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Ten oz

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Everything posted by Ten oz

  1. *Disclaimer* I am an electrician not a genealogist. If we assume evolution is true (which I do) than all humans are one species with a common ancestor. That common ancestor is believed to have arisen on the continent of Africa. As such all humans have genes from those darker haired, tanned skin, brown eyed ancestors. So even a child born with blue eyes from blue eyed parents carriers brown eyed genes. So in biracial children the math isn't straight forward as 50/50. All humans are ultimately related if we go far enough back and we mix the batch everytime we mate so isolating the odds of which traits should appear and when is tough.
  2. What is an appropriate definition/bar for superior when comparing species? Many species have existed much longer and in more abundance than have humans. Does that make those species superior? Void of a goal or purpose I don't believe anything can be classified as superior. So unless a motive for all life is attached to the question "are humans superior" there is no context in which to answer the question. If I were to ask if gold is the most superior metal the question would be meaningless without indicating for what purpose. Gold may be superior to other metals if the purpose is to conduct electricity but inferior if the purpose is to make a hammer.
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