think I should reword my sentence. I mean say I posted a topic- Different perspective Whose Fault?. Someone agrees with my point, he/she +1. Someone (another guy) disagree with my point, he/she -1. In this forum, maybe you stay neutral, it might be possible if there are more people who disagree with your point and give you many -1 and less people give you +1, so you resultant point is negative. Is it fair to me? I know this is very unlikely to happen but still possible. We cannot know how many members would stand by your side/support you and how many would disagree with you.
  13. Is it the same for electric field and magnetic field?
  14. What/how can I provide you? What do you mean by social standing? Maybe you can Google my school (name) a malay version name would be much better-SMJK Chung Ling Butterworth Do you want me to email my results to you?
  15. If say I posted one topic, and someone agrees with me but others don`t agree with me, so say they choose to express their choice by +1 or -1. Is it fair to me if the number of members who vote +1(support my arguement) is more than the number of members who vote -1(disagree with me). Maybe there are more members who are prefering +1 than -1 in this forum? I should stress that I won`t mention about reputation before in the last post but this condition might happen although it is very unlikely, so raising this possibility should be fine.
  16. Sorry for wrong usage of word. I shouldn`t be repeating this mistake once again. Sorry.
  17. Ok, Essay`s answer is clear, at least providing me an alternative way of looking at the whole story. Thanks, Essay your post deserves a +1 from me and for MonDie, I am also fair to him. A +1 is given to him too. Thanks for teaching me a new term in statistics and at least correcting me my mistake when I analyze/look at a graph. Thanks to both of you, but for MonDie, I have one question. Shouldn`t we analyze the graph into every specific point and maybe spikes or other shape of the graph etc... when analyzing scientific data? How can we overlook them, maybe they contain important features that could lead to a new scientific discovery?
  18. Photons make up magnetic field, then what makes up electric field and what makes up electromagnetic field?
  19. Achievement recorded Kuiz kemerdekaan- National Independence Quiz Pertandingan Mengarang Bahasa Malaysia Tingkatan 2- Malay Language Essay Writing Competition Form 2-14 years old First Aid Competition by Red Crescent Society Unit 42 Malaysia Persatuan Bahasa Inggeris-English Language Society It is clear that I don`t do very well in cocurriculum and several projects aren`t take into marks consideration/computation because they doesn`t receive approvement from the Malaysia Ministry of Education, for example, SETI@home. I tried to paste screenshots of my results as pictures pasted directly in this reply section but fail, so I uploaded them. The achivement section does not include the current year this year/2014 achievement. Untill now, I received 2 champion-one for Malay Language Essay Writing Competition and the other one for English Language Essay Writing Competition, both are school level. Edit: I have removed my results.
  20. I am currently 15 years old, still at a high school. I am looking forward to study in only 2 countries-UK and USA. I have been interested in studying in Princeton University, Caltech, University of California, Oxford and Cambridge University. My academics aren`t bad, but my extra-curricular activities aren`t very good. I will be elected as the vice-president of my Science Club by next year. I am also participating SETI@home too. What else can I improve?
  21. Dear iScience92, I think you can refer to wikipedia in this context. Diamagnetism produce a magnetic field which oppose the externally applied magnetic field. I mean the magnetic field obeys the Lenz`s Law. This effect is clearly seen in electromagnetic induction, if I recalled correctly. Eddy currents on conductors produce the same effect too. If I place a rotating aluminium plate in a magnetic field, it will soon stop its rotating motion, simply because the magnetic field induce a current on the plate. The current then generates its own magnetic field, and this oppose the externally applied magnetic field by the magnet itself. Refer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paramagnetism and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamagnetism I think paramagnetic effect is always stronger than diamagnetic effect because paramagnetic effect occurs from the object-paramagnetic object itself, which is a normal magnetic field, while diamagnetic effect would be weaker simply because it oppose the field and thus heat might loss to the air during opposition. I think you can refer to studiot for a detailed explanation. In case you don`t know, Lenz`s Law is obeying Law of Conservation of Energy. When a n-pole object is placed near a conductor, the point near the magnet would be north too to produce force of repulsion. The force times the distance travelled will become the work to push the conventional current around the curcuit, and when it is removed from the conductor, force of attraction would exist, which induce a south pole on the conductor that produce a force to "pull' the electrons back thus the current is reversing. Continuing this push and pull motion would induce an AC current on the conductor-a basic model of AC generator.
  22. I have mentioned simulations are not as reliable as observed data. Wow, what are the same? It is that simple at one point, what/which point, how to measure that point? galaxies that have a limited range of sizes and structures? how wide the range is? 50 types, 100 types... some small some large but still same? The inner stars, dusts,gases, planets... aren`t same. Large MNS. I bet it is Shell. Can you tell me which company?
  23. The gallery simply tells you galaxies name, not art. Art is more subjective, science is objective. For you galaxies are beautiful, for the others, they simply mean nothing.
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