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Ten oz

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Everything posted by Ten oz

  1. The answers to every relevant question you asked are known. Detailed explanations can be found in eath science's climate science on this forum. I used the dumbed down example of tinge color skies intentionally to illustrate how dumbed down the issue can be. What is your point about how long it took to identify CO2? It took humans a long time to eventwritten language but that is obviously irrelevant here despite the fact we are using written language to have this discussion. There is a nearly endless amount of peer reveiwed research out there you can study if you truly have questions. There are even people like Bill Nye that make videos explaining the basics at a grade school level. If you actually want the answers you can easily obtain them. Everyone in the U.S., in the western world, can. People who insist they don't know what to make of climate change are either filibustering or have mental condidtion which prevents them from learning. Personnally I think the overwhelming majority are just filibustering.
  2. I disagree. The overwhelming majority of this country live in metro areas and can see the dark tinge in the sky with their own eyes. The people who don't live in a metro areas have most certian;y visited one and seen the brown skys. One doesn't need and advanced STEM degree to understand pumping waste into our atmosphere changes our atmosphere. More over in our society we commonly take an experts word for it. Most people have little idea how a combustion engine works yet accept recommendations from mechanics. When making decisions about everything from cell phones to toothpaste people look online at ratings and accept them mostly at face value. Oh but then, when it comes to global warming, suddenly people claim they can't believe it until they review and debate every study. Suddenly the words of experts isn't enough. Suddenly the a$$hole with a 2yrs degree in criminal justice needs to debate teams of enviromental biologists regarding every doubt or else they can't accept it. It is just a ruse.
  3. Nearly every single person who smokes knows doing so is bad for there health. Just as nearly every single person who who eats fast food daily knows they have a terrible diet. I don't thinkthere is truly a large chunnk of society that doesn't understand global warming. There is simply a large chunk which doesn't care. They don't like being told they are wrong and aren't interested in changing so they troll science with nonsense arguments. Denial is their way of prolonging debate. They just want to keep smoking regardless. It is a loophole. Honest polite people stop to consider the thoughts of others. Dishonest rude people take advantage by stacking onthought after thought. There is not a way to win an argument of opinion with a stubburn liar.
  4. Trump needs an enemy to attack so he can always be running offense. Without an enemy (media, Intelligence Community, Obama, etc) Trump would have to defend his policies and choices as President. Trump does not defend, he attacks. Unfortunately for everyone living in the U.S. and democracy in general attacking is not a successful way to manage govt which is supposed to be accountable to its citizens.
  5. Clinton was fined and disbarred.
  6. U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly on Monday confirmed a Reuters report that he was considering a proposal to separate women and children who cross the U.S. border with Mexico illegally, a policy shift he said was aimed at deterring people from making a dangerous journey. Kelly was asked in a CNN interview about the proposal, first reported by Reuters on Friday, in which the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) would change U.S. policy and keep parents in custody while putting children in the care of the Health and Human Services Department. "Yes, I am considering - in order to deter more movement along this terribly dangerous network - I am considering exactly that," Kelly said. Children would be put into the "least restrictive setting" until they can be taken into the care of a U.S. relative or state-sponsored guardian, said government officials who were briefed on the proposal. Currently, families contesting deportation or applying for asylum are generally released from detention quickly and allowed to remain in the United States until their cases are resolved. A federal appeals court ruling bars prolonged child detention. "Let me start by saying I would do almost anything to deter the people from Central America from getting on this very, very dangerous network that brings them up through Mexico into the United States," Kelly said. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-immigration-children-idUSKBN16D2OX I am astonsihed that the Sec. of DHS can suggest something so inhumane and not immediately be removed! Taking people childrens away from them as a deterrent is pure evil in my opinion. How have we gotten to this point? Next this admin will be discussing gas chambers on the border. Who here is willing to defend this?
  7. So because the majority of society no longer cares about mixed race marriages the bigoted traditions no longer apply? By that logic they should no longer apply to same sex marriage either since the majority support same sex marriage (see links below). http://www.gallup.com/poll/183272/record-high-americans-support-sex-marriage.aspx Pew Research also shows majority support for sam sex marriage. http://www.pewforum.org/2016/05/12/changing-attitudes-on-gay-marriage/
  8. You can call gay marriage a perversion and support interfering with the private and financial (marriage has financial implications) lives of millions projecting your personal sense of tradition upon them yet iNow can't call you ignorant? iNow isn't pushing the notion that you don't have the right to marry, post in this form, or etc. It is you who are promoting overt oppression while putting yourself on a cross claiming people are being civil enough toward your ideas.
  9. For those arguing tradition i have two questions: whoms specifically are you arguing on behalf of? All human history doesn't share a singular tradition related to marriage. And why should that specific tradition universally apply to everyone? Additionally, as a married man I can say that gay marriage in no way shape or form has diminished, interfered, or otherwise impacted my marriage to my wife. Our traditions (mine and my wife's) are free to be exercised 24/7.
  10. Changes to voting laws has been a long game for Republicans. It isn't about what Trump's team engineered. Increased by redistricting in 2010 and changes to the voting rights act in 2013 (Holder vs Shelby County) Republicans have targeted communities. There has been changes all over the country. Courts have shot down many but others have shifted through. These efforts have had an observable impact. Including midterms Elections Republicans have lost the popular vote is something like 6 of the last 8 national Election yet they control the House, the Senate, and now the White House. That isn't just luck. Separately, Clinton got 3 million more votes. That isn't an insignificant number and yet there continues to be a line of thinking that she failed to do X, Y, or Z. Historically winning the popular vote by over 2% is a good margin. Bush failed to do as well either of his two terms. Saying Clinton needed to win by 4 to 5 million votes or else she is responsible for apathy and earned the loss sets a rather unprecedented bar for her campaign. Millions more people voted for Clinton. Millions more people wanted Clinton to be President. It is a odd argument to that people make, that this election was a rejection of Clinton.
  11. Rural America is smaller in population than metro areas. The Republicans will happily disenfranchise a hundred people in a district they know they will carry if it means a thousand people in a district they won't carry will also be disenfranchised.
  12. He needs to go. The whole point of being put under oath is to ensure one doesn't attempt to mislead. Saying he misspoke or the question wasn't clear enough it pathetic. He is the top lawyer in the nation. He understands what being put under oath means.
  13. Congress spent 2 years investigating Hillary Clinton's emails. There was a congressional investigation, a FBI investigation, a congressional investigation into the FBI investigation, and a second FBI investigation into possible evidence connected to a separate case. All while crowds chanted "lock her up". During a live debate our President (then a candidate) threatened that if elected he would assign special a prosecutor for yet another round of investigation. Crooked Hillary is what the President called his opponent. Meanwhile Hillary Clinton handed over years worth of tax returns, over 30,000 emails, hack thousands more emails hacked and released, and testified under oath before Congress. Trump has not produced any taxes, any emails, or been put under oath. the double standard here is beyond words. This is the same man who demanded President Obama's long form birth certificate arguing the short form wasn't good enough!! So this is where we are in 2017? Minorities and women hand over taxes, birth certificates, emails and are still investigated at length while the wealth white males get to just refuse such checks. It is, as Clinton said, deplorable. Gen. Flynn and Sec. Session lied about contact with Russian officials, the President ran around campaigning that the Chinese might have been responsible for hacks which he had been briefed were Russian during the campaign, and we still Congress sits on its hands. We need a real investigation. One that gets people under oath and looks into the tax returns to ensure no conflicts.
  14. Ten oz

    The Wall

    Conservatives, their ideology, has failed. Their tax cuts, foreign interventions, anti science positions, and etc all failures. It is conservatives policies that led to our economic collapse in 2008. Conservative policies that almost caused GM and Chrysler to go under. Conservative policies that saw 401Ks shrink and home values shrink. Rather than rethinking their policies they instead have chose to rethink reality. Forget a body cast to treat a broken toe. They give us chemo to treat cancers we don't have. Illegal immigration is at net zero and has been for a few years. It isn't a problem. Yet conservative want a crack down. The goal is to keep us all divided. Keep us so concerned with each other we don't notice the smoke stacks, plastic islands in the Pacific, millionaire Judges that own stock in private prisons, and etc. Trump was born and raised in the 0.1%. He literally has gold platted sinks and toilets. He flies around in private helicopters and jets telling rural white males that Mexico, women's rights, and BLM is the enemy. Meanwhile his sons are closing deals in UAE and his daughter is having her clothing line produced overseas. It is sad. The anti climate and anti evolution crowd is now anti reality in general. A silver spoon businessman who literally ran casinos into the ground is a populist savior. If I wrote this as a fantasy it would be called too silly.
  15. Ten oz

    The Wall

    Building a wall is akin to creating a new govt agency because maintenance costs for any construction is a few percent of initial building costs per year at a minimum. There would be permanent maintenance costs for the life on the wall that would be a billions per year. Thatbis an enormous amount of money to combat a problem which doesn't exist and/or a wall wouldn't solve if it did. Thankfully we have time. Not all the land on the border is federal property. Some of the areas a wall would go are State own and some is privately own. Additionally much of the land construction crews would need to use staging equipment and transporting items isn't federal controlled either. So there will be years of court battles prior to a clear blueprint for a wall can come together. The cost of those battles alone will most likely sour congresses taste for giving the wall funding. I believe we end up with Trump getting a few billion out of Congress in the short term to upgrade existing fencing where projects are ready while the grand dream of a wall gets locked up in court through his Presidency. There won't be any reason for Trump to press too hard because the majority of the population (Democrat and Republican) think the wall is a stupid idea.
  16. We have a couple of Governor races this year and then the midterms next year. We shouldn't have to suffer in silence for till 2020.
  17. Since the Holder vs Shelby County decision in 2013 stripped the voters rights act we have seen 14 states and over 80 counties change there laws. Many more have tried and been blocked by courts. It is a real problem and growing. It is death by a thousand paper cuts. Any individual paper cut may not seem big enough to be responsible for anything but collectively they are. I live in DC. Most of my co-workers live in either Virginia or Maryland. Depending on their communities some were able to be on and out on Election day while others had to basically take the day off because of the uncertainty of waiting in hour(s) long lines. Clinton won both Maryland and Virginia. However, even in those states the system is clearly flawed. Based on one's address some have a significantly more convenient experience. It isn't right. I am a registered voter in CA. I was able to mail my vote in ola month before the election. Easy work! In my opinion if we had a federal standard for our federal Elections (local races can have local standards) that made voting easy for everyone as it is for folks like me Hillary Clinton would have won the popular vote by 10 million and the electoral college easily. States like TX, SC, NC, FL, GA, OH, and etc could be reliably blue if voter participation was increased. The apathy you referenced is its own form of voter supression. Just as Conservatives cast doubt on climate change and evolution to make people apathetic to them so too do they attack voting and democracy broadly. Conservatives promote the notion all politicians lie, the govt makes things worse, govt programs only go to poor minorities, voter fraud, mainstream media is fake, and etc. Where they (Conservatives) can they out block people from voting. If they can't block they make it hard as they can make it. And where they can do that they promote propaganda to generate apathy. People need to be more educated on civics. People need to understand why a free press matters and why access to voting is a right everyone should exercise. It should set off alarm bells every where when a candidate attacks the press and attacks voting. The fact it doesn't is a far bigger problem than the electoral college. People don't understand democracy. Sorry for rambling on. This stuff is just so fustrating to me.
  18. His lies, disregard for transparency, blatant racism, unethical use of power, nepotism, conflicts, anti Science propaganda, sexist attitude, childish bullying tactics, and his circular logic. That stuff annoys me.
  19. Hillary Clinton lost PA by 0.7% (44k votes). Overall in the key states that gave Trump the election they were collectively decided by about 80k votes which is less that a half of a single percent of the votes in those states. So it isn't as though millions needed to by turned away from the polls. Not even hundreds of thousands. You are acknowledging that the issue is real but then insisting rather definitively it couldn't have accounted for decimals of a percent difference. I believe it absolutely could. In my opinion beyond the more aggressive voter ID laws even subtle changes to voting locations, number of early voting days, the operating hours, and etc would easily create less than a percent point of difference in outcome. We also saw other forms of manipulation.We saw a Republican Congress abuse their constitutional power to run an ongoing partisan attack campaign against the Democratic candidate. They investigated Hillary Clinton for both Benghazi and her email server in the middle of the election specifically to aid their candidate. Additionally the ordered an FBI investigation of her email server. Clinton had the testify under oath, key staff members testified under oath. Then when neither was found Congress just kept going investigating the investigations, lmfao. They made FBI Director Comey testify as to way he wasn't prosecuting Clinton. Additional there we illegal cyber attacks against both the DNC and members of Clintons campaign. Those attack clearly sought to benefit Donald Trump. I actually think it is remarkable that despite congressional investigation turned FBI investigation, foriegn propaganda attacks, and voter surpression in the form of changed registration laws in 14 states, Hillary Clinton still won 3 million more votes. Had any one or all those (investigations, hacks, supression) hurdles been removed I think Clinton wins easily. Removing the Electoral process doesn't resolve those problems. Does stop Republicans in Congress using their majority for political gain by throwing BS investigation at those who oppose them, doesn't stop a foriegn govt from cyber attacking a candidate, and etc. As we discuss this I have no doubt Republicans are trumping up BS reason to investigate Warren and Booker. They are promising 2020 candidates so the GOP Congress will have them under investigation sooner rather than later. That is the hurdle. Even if we went to just using the popular vote it won't fix Congress. It won't fix the various way the Republicans work manipulate the system.
  20. in WI Trump got 1.405 million votes. In 2012 Romney received 1.407 million votes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election_in_Wisconsin,_2012 In MI Trump got 2.27 million votes. In 2012 Romney received 2.12 million votes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election_in_Michigan,_2012 In Iowa Trump got 800k votes. In 2012 Romney received 730k votes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election_in_Iowa,_2012 In PA Trump got 2.9 million votes. In 2012 Romney received 2.68 million votes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election_in_Pennsylvania,_2012 The States above are the what gave Trump the election. When we consider all the variables involved which change who registerewd voters are elction to election (people die, people vote for the first time, people move into and out of a State), by the number Trump received a nearly identical vote as Romney did in those key states. Which makes sense because we have a two party system and people vote for their team despite whom the candidates are. So the "apathy" you mentioned only effected the specifically Democrat. If we look at where turnout was down we see it was down in heavily Democratic regions of those states. Philly - http://www.phillymag.com/news/2016/11/10/philly-voter-turnout-trump-clinton/ Detriot - http://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2016/11/detroit_flint_voting_muscle_we.html Milwaukee - http://www.jsonline.com/story/news/local/milwaukee/2016/11/10/milwaukee-elections-head-says-voter-id-law-hurt-citys-turnout/93607154/ Many would are Clinton was just a bad candidate or that as a white candidate she simply couldn't turnout the minority community the way Obama had. However the "apathy" trend is unique to those battle ground states Trump absoluted had to have. Clinton's numbers from NJ, IL, IN, GA, SC, NC, other states with health populations of minorities mirror Obama's 2012 performance perfectly. And in some of this countries largest states Clinton significantly exceeded Obama's 2012 performance at levels which Trump didn't exceed Romney's numbers any place: In NY Clinton got 8.75 million votes. In 2012 Obama received 7.85 million votes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election_in_California,_2012 In TX Clinton got 3.87 million votes. In 2012 Obama received 3.3 million votes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election_in_Texas,_2012 In CA Clinton got 8.75 million votes. In 2012 Obama received 7.85 million votes. 14 states changed their voter registration laws ahead of the 2016 election (all Republican back legistration). Overall since 2010 there have been 20 states with new voter registration laws. As a party the Republicans don't do this because it has no impact. They don't spend the money and fight the court battles because it hasn't helped them. If you take a few minutes and look at voting numbers states by state you will see that most states have a remarkable amount of consistancy. In the States which do not it can normally be traced to changed in voter registration which either made it easier or more difficicult for people to vote. http://www.brennancenter.org/voting-restrictions-first-time-2016
  21. Yes, the popular got it right but there is simply no reason it should have even been close. Trump is clearly a lying narcissist who at no point presented a coherent plan to govern. Even people who supported him, even ones on this forum, concede as much. It reflects very poorly on our society that Trump was able to get 62 million votes. The electoral college isn't the problem in my opinion. Any system only works if it is exercised correctly. Voter surpression deteriorated the electoral's ability to matter. Conservatives in nurmerous states do passed various laws and election regulations with the purpose in mind of make voting difficult as possible without being so obvious as to get overruled by courts. Even then we see courts forced to rule against individual state voiting laws. The electoral college is manipulated. It still comes back to the education of voters though. We (citizens) accept these changes to the rules that erode democracy and steal elections. The electoral process can work. We (citizens) must care about everyones right to vote first. Without that no form of democracy can function.
  22. An educated populace is vital to of our democracy. Ironically our society has never been as highly educated or had as many resources for information as we currently do yet Congress is historically disfunctional and we have a POTUS whom is dangerously unfit. In 1940 less than 5% of the total poulation had a 4yrs degree. By 1980 that number was up into the high teens. Today over a third of the population has at leat a 4yrs degree. So we are messurably more educated per the standard we use for education. As for news, people once relied on regional radio and newspapers alone. Options limit to just a couple of each per region, if there were options at all. The news consumed was typically a day or more old too considering the time it took to gather info, write the reports, and then distribute. By the 1980 we had live TV and cable news that report 24/7. People were no longer stuck consuming regional news. A person living in rural Nevada could watch live news from New York, Chicago, Miami, Dallas, or etc. And today we have the internet and smartphone. I can receive international news 24/7 directly to the smartphone in my pocket while walking down the street. So how is it we are here? Congressional approval ratings are at 20% and have consistantly been below 30% for at least a decaded. When polled the majority of people have said the country is on the wrong track for over a decade as well. Now we just elected a POTUS whom is already polling with higher disapproval than approval and the inauguration was just a month ago. Collectively we (U.S. population) don't seem to be making better choices about democracy despite huge increases in things (press and education) considered critical to a functional democracy. Either we overestimate the importance of free press and education or we are not actually experiencing the increases we assume. I would argue the later.
  23. No one who reasons with facts would have voted for Trump in the first place in my opinion. We are talking about people who watched Trump lie, plainly lie with little no nuance, for over a year and still voted for him. We are also talking about people who broadly don't believe in things like Climate Change and Evolution. Facts simply are not game changers to them. Then there is the issue of media. Conservatives and liberals are informed by very different types of media. The gym I go to most morning attempts to be neutral by having every TV in the place on a different news channel. So depending on what I am doing I am within ear shot of MSNBC, CNN, FoxNews, or various local stations. FoxNews is pure propaganda far as I can tell. They defend every Trump lie while casting doubts on Trump's detractors with a combination of false equivalencies, conspiracy theories, and urban legands. It is actually frightening such nonsense is considered news to a healthy percentage of the population. CNN and MSNBC attempt to correct the record but force themselves to give Trump apologists nearly equal time out of a immature understand of fairness. Proportionately of air time is based on bothsides of an issue taking turns and not any sort of ratio based on truth. Meanwhile the local channels do everything they can to avoid politicals and report everything everyone says as its own island of truth and moves on. Only someone who has a desire to knows things and seeks out information is being informed. Trump supporters currently are not seeking out information. I don't see that changing. Hillary Clinton won 3 million more votes and it wasn't enough. Obama won 5 million more than Romney in 12' and it was enough. However, In key states like WI, OH, MI, and etc Obama only won by a couple hundred thousand votes. Trump will get 62 million votes again in 2020. To beat Trump Democrats with need about a million more votes than they got in 2016 spred across WI, PA, MI, OH, and FL. It won't come from flipping Trump supporters. Democrats will need to increase turnout in those states, most of which saw a drop in 2016.
  24. It is too early to say. All his voter fraud talk may (probably will) lead to more voter supression. And after this past electionwhere we saw congressional investigations and a FBI investigation against a major party Candidate through the whole campiagn I think it is safe to assume that tactic will be used again. Senators Warren and Booker will quickly find themselves embroiled in partisan manifested scandals soon as they acknowledge an interest in a 2020 bid. Meanwhile the 62 or so million people who voted for Trump in 2016 will vote for him again. Clearly facts are meaningless to them.
  25. Trump knows that so long as his lies feel true to his supporter than they will not care he is lying. Sure, maybe there wasn't a terror attack in Sweden last night but there have been terror attacks in the world over the last few months and that is the bigger point his supporters focus on. The message is that terror is a problem and white people, specifically, are dying because of Islam. It is a message conservatives on the right believe and respond to. Rather than mentioning the real terror attack in Pakistan that killed more than 80 people this week Trump made up a terror attack that happened in Sweden because he knows his crowd would relate more viscerally to the image of Swedes than Pakistanis.
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