Nicholas Kang
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Everything posted by Nicholas Kang
Anthropic Principle vs Copernican Principle
Nicholas Kang replied to Nicholas Kang's topic in General Philosophy
A sense of scale. Good and great. I like it. You mean the scale of the universe? The smaller the radical the difference? Now, 2 dining room tables. Well, Ophiolite dining table isn`t a good example. The problem is that the universe isn`t as simple as the dining table. Our office? Do you mean SFN has a branch in Malaysia? You are a geologist, aren`t you? Your company run geology busniess? Never heard of geology busniess. Computer simulation? Telescope(s) survey? -
Anthropic Principle vs Copernican Principle
Nicholas Kang replied to Nicholas Kang's topic in General Philosophy
Yes, I need to know the power rating, voltage etc. of the diesel motor and the steam engine to calculate the maximum load and capacity of the passanger of the ferry. I need to know their political view in case someone supporting Iran and North Korea onboard the ferry and say I hate US and even kill Americans, just maybe, I won`t kill any americans, that is just an example. I need to know their hair colour to calculate how much people have boarded the ferry, according to hair colours, to be presented in the statistics reports, so next time, I may paint the ferry with the most popular colour to attract more passangers. I need to know... for ... reasons. Of course, I need their mass, numbers... You assume, you have done simulations, but you never send probes out there. You never point your telescope and peer into the heart of every galaxy(it is impossible but we cannot ignore that fact, every aspects counts) I mean the post about dwarf planets which you told me about those crazy IAU scientists. I have written sorry for at least 10 times. You mean I don`t understand science? Yes, it seemed that I don`t because science explains but not simply stating that they behaves like that because they happen to be where they are. Now, imatfaal, I shall say that I don`t mean they happen to be where they are, I just say that we haven`t explore them, fully reveal nature`s secret, thus we shouldn`t immediately assume that the universe is homogenous. Yes, from some perspectives, yes, but from the picture posted by stringjunky, I can`t see any homogenous aspects there. Maybe homogenous because when you place a human who learn the word Universe on a planet 5 billion ly away, he will still consider the space as the Universe. I repeat my statement clearly. We aspect the universe to be homogenous because it looks the almost the same anywhere from every perspectives, am I right? Now, if yes, then the only way to deny this fact is simply imagine taking a spacecraft to the space just above the milky way. Now, turn back your spacecraft, look at the milky way, it looked like a barred-spiral galaxy, yes it is. Now, you assume you know the number of stars in the Milky Way. Turn your spacecraft facing towards M13 Andromeda, you see it as a spiral galaxy too. fly your craft halfway between M13 and Milky Way. Stop. Turn your craft to a position where both galaxies are located on your sides. When viewing from one point, M13 is on your left, Milky Way is on your right. Turn your position 180 degrees, now M13 is on your right and Milky Way is on your left. Is the position homogenous? Plus the motion of both galaxies, expansion of space... Now, imagine a supercluster, substitute M13 with supercluster A and Milky Way with supercluster B, you get the same answer. It is useful, but until one limit, then it fails, can you use this principle to explain galaxies beyond the cosmic horizon 13.7 billion ly/46 billion ly due to space expansion? New theory will emerge, than cosmology is possible without it. -
Anthropic Principle vs Copernican Principle
Nicholas Kang replied to Nicholas Kang's topic in General Philosophy
Do closer but not exact, what a poor thing. Then, when can we arrive at a state in which we get the exact nature value, but not closer to it? they are happy? But I am not happy, because this mean we haven`t fully discover the universe, we should keep ourselves inquisitive and move forward. In case you are angry with me, I shall (not aplogise) tell you not to be angry with my argument that seemed like irritating. Yes, according to your anology, we can know that they are people with similar movements, but their cells, tissues and philosophy and their reason of motions aren`t the same, they move in a similar way, but maybe different directions, with different objectives, to go to different shops, and with different cells in their bodies, with different respiration rate, different breathing rate... to infinity, The same as galaxies far away. You can observe galaxies moving far away, but you didn`t inspect the content of the galaxies, their number of stars are different, their planets` properties are different... to infinity. The aspects cancel out each other but what about aspects that couldn`t be cancelled out and persisted for long? And don`t forget they are only simulations but not observations. Observations are always more reliable than simulations that are limited to aspects that are unpredictable. You must have came to KL before since you know Kinokuniya book store.I went there before. It is big and wide. Have you come to Penang before? -
Virtual Particles and EM Wave
Nicholas Kang replied to Nicholas Kang's topic in Modern and Theoretical Physics
So, does light, or photons are being affected by these virtual particles when in empty vacuum space? Now, a new question. What is the name of the particle that travels in a magnetic field, photons? electrons? I mean what is the name of the particle that make up the magnetic field? -
Anthropic Principle vs Copernican Principle
Nicholas Kang replied to Nicholas Kang's topic in General Philosophy
Dear Moderator imatfaal, I have irritated you before. That is the only history I will never forget. Thanks again for using anology to explain Science. I grasp what you mean well. But before you could observe these planets, you can`t simply underestimate the problem. We are proud to say that our Physics is universal, which can be used to explain almost everything in the universe, except eternal questions and points where physics collapse, like in the singularity of a black hole. But we never send space probes to far galaxies. We never know what might contained in them, maybe more stuffs than Milky Way or less than that it-a dead galaxy, who knows? Tha answer will then be found when you have done observation, not just relying on hush-hush simulations done on supercomputers on a planet called Earth. This is the answer to Mr. StringJunky. I have seen that picture before. But I shall warn scientist, maybe not suitable in my current age-15 years old- that nature always behave in the opposite way like you think. Nature always behaved unexpected, that`s why miracles exist, but this sounds like metaphysics and quasiscience, except from calculating the probability of a subatomic particle. Do you realise the unequally sized-black space/dots? They seem to vary in size, only the purple chains look the same. The black spots are compact on the upper image but less on the lower image. -
Anthropic Principle vs Copernican Principle
Nicholas Kang replied to Nicholas Kang's topic in General Philosophy
But the stars and clusters organisation would be different from Milky Way, how is it possible for you to state that I can see the same thing from a planet 5 billion light years away if compared to Earth. Maybe the stars encircle the celestial sphere of Earth will encircle a different path in a planet 5 billion light years away. IIRC, andromeda M13 is 1.4 million light years away, a planet 5 billion light years away is many times much further, thus increasing the possibility of seeing something different. Am I right, Mr. Ophiolite? -
Now 920.74 and 51.58 average. Well, could you further clarify your meaning, GeeKay. Sorry, I still couldn`t get your idea. I am living in Malaysia and currently 15 years old. You know, English is my second language. Maybe you can help in using simple language. Thanks and sorry for asking you to do extra job. Really sorry.
Science is the best idea humans have ever had.
Nicholas Kang replied to EdEarl's topic in The Lounge
Don`t let an artist see this post/picture and your comment. I am afraid of maybe he/she will punch you if he/she is pessimistic. But I love Science, so I agree. -
When Schrödinger's Cat meets astronomy
Nicholas Kang replied to MirceaKitsune's topic in Astronomy and Cosmology
Sorry Strange, my sentences seemed to let you misunderstood my meaning. I don`t mean combining both questions. It should be: 1. Ah?! What about macroscopic objects?- I mean more detailed explanation, not only quantum effects as stated below. 2. Then if there is an interaction between both, wouldn`t the condition be interupted because you are disturbing the subject and thus affecting the results?- I mean if we, the observer, have interaction while observing or it is part of the observing process, then would we disturb the experiment process? -
When Schrödinger's Cat meets astronomy
Nicholas Kang replied to MirceaKitsune's topic in Astronomy and Cosmology
Ah?! What about macroscopic objects? Then if there is an interaction between both, wouldn`t the condition be interupted because you are disturbing the subject and thus affecting the results? -
When Schrödinger's Cat meets astronomy
Nicholas Kang replied to MirceaKitsune's topic in Astronomy and Cosmology
So, basically, observing does not only mean seeing through out the whole experiment by your eyes but it also means interaction between the subject and you, the observer? If I say I observe a television show, does this means I am not only observing the videos and pictures but the music and audio must also be taken into account? -
When Schrödinger's Cat meets astronomy
Nicholas Kang replied to MirceaKitsune's topic in Astronomy and Cosmology
The Sun has no atom. The immense temperature and pressure force atoms to blow and form plasma, the fourth state of matter. It is done by heating gas. Electrons do not orbit around the nucleus of the atom, but simply move in a indefinite random way. Even if one atom(assume that you are right) has a 50% chance to decide the Sun will explode, others might have a 50% chance to decide the Sun to continue shining. This will cancel out each other and approach a balance state. For observing, I think I shall learn more from Strange, currently no idea of what Strange meant. -
Now 383.14 and 11.59 average. Yes, if our understanding of nature and the universe was correct since time immemorial, science should extint by today, but it didn`t, and in the future it won`t. What do you mean by a fundamental law of nature?
Can (New) Physics Exist Without Mathematics?
Nicholas Kang replied to Nicholas Kang's topic in General Philosophy
Thanks. -
Can (New) Physics Exist Without Mathematics?
Nicholas Kang replied to Nicholas Kang's topic in General Philosophy
I have heard before Sean Caroll`s name. I like it. Thanks. -
You know, I was very near Nice-20 points but then... Nevermind, learn from the mistake. Thanks.
Can (New) Physics Exist Without Mathematics?
Nicholas Kang replied to Nicholas Kang's topic in General Philosophy
Do you have Einstein`s article website/pdf? I mean his GR and SR theory arxiv. -
So, I should be blamed for not looking at the question carefully?
Can (New) Physics Exist Without Mathematics?
Nicholas Kang replied to Nicholas Kang's topic in General Philosophy
What/which mathematics suggest that we can go faster than light? Equations please? -
A vacuum isn`t empty, there are virtual particles. If light/EM wave can travel through vacuum, can it be affected by the virtual particles? Or light, which is a wave, travel through vacuum and needs a medium, can travel through vacuum is caused by these particles?
Anthropic Principle vs Copernican Principle
Nicholas Kang replied to Nicholas Kang's topic in General Philosophy
You mean that there are more than one universe, thus using the word "neighbourhood" in this context? -
White Holes as opposed to Black Holes
Nicholas Kang replied to Mike Smith Cosmos's topic in Science News
what other meanings in astronomy? -
Can anyone tell me why I am voted down for posting such post? Link: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/84689-contamination-on-a-cell-culture/
How is it possible that you can take yourself and the alien not seriously before appreciating how serious the matter is? this sounds like contradicting the ordinary way. We must be serious first when first in contact with the matter, then as it progresses, we slowly add some sense of humour. and most probably your aren`t an alien, so what you think and I think aren`t similar as an alien`s thought, because we haven`t meet them, see them or simply detect their existences. How would I know if there is an alien? No one have detected it.
Can (New) Physics Exist Without Mathematics?
Nicholas Kang replied to Nicholas Kang's topic in General Philosophy
Ok, thanks for reprimanding me. I understand what you mean. Good example and anology. I like it. Basically, your meaning is Maths provides objectivity to Physics, so Physics needs Mathematics to function well. I have heard that there was once a Mathematician in history. I have forgotten his name but he was a spoiler and mischevious person. he dared to prove that logic may fail in one sense and created chaos in both science and Maths field. Once he said: If you say I am a liar, I am a dishonest person. Ok, that`s fine. But wait a minute, if I am a liar, then what I said was unbelievable, you can`t trust what I have said, so I just said I am a liar, so I am not a liar. My question is, am I a liar? You are a Maths expert, please explain this. Thanks. I am just 15 years old. So, you see, I am of course not as good as a Maths Expert, and therefore no comment over any way better than objectively measuring the accuracy of ideas. Maths proves that hyperspace exists, why no scientific experiment found any traces of hyperspace? Maths proves a lot of thing, but they are too abstract. Maths is the language of science. Maths leads science. We first have the maths, then science is a step behind, chasing it by proving it. when Maths fail, then science tells you it is wrong. For example, Lorentz Factor in equation tells you cannot go beyond speed of light, so some news reported that several scientists tried to avoid Einstein`s GR and proposed inventing faster-than-light spacecraft. Don`t you think this is ridiculous. Just because of Maths. we are playing with Maths tricks.